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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. ksjgdkcklahdkxnkalbdkf Fuck you. c:

  2. ...downloaded LoL...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow



      Just took a while to update so it didn't update all the way before I got off.

    3. Summer


      another one joins the dark side

    4. Maelstrom


      Saph has acquired the Hermit Arcana.

  3. Writing an Edge x Edge fic. No joke.

  4. What the actual fuck did I just do

  5. This. Yes. Get Out Alive in my pants. ... ...I'm not that bad am I? :c
  6. HARK NO YOUR BEAUTIFUL HAIR :c The world has officially ended gg no re
  7. Sapphire Rose turned into nothing...

  8. (21:00:34) Adam Gontier: I'M BUSTY OKAY AND I HAVE ITALIAN FOOD ....ok Silver...Italian food doesn't make people busty...
  9. Sometimes I think I care too much for people who probably don't care about me at all...

  10. Oh, hello Princess Luna. Sit... ...actually, I don't have much to say about you, because I haven't really talked to you. But props for liking PL. Love her. Bye~ Aye, Owen. Sit sit. Owen, you're a very nice guy and, I know me and you don't talk alot, but I can see you're a fun guy and have a good personality. You're also really good at battling, might I add. Shoo~ ....uh....sit down? Will I love how you draw. You're a very skilled man. You can draw a million times better than I can, and I can see you getting a manga published one of these days, and I look forward to reading it. Speaking of that, I need to go read the latest released pages of +I... Au Revoir~ I'm not a wizard. But, sit. Xiiiph. Omg hi. So uhm. We've talked a bit on the server, and you're an awesome guy. Also really funny. Even though I have no idea why people call you Xiph but I still call you that anyways. Cuz. y'know, I wanna fit in and be cool. Yeah. Shoo. Sit down, Tony. Tooooooooony. Hi. c: You're like one of my best friends. You're so fun to talk to. You're a really funny guys, and I really need to meet you one day :c I'd give you the biggest hug evarrrrrr. <3 I met you on the first day I came to the server and you were so nice to me. c: You can leave now~ Oh, look, It's Rj. Please, sit down. Rj, You're my favorite auth/mod/whateverthehellyouare. Why? Because you're awesome and I can actually start a decent conversation with you. You're an awesome person and, even though I haven't known you long, I consider you a good friend. I don't know how you consider me but, oh well. I like talking to you. And stahp taking away my cliffs. I like jumping off them. :c Anyways. You're awesome ok? Even though you can be a little hard at times it's not all that bad. Remember that time I made you laugh? ....no? Ok...:c And, I'm a sad person, ok? I'm sorry I bring all the sad. Just shoot me with the Quartz Gun. I deserve it. Go. Now. Shoot. Take away all the sad. Take it all away by killing meeee. And I still don't know how you thought I was your age; 18. Why did you think that? Well, uhm. Ok. Uhm. Er. I'm done. Au Revoir mon ami~ Ryan, sit sit. Ryan, you're another one of my close friends. I fucking love you ((as a friend)). You're fun to talk to even though you know, murder me alot in battles. :c BUT I BEAT YOU ONCE. Like, over the weekend I think. I felt accomplished for once. c: You haven't been on as usual :c That makes me sad. You should drop your Social Life and stay on more. Jkjk. ily man. ....No, really. I don't know. Thank you, Miku. Sit. Well, uhm. I don't really personally know you. But, I do like the Vocaloid Miku Hatsune. So, er. Hi. c: Dismissed. ....what the fuck? Eh, sit down. Jory! c: You're also one of my best friends, and you're awesome. I thanked you for that Chandy set right? And I love how you love Cinccino. It's fucking amazing. Cinccino swepp. Hell yeah. But, anyways, You're awesome kay? c: Shooshoo~ Kai! Sit down. Kai, You're an awesome guy. I love how you control your emotions and don't let people on the server get to you. You're very straightforward with your words, and if you don't like something you'll tell someone you don't like it. That's a really good thing about you. Come back soon ok c: Bye~
  11. I worry a little too much sometimes...

