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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. How the hell to people expect me to be perfect all the time? I have problems that I keep bottled up inside, ok? Stop bringing me past my breaking point, I don't like to cry in public...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pocky


      In a beer bottle i can get drunk with by drinking only one?

    3. Maelstrom


      I'm human, deal with it.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      ...guys I love you c: It wasn't any of you. Trust me.

  2. I feel like the littlest bit of nothing to you now...~

  3. (20:05:39) Pocky: Who wants to see my drawing (20:05:40) Pocky: c: (20:06:48) Thepksjrtv: not me (20:07:01) +Ikaru: ok sure (20:07:43) Sapphire Rose: I do c: (20:07:55) Pocky: http://i.imgur.com/YJ4qdVo.jpg (20:08:33) Thepksjrtv: hax (20:08:43) Sapphire Rose: omgitssokawaii<3 (20:10:07) Sapphire Rose: Nice job Pocky c: (20:10:16) Pocky: it's rushed tho (20:10:23) Pocky: but thanks (20:10:44) Sapphire Rose: It's so adoreable owo (20:10:59) Dark Desire: Pocky4RebornArtist (20:11:26) Sapphire Rose: But but but (20:11:32) Sapphire Rose: We have Will! (20:12:40) [11] Epic C: Pocky is best artist (20:12:57) Sapphire Rose: Pocky and Will should have a draw off (20:13:07) Dark Desire: to the death > (20:13:22) Sapphire Rose: ^^^^^ (20:13:32) Pocky: nopenopenopenopenopenope (20:13:39) Pocky: i lose gg surrender at 20 (20:14:01) Casablanca: But we could do it Colosseum style! D: (20:14:13) Sapphire Rose: LOL Pocky xD
  4. What is love?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I saw this coming a million miles away.

    3. diana


      Written in the stars, a million miles away~

    4. Ikaru


      An intense feeling of deep affection, or, as a verb- Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to.

  5. My trainer card updated...but it won't show that it did. Is it still broken?

  6. I'm on the server now~

  7. Fffff...this week is going to be hell...

  8. HOLY FUCK. Slenderman almost got me. Save me Dx

  9. Won't be on tonight...not on the mood, really...too upset about something...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diana


      This. Also you know how I am.

    3. Shanco


      This. I'm all ears, Sapph.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Alright. Thanks guys.

