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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. So this bitch deags me outsise and I'm like qqqqqqqq

  2. Dana that's freakin' adorable qq So I attempted something new And I failed qq https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/s720x720/267226_445939112169809_1795059017_n.jpg Oliver: JAMES, SOMEONE TOOK MY HAT! T_/// https://photos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s720x720/270509_445939022169818_1994335624_n.jpg Random fans: So cute! Just like thay Ollie! Oliver: .... ((Save me...T_///)) I like the first one bettterrrrrrrr
  3. Just fuckin' woke up...not going anywhere today. Fuck that.

  4. Did someone just bring Ni No Kuni into this Mael whaaiiiiiiiii WHAAIIII I WANT THAT GAAAAAME qq brb drawing fanart of me blowing up the world with cotton candy But actually, that doesn't make sense. It is manmade, you're right...so...um...maybe someone dropped their cotton candy and it got possessed by the spirit of a happy little girl/boy perfect
  5. Cotton Candy Pokem...oh my god. I didn't even notice that before... It looks like a fucking pedobear. Now I'm definitely getting Y.
  6. Now that I spent a few minutes getting my life meaning through my signature, I can finally write. MOTIVATION, GOGOGO

    1. Maelstrom


      Arbitrary life meanings are arbitrary.

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I'd goggle the word arbitrary but I'm too lazy qq

  7. I swear, GameFreak is toying with me. I don't want all these pretty-pretty Fairy Pokemon, but yet, I wanna get Y. It seems as if all the fluffy pink Pokemon are in Y...well fuck it, I'm still getting it.
  8. *throws on some cloths* Fuck this, I'm ganna 'go outside' today. Wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow



    3. Ashka


      Wear a tapestry

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Can I hide in my sweatshirt qq

  9. If I sudden vanish then my head exploded from all these headaches + no sleep.

  10. Nng...Len I'm tired, put me to bed qq

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      Don't EVER call me Rin....I hate her...

    3. Ashka


      Rin seems to get the most hate out of any Vocaloid xD Why do people dislike her so much?

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      I dunno. I have my own personal reasons xD

  11. When the friend you're yelling at says you have a British accent when you yell...

    1. Garnet.


      That's hilarious. I wouldn't be able to take you seriously. xD

  12. I lost my appitie because those sick and horrifying memories came back...making me want to curl into a corner and die...

    1. Garnet.


      Dear Sapphire,

      You're cuter when you're upbeat, so cheer up quickly, okay?

      ~Love, Kida.

  13. Dear Spade, your profile picture. Love, a dead Rose.

    1. Garnet.


      Dear Sapphy-chan,

      Your profile picture is cute.

      -Love, Kida.

      p.s.: thanks. c:

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      *huffy breath* :I

    3. Garnet.


      Don't be that way, dear~

  14. I...Master, I...I am just your simple servent, a butler, whatever you wish to call me, M-Master...

  15. Doki doki is so fun to say.

  16. I'm cold blooded, yet I never get cold...

  17. I can't sleep...just as every other restless night...

  18. Master is feeling a touch fragile- I mean sensitive today...

  19. I do believe I should attend to Young Master now...

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