  12. Edge, Come sit down. Edge, you're one of my favorite auths/mods/owners whatever the hell you are D:< But regardless. You're a very nice guy and have a sense of humor unlike most of you and I can actually start a decent conversation with you. c: And for some reason your voice puts me to sleep. I remember watching you stream like a month ago and I dozed off >_> And when you said hi to me I was like ':o I fell speshullllllllll~' c: Oh. You and your OTPs man. Gatta love the way you do that. And I will go down to NY and find the Wendy's that you work and and be all like, "Hey :o" Just cuz I can. >w< I'd make a joke about pushing you off the Eternal Edge but I won't. Go go~ Inu, just so you won't randomly sit and then leave *ties you to chair* There >_> Inuuuuuuuu, hey. You're awesome man. It's kinda funny, because I didn't really know you, and then we became friends somehow. I don't remember what I said but it might've had something to do with hugs. Regardless, You're a nice guy and fun to be around. But you randomly /d all the time before I get to talk to you and it makes me saaaaad. :c Now you may go. Sit, sit. ...I don't really now you, and I never see you on the servers. So uhm...hi. Bye. Shiri, hello. SIt down. I really have fun talking to you. I remember, I never even knew you, and we became like best friends in the first hour on the server that day you were on. You perclaimed I was "More insane than you" and you said that wasn't possible. I was all like ">_> Ok then..." Whoop. Just ranting now. Well. Uh. Anyways. I miss you. Get on the server soon :c Gummy~ Sit down~ Yes, you're right, I did have a nightmare about you not to long ago, actually. It was strange and sorta terrifying, but eh. That's nothing now~ You're like, one of my best friends. I love talking to you and we've had fun together. You cheer me up when I'm sad a lot and that makes me happy. c: Shoo~ Drop down and give me 20. Kidding. Sit, sit. Mael. Hi. Um. I honestly don't know what to say about you, damnit. We haven't talked a lot since last time you came on the server...we should talk more :c You're a nice guy, and are fun to talk to. And I like your bio. Who inspired you? Well, anyways, you should get on the server soon so we can talk. *raises scythe* Leave~
  13. You ate the chair you needed to in.Asshole. Just kidding. Well, sit on the floor, perhaps. Pocky darling. You are just something else. While being my age, you do have a good sense of humor and good battling skills. Even though for some reason you think I destroy everyone. Didn't I spam Hidden Power on you? Or, maybe that was Aaron. Actually, that was Aaron. But anyways, you're a good guy and fun to talk to. Just stay out of my private channel unless I invite you, or else you'll get a stick to the face, kay? <3 Now shoo. Hello there. You're new to me. Sit, sit.Now I've seen you around on the server sometimes. I just havn't had a decent conversation with you. I suck at starting conversations, mind you. Just a nature of mine that I can't help. Well, that's all I have. Dismissed. EDIT: Oh, Welcome Palutena. Sit down. I don't really know you, and I don't believe I've seen you on the server. Mm...this is hard. You seem like a knowledgeable person. I wish I could say more about you, but I'm all out. Up up, go back to your temple.
  14. Summer? Alright, come sit. To be honest, I don't know very much about you. By what I've seen you're a nice person, and you care about your friends. I'd like to get to know you more, and I hope we can become good friends. That's all I have to say, dismissed~
  15. Stayed home today, mouth hurts alot...

    1. Epic C

      Epic C

      Hope it gets better soon~ ;)

  16. Ah, yes, Phoenix, sit down... Now you, you are a good man. Responsible, doing a good job at keeping others in check. While you may come off as cold sometimes, you're good hearted. You do seem to keep your emotions compressed, but that may be just myself, because I haven't been here long. From my perspective you keep more of a serious tone, but do joke around sometimes. I have spoken. Arise, and good day, Phoe~
  17. *sits down in her chair with the Almighty Stick Of Doom* Now now, why are you here? Oh, you want to know what I think of you? What you mean to me? Alright, sit down. *pats chair beside her* Let me tell you...
  18. Sapphire Rose looked around, then sprinted off the cliff for her life.