  10. I get on the server all excited. And then Ryan doesn't talk to me :c

    1. Shanco


      I should change my name to senpai

    2. diana


      lol'd so much at this

  11. The things me and Silver say when we battle... JORY HE DISSED CINCCINO :c Battle between Silver and Sapphire Rose started! Tier: OverUsed Mode: Singles Rule: Unrated Rule: Sleep Clause Rule: Freeze Clause Rule: Species Clause Silver sent out Mindfreak! (Alakazam) Sapphire Rose sent out Royale! (Serperior) Hakumen is watching the battle. Start of turn 1 Sapphire Rose called Royale back! Sapphire Rose sent out NightFang! (Hydreigon) The foe's Mindfreak used Psychic! It had no effect on NightFang! Sapphire Rose: HAHAHAHAHAH Sapphire Rose: HAHAH Silver: no. Sapphire Rose: HAH Start of turn 2 Silver called Mindfreak back! Silver sent out Titania! (Scizor) NightFang used Draco Meteor! It's not very effective... The foe's Titania lost 41% of its health! Silver: GUESS WHAT NightFang's Sp. Att. sharply fell! NightFang restored its stats using White Herb! Start of turn 3 NightFang used Flamethrower! It's super effective! The foe's Titania's Occa Berry weakened Flamethrower's power! The foe's Titania lost 58% of its health! The foe's Titania fainted! Silver: ... Sapphire Rose: Mhm. Silver: MOTHER Silver: FUCKING Silver: OCCA Silver: BERRY Silver sent out DarkDesire! (Rotom-W) Sapphire Rose: DOES Sapphire Rose: NOTHING Sapphire Rose: FOR Sapphire Rose: YOU Start of turn 4 NightFang used Charge Beam! The foe's DarkDesire lost 20% of its health! The foe's DarkDesire used Hidden Power! It's super effective! NightFang lost 174 HP! (53% of its health) The foe's DarkDesire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 5 Sapphire Rose called NightFang back! Sapphire Rose sent out Bob! (Forretress) The foe's DarkDesire used Hidden Power! It's not very effective... Bob lost 39 HP! (13% of its health) The foe's DarkDesire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Bob restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 6 The foe's DarkDesire used Rain Dance! It started to rain! Bob used Stealth Rock! Pointed stones float in the air around Silver's team! Rain continues to fall. The foe's DarkDesire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Bob restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 7 The foe's DarkDesire used Hydro Pump! Bob lost 289 HP! (98% of its health) Bob fainted! Rain continues to fall. The foe's DarkDesire restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Sapphire Rose sent out Sniffles! (Cinccino) Silver: OH FUCKING KO Start of turn 8 Sniffles used Bullet Seed! It's super effective! A critical hit! The foe's DarkDesire lost 39% of its health! The foe's DarkDesire lost 18% of its health! The foe's DarkDesire lost 19% of its health! The foe's DarkDesire lost 19% of its health! Silver: fuck that The foe's DarkDesire lost 2% of its health! The foe's DarkDesire fainted! Hit 5 time(s)! Rain continues to fall. Sapphire Rose: <3 Silver sent out Xiphera! (Dragonite) Pointed stones dug into the foe's Xiphera! Start of turn 9 Sniffles used Rock Blast! It's super effective! The foe's Xiphera lost 16% of its health! Silver: die Silver: die The foe's Xiphera lost 16% of its health! Silver: die The foe's Xiphera lost 16% of its health! Silver: die The foe's Xiphera lost 14% of its health! The foe's Xiphera lost 11% of its health! The foe's Xiphera fainted! Hit 5 time(s)! Rain continues to fall. Silver: fuck you sniffles Sapphire Rose: NOPE Silver: you and your rat family Silver sent out Mindfreak! (Alakazam) Silver: FOCUSSSSS Sapphire Rose: OH FUCK NO> Silver: MISSSSSSSSS Sapphire Rose: DON'T DISS MY MOTHER FUCKING CINCCINO Sapphire Rose: I'M TELLING JORY Start of turn 10 The foe's Mindfreak used Focus Blast! It's super effective! Sniffles lost 292 HP! (100% of its health) Sniffles fainted! The rain stopped. Silver: FOC- Silver: FOCUS MISS HITSD Sapphire Rose sent out Phantom! (Chandelure) Silver: THE WORLD Silver: IS Silver: ENDING Silver: OH FUCK MAN Silver: OH FUCK Start of turn 11 The foe's Mindfreak used Focus Blast! The attack of the foe's Mindfreak missed! Phantom used Shadow Ball! It's super effective! Silver: qqq The foe's Mindfreak lost 100% of its health! The foe's Mindfreak fainted! Sapphire Rose: THIS Sapphire Rose: IS Silver sent out