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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. Walk in to pick up the pizza and there's this cute guy at the counter and I'm like fkskbdknsabfkdnnnnnn...

    1. Bearadactyl


      It's even more awkward when they're delivering your pizza and you're standing there in pajamas.

    2. SapphireSkyWillow
    3. Godot


      What he said :P

  2. Fuuuuuuck you. I know I'm not perfect. Shut the fuck up. Asswipe.

  3. And when he leaves you for dead, you'll be the last to know...

  4. Friend- "Most guys find insecure girls more 'attractive' and usually go for them." Me- "Then why am I still single? Oh yeah..."

  5. So. I've actually wanted to do a Nuzlocke for a while but have never had thr motivation to do it. But now that I see a bunch of people do it I'm like lajdleklanodjeksjdo Motivation. I really don't know what game to do. Either SoulSilver or Diamond. I'm leaning towards SS cuz I have it restarted from my failed attempt at a BQ, and my Diamond is sonewhere in the E4 or something like that. I don't know. I'm sorry. :c So, the rules for my Nuzlocke are: ~Must use first Pokemon that appears on the route, and you can't go back. ~This rule streatches the first one. You can to back, but it has to be a different time of day. But that's it. One day pokemon, one night pokemon, route done. Can't catch any more. ~Use the Pokemon Centre only once at each town. ~Pokemon must be nicknamed. ~Starter can be revived multiple times (leave me alone ok :c) but any other fainted Pokemon must be put in the Death box. ~Allowed to switch Pokmon out of box ONLY if switching Pokemon is at full health. ~Legendaries must be caught within the first 7 attempts (What, I like the number 7), or else they're unusable. ~All battle count against Pokemon status. I'll edit this later. I'm on my phone. Meh. c: ~Sapphire
  6. Fuck you I feel like doing a Nuzlocke now. :c I dunno for what though. Either SoulSilver (since I restarted it) or Diamond. I really wanna do SS now cuz I don't feel like starting Diamond over :c

  7. Have fun. Personally, I do the 'One time Pokemon Centre per town' thing, but that's me.
  8. Looks like I'm not going online tonight...

  9. Why the fuck am I crying again? I thought I stopped trying to care...

  10. jsnbdkfbksbxkbdkd Jupiter Djinn are so cute I want one :c

  11. I'm sad that I finished the first Golden Sun GB game, but I can't find the second one fucking anywhere...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashka
    3. SapphireSkyWillow


      ...no, I can buy it anywhere :c

    4. Godot


      Now you will never know whether Felix and Sheba died or not

  12. I feel like people are stalking me. So many people visted my profile today >_>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cyrus


      The circle continues.

    3. Ysera


      Tell me about it.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      jskdkdnjavkdbdks *boom*

  13. New Avatar, because I fucking love this game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Fush
    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Golden Sun <3 +9001

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      This game was the first game I ever played. I fucking love it.

  14. Stupid song bringing back memories that shouldn't matter anymore...

  15. Just how I love to spend my day: Crying. Yay.

  16. Just what I need...people talking about me. What's funnier is that they think I don't know...

    1. Neo


      Or that you think they care, but *shrug*

    2. SapphireSkyWillow
  17. Well then. Nice way to start off my morning by having someone call and tell me that someone's dead...

  18. Do I really have to tell you? I mean you basically know everything. Well, sit I suppose. Silver. You're my best friend, and I tell you everything. I can trust you with anything, and I know you won't tell anyone. I've known you for almost a year now. And through that hear we've been through so much. Yes...we've been through some pretty fucked up stuff. Remember that big fight we had? Holy hell, it was horrid. I think I didn't talk to you for weeks. But that was because I felt more like and idiot than anything else. But that was a along time ago. And anyways. God I have so much to say but too lazy to type it. We're going to meet one day, and go get everyone and be like, Fuck you, we're awesome and on a roadtrip with a bunch of random interned people. c: Oh. And your fucking voice. Ksjhjcksbkbkcksblfnckdklksknckcjdo I fucking love it. Hslhxdhkxkslbskdjxkdvdkdbdkdbdbd Ok I'm done. <3 Now shoo.
  19. I'd love to start streaming, but sadly, i don't know how. Plus I think I need a microphone. Which I don't have. Fuckig hell. I'm clueless.

  20. jdjdhhxjjsnxjbfj Xiph you motherfucker I hate you <3

  21. What if I just...vanished...?

  22. Starving myself isn't a bad idea...I mean look at me, I can live off myself for a week or 3.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joker


      If you want to lose weight. All you have to do is exercise. Starving yourself won't accomplish anything, and is just not healthy.

    3. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      ^ This. Exercise for the win. Jogging, pushups, sit ups, whatever. Starving yourself is a horrible way to lose weight, then you look like one of those ugly models who are more bone then skin. Exercising is a bit slower on results yes, but it's much healthier and builds confidence.

    4. Godot


      ^kaito, Phoenix, Xiph, Miku... you guys are awesome...

      But ya... I would say pretty much everything they said... only thing I will add is that eating right is a good thing too, it gives you energy to go and excersice and things like that

  23. Someone made the thread before me?! :c Well, happy birthday Rj! c: I was going to draw your something but I didn't have time...:c I'll do something. Have an awesome birthday man c:
  24. Sapphire Rose just...stopped trying to care...

  25. Soon as LoL is fully updated: GO DO THE DISHES CLEAN THE GOUSE RRAWRRR And I'm like fffffffffff...

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