  19. I finally won, yess... Ryan should pay me jkjk   Battle between Sapphire Rose and [星] Shanco started! Tier: OverUsed Mode: Singles Rule: Unrated Sapphire Rose sent out Phantom! (Chandelure) [星] Shanco sent out Swampert! Start of turn 1 Phantom used Energy Ball! It's super effective! Blast is watching the battle. The foe's Swampert lost 100% of its health! The foe's Swampert fainted! [星] Shanco sent out Salamence! Sapphire Rose: oh ok Start of turn 2 The foe's Salamence used Dragon Dance! The foe's Salamence's Attack rose! The foe's Salamence's Speed rose! Phantom used Hidden Power! It's super effective! The foe's Salamence hung on using its Focus Sash! The foe's Salamence lost 99% of its health! Blast stopped watching the battle. [星] Shanco: Aight, that's enough of you, Chandy. Start of turn 3 The foe's Salamence used Earthquake! It's super effective! Sapphire Rose: nuuuuu Phantom lost 262 HP! (100% of its health) Phantom fainted! The foe's Salamence's Attack rose! Sapphire Rose sent out YokoKurama! (Lucario) Start of turn 4 YokoKurama used ExtremeSpeed! The foe's Salamence lost 0% of its health! The foe's Salamence fainted! [星] Shanco sent out Sawk! Start of turn 5 YokoKurama used ExtremeSpeed! The foe's Sawk lost 40% of its health! The foe's Sawk used Close Combat! It's super effective! YokoKurama lost 282 HP! (100% of its health) YokoKurama fainted! The foe's Sawk's Defense fell! The foe's Sawk's Sp. Def. fell! Sapphire Rose sent out Bob! (Forretress) Start of turn 6 The foe's Sawk used Close Combat! Bob lost 156 HP! (53% of its health) The foe's Sawk's Defense fell! The foe's Sawk's Sp. Def. fell! Bob used Gyro Ball! The foe's Sawk lost 59% of its health! The foe's Sawk fainted! Bob restored a little HP using its Leftovers! [星] Shanco sent out Azelf! Start of turn 7 The foe's Azelf used Nasty Plot! The foe's Azelf's Sp. Att. sharply rose! Bob used Gyro Ball! A critical hit! The foe's Azelf lost 100% of its health! The foe's Azelf fainted! Bob restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Sapphire Rose: oh Sapphire Rose: ok [星] Shanco sent out Thundurus! Start of turn 8 The foe's Thundurus used Thunder Wave! Bob is paralyzed! It may be unable to move! Bob used Gyro Ball! It's not very effective... The foe's Thundurus lost 37% of its health! The foe's Thundurus restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Bob restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 9 The foe's Thundurus used Volt Switch! Bob lost 124 HP! (42% of its health) [星] Shanco called Thundurus back! [星] Shanco sent out Tentacruel! Bob used Gyro Ball! It's not very effective... A critical hit! The foe's Tentacruel lost 48% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Bob restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 10 The foe's Tentacruel used Scald! Bob lost 82 HP! (28% of its health) Bob is paralyzed! It can't move! The foe's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Bob restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 11 The foe's Tentacruel used Scald! Bob lost 20 HP! (6% of its health) Bob fainted! The foe's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Sapphire Rose sent out Sniffles! (Cinccino) [星] Shanco: OH GOD NO Start of turn 12 Sniffles used Rock Blast! A critical hit! The foe's Tentacruel lost 13% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 6% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 6% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 6% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 7% of its health! Sapphire Rose: <3 Hit 5 time(s)! The foe's Tentacruel used Scald! Sniffles lost 115 HP! (39% of its health) The foe's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Black Sludge! Start of turn 13 Sniffles used Rock Blast! The foe's Tentacruel lost 7% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 6% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 7% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 6% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel lost 6% of its health! The foe's Tentacruel fainted! Hit 5 time(s)! [星] Shanco: KILL IT [星] Shanco sent out Thundurus! Sapphire Rose: nooooo Start of turn 14 Sniffles used Rock Blast! It's super effective! The foe's Thundurus lost 23% of its health! The foe's Thundurus lost 22% of its health! The foe's Thundurus lost 22% of its health! Sapphire Rose: <3 A critical hit! The foe's Thundurus lost 1% of its health! The foe's Thundurus fainted! Hit 4 time(s)! Sapphire Rose won the battle! Sapphire Rose: .... [星] Shanco: Hm, I have some further investigation to do. I guess I'll see you next week if not sooner? [星] Shanco: NO [星] Shanco: well then [星] Shanco: gg Sapphire Rose: gg. The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.
  20. Hey, you, bitch over there. Please tell me....how....am I....a fucking 'Ratcheg Whore' When I've never had a fucking boyfriend? Or maybe you thought I was a mirror? Yeah. Fuck you. I mean, I could say worse things about her, but I'm censoring myself for your own good and surpressing my rage. I don't want to like...birn your eyes out with all my angry cussing.
  21. Just ganna sit here and sulk in a corner...

  22. Some people have different humor tastes. Me and Yame found it funny at the moment. Fuck you >;c
  23. Sapphire Rose's petals ran out...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      One such as myself cannot love one such as yourself~

    3. Epic C

      Epic C

      Aw. i love you too Sapphie <3

    4. SapphireSkyWillow
  24. No idea what I should draw....

  25. (19:52:15) Silver: y'all bitches gettin di\ementia now (19:52:26) Pocky: What dd he do Yams (19:52:31) Pocky: did* (19:52:38) Yame: why is Tinky and Pocks the only normal ones? (19:52:46) Yame: His traps and shit. (19:52:51) Yame: Fell off the edge (19:52:52) King Tink: Normal what? (19:52:57) Sapphire Rose: The... (19:53:02) *** Sapphire Rose puts on sunglasses *** (19:53:09) Sapphire Rose: Eternal Edge?
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