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Status Updates posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. RJ stahp changing my naaaaame :c

    1. Brave


      I didn't change your name; just the names of all the auth.

  2. Fuck it. Ganna go draw my fucking anger out. Ugh.

  3. Hahah, no. I don't do oral presentations.

  4. I don't have the strength to go to schooooool

  5. Because RJ decides to stick up up into another atmosphere to punish me. :c

  6. I love how these people talk about me infront of my face and tell the whole fucking world about how I have problems and i'm not pretty and stuff. It's all true but no need to tell the world about it. Where are my razors? Havn't used them in a while...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I've honestly tried for the longest I can. I haven't cared about what they've had to say since last year, but honestly, it's starting to get to me.

    3. Bearadactyl


      Don't let it.

      That's all there is to it.

      Just keep the mentality that no matter what they say to you, you're better than them.

      You haven't lowered yourself to such a level, so why should it matter what they have say?

      They're nothing to you. They will never affect your life in an adverse way.

      What they have to say, are nothing more than the hollowed words of human trash.

    4. Diana


      Saph, you know you font need to give any amount of fuck to what people say.

      Just care about what your friends say.

      Like us. Don't give a fuck about the the people who don't matter, just pay attention to those who do.

  7. If...if you love someone, you should tell them before they're gone...but...but what if it isn't right?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shanco


      ^ basically what I said, worded better.

    3. Diana


      Basically all the above. If its what I think it is, then go tell him before its too late.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Actually, no, it isn't who you think Silver...

  8. Being unable to tell someone you love them, it bring me to tears...~

  9. I still havn't gotten my Modest Snivy and I'm too stubborn to give up :P

  10. Wow, I am so fucking stupid.

    1. Diana


      What happened?

  11. I don't know what Starter to choose. I'd choose Serperior but Contrary doesn't work. :c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Fush

      The Fush

      Emboar is Emboarnandorf

    3. SapphireSkyWillow


      *coughs*Idon'tlikeEmboar*cough* Well damnit. I got Contrary but not the Nature I wanted. Fudge.

    4. Ashka


      Wouldn't make too big a deal out of it if I were you, anything works for in-game and if you really want to streamline your pokes later on you can breed for what you want.

  12. My reborn game isn't opening. Fuck I broke it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pocky
    3. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      Is a error message popping up when you're trying to open it?

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Nevermind, it mas my own self. I got it to work.

  13. You know, I always though stereotypes were a little rediculous. So I wrote a song about them...and it goes a lil' somethin' like this:

    Hahah, You know I'm just playin', I love all of you guys. <333
  14. How the hell to people expect me to be perfect all the time? I have problems that I keep bottled up inside, ok? Stop bringing me past my breaking point, I don't like to cry in public...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pocky


      In a beer bottle i can get drunk with by drinking only one?

    3. Maelstrom


      I'm human, deal with it.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      ...guys I love you c: It wasn't any of you. Trust me.

  15. I feel like the littlest bit of nothing to you now...~

  16. What is love?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I saw this coming a million miles away.

    3. Diana


      Written in the stars, a million miles away~

    4. Ikaru


      An intense feeling of deep affection, or, as a verb- Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to.

  17. My trainer card updated...but it won't show that it did. Is it still broken?

  18. I'm on the server now~

  19. Fffff...this week is going to be hell...

  20. HOLY FUCK. Slenderman almost got me. Save me Dx

  21. Won't be on tonight...not on the mood, really...too upset about something...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diana


      This. Also you know how I am.

    3. Shanco


      This. I'm all ears, Sapph.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Alright. Thanks guys.

  22. I get on the server all excited. And then Ryan doesn't talk to me :c

    1. Shanco


      I should change my name to senpai

    2. Diana


      lol'd so much at this

  23. I'll be on tomorrow guys. I'm not dead yet.

    1. Shanco
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I tried to get on last night but I couldn't :c

  24. I spent my time on editing my profile. DO I get a reward? No? Fine :c

  25. Because when people hurt you and make you bleed, they don't deserved to be punished. Alright. Whatever.

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