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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. staying up all night and getting through 40 episodes of Hetalia because, who needs sleep?

  2. Hetaaaaaaliiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  3. If I jump into a nuclear reactor...~

    1. Voctrode


      you would be me

  4. Didn't sleep again, but this time it was my fault. Oops.

  5. Fuck, it's like, 6:00 in the morning and I'm not tired since I've been playing Vocamusic and writing random shit.

  6. Apparently I make my sammiches like a man....fuck yeah.

    1. Summer


      Usually it's the woman who makes sandwiches.

  7. My mouth is dyiiiing...

  8. Ugh, now I have elastics for my braces...

  9. Entering dA contests, and now I gatta write an 'Alice in Wonderland' replaced with Vocaloids...

  10. Eat your fears...and become fear itsself. I'll let the poison seep into my tongue...

  11. Silently....you creep....along...the tangents to my tongue...

  12. In this moment we trampled on our emotions of love, Our pain and turmoil is breaking god...War really means nothing more than our tears, will eventually run dry...

  13. In the Devil's Hand...

  14. Ja, I ship it, don't like it, then fine. >:c

  15. Fucking around with GIMP. Psh, I know what I'm doing...

  16. This Len clock is so cute <3

  17. As to why I haven't been on the server - I, uh...well...let's say, I, um, I fucked up.

    1. Cowtao


      What happened Rose?

  18. 90% of the reason I get up in the morning is because I have to pee.

  19. This is an awesome story! I wonder when it's ganna upda- *looks at last update - which was 3 years ago* .... *bangs head repeatedly against wall*

  20. Damnit, now I feel like staying up all night and writing. Stupid Inspiration.

  21. You foolish son of a bitch - You thought I didn't know?

  22. ...So I just noticed my member title - What the actual fuck?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wild Monkey

      Wild Monkey

      Somebody is a cruel and twisted individual..

    3. Amethyst


      Do you want me to revert it? The store option should not be used like that.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow
  23. ...crack fics. Wrote one. Feels good.


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