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Status Updates posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. And I fucked up yet again, didn't I...

  2. Whoop. Yame amkes the beat censors xD

  3. Hahahah...I give up...I'm about to...snap...

  4. I didn't mean it...

  5. Hey look I'm actually in a good mood.

  6. So I'll act like nothing happened...

  7. Sapphire Rose vanished from exsistance...

    1. Maelstrom


      at the end of a long, rewarding life. The end.

      I QQ at these happy endings.

  8. H...hahah...hah...I-I can't...get through this....I-I wish I could tell you but I...can't...

    1. Maelstrom


      Sounds like me doing a long distance run.

  9. Sapphire Rose tried to sew up her broken heart and make it through this hell...

  10. I beat Sigmund! Sapphire died of happinss but was then shocked~

    1. Summer


      if you're dead wouldn't you not feel shocked??

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      Logic, there is none.

  11. I wanted to dye my hair rainbow colors for the gays, but she said no...:c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I will find a way to do it too...

    3. Bearadactyl


      What they don't know won't hurt them. Do it without consent, in the privacy of your dungeon...

      Everyone has one of those, right?

    4. SapphireSkyWillow
  12. Sapphire Rose jumped off a cliff before RJ could do anything~

  13. Solike. I have another project. But I dun wanna do it...fuck. No motovation.

  14. Sapphire Rose died of the black blood tainting her broken heart...

  15. So I may have fallen asleep while on the phone with Silver...

  16. Talked to Silver on the phone. Poor guy understood none of me and my friends nonsense c:

  17. Nightmares. Yay...

  18. Sapphire Rose was stripped of her feathers and killed...~

    1. Shanco


      You make me out to be so demonic, I swear...

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I mever said you killed me silly~

  19. Whenever I talk to Bennett, I feel like, ultra fancy. I also imagine him with a British accent...xD

    1. Ysera


      Except when he's just lost. His company won't be so nice.

    2. Noivy


      His company was never nice. Especially to me. <_<

  20. Another field trip. All starts this time. I have to sing a bunch of song meeehhhhhh

  21. I'll be putting on a fake smile for a while...so if I seem more sensative than usual, I apologize...

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