Lucina! (Weavile) Pointed stones dug into the foe's Lucina! Sapphire Rose: FOR The foe's Lucina is exerting its Pressure! Silver: SPARTA Sapphire Rose: SNIFFLES Start of turn 12 The foe's Lucina used Night Slash! It's super effective! Silver: o this is patrick Phantom lost 262 HP! (100% of its health) Phantom fainted! Sapphire Rose sent out NightFang! (Hydreigon) Start of turn 13 The foe's Lucina used Low Kick! It's super effective! NightFang lost 152 HP! (46% of its health) NightFang fainted! Silver: COMEBACK Silver: GOGOGO Sapphire Rose: MOTHER FUCKING Sapphire Rose: CROTCH Sapphire Rose: KICK Silver: LUCINA OP Sapphire Rose sent out YokoKurama! (Lucario) Start of turn 14 The foe's Lucina used Low Kick! It's super effective! YokoKurama lost 250 HP! (88% of its health) YokoKurama used Swords Dance! YokoKurama's Attack sharply rose! Start of turn 15 YokoKurama used ExtremeSpeed! Silver: SURVI- The foe's Lucina lost 75% of its health! The foe's Lucina fainted! Sapphire Rose: Aww Silver: ok Flanthertin is watching the battle. Sapphire Rose: <3 Silver: fuck you lucario Flanthertin stopped watching the battle. Sapphire Rose: NO Sapphire Rose: FUCK YOU! Silver: fuck you and your Lucina-killing power Silver sent out Ivy! (Serperior) Pointed stones dug into the foe's Ivy! Hakumen: D: Sapphire Rose: I'm so saving this log Start of turn 16 YokoKurama used ExtremeSpeed! The foe's Ivy lost 69% of its health! Silver: TIME AND PLACE?! The foe's Ivy used Leaf Storm! It's not very effective... YokoKurama lost 31 HP! (11% of its health) YokoKurama fainted! The foe's Ivy's Sp. Att. sharply rose! Silver: lol69 Sapphire Rose: TONIGHT Silver: the coincidence Sapphire Rose: AT 10 Silver: is killing me Silver: oh shit Sapphire Rose: YEAH. Sapphire Rose sent out Royale! (Serperior) Silver: I BEST GET tO CT THEN Silver: DIE Silver: DIE Hakumen: Be nice to my daughter. D:< Silver: DIe Silver: DIE Silver: DIe Silver: Uhm Silver: I've known her Start of turn 17 The foe's Ivy used Hidden Power! It's super effective! Royale lost 226 HP! (77% of its health) Silver: for much, much longer Royale used Leaf Storm! It's not very effective... Sapphire Rose: lolfuckyou The foe's Ivy lost 18% of its health! The foe's Ivy fainted! Royale's Sp. Att. sharply rose! Sapphire Rose won the battle! Sapphire Rose: .... Sapphire Rose: <3333 Sapphire Rose: REMEMBER Hakumen: <3 Sapphire Rose: 10 Silver: than anone herer :c Silver: OK Sapphire Rose: SHARP Silver: GOT IT MAN Sapphire Rose: YEAH Sapphire Rose: RUN Silver: I'LL BRING THE HAT Sapphire Rose: ACROSS THE WATER Sapphire Rose: .... Sapphire Rose: YEAH Sapphire Rose: THE FUCKING HAT Sapphire Rose: ... Sapphire Rose: wait... Silver: AND THE WHIPED CREAM Sapphire Rose: xD The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.
  12. I'll be on tomorrow guys. I'm not dead yet.

    1. Shanco
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I tried to get on last night but I couldn't :c

  13. I spent my time on editing my profile. DO I get a reward? No? Fine :c

  14. Wait, nevermind. I was thinking of something totally different. Uhm, Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch ERRYTHING No, but seriously, get Sucker Punch on one of your Pokemon. That'll take care of Gengar. Gardevoir's Magical Leaf won't really do anything against her poison types, so...maybe replace it?
  15. Because when people hurt you and make you bleed, they don't deserved to be punished. Alright. Whatever.

  16. http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/603892_411802132250174_1799791384_n.jpg This is me before I cut my hair. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/562561_411802228916831_289690027_n.jpg Me after I cut my hair. My friend said I was pretty. I laughed and said, 'Funniest joke I've heard all day!'
  17. Fuck. I cracked my phone screen.

  18. So that's why I tripped and broke my phone screen...it was all Ame. It all makes sense now!
  19. I, uhm...might not be on for a while. I can't go on tonight, and depending on how things go, maybe not a week or 2...
  20. Silent tears streaming down my face, but I'm afraid to let anyone see...

  21. Can't get on the server tonight guys :c

  22. And by the time the hospitality comes, I'll already be gone...~

  23. Someone spike my v8.

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