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About XexustheSilver

  • Birthday 01/13/1995

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. I played Where Love Lies, but I never saw the password to input for Riolu... the only password I saw mentioned at the end was Taelianora... and can't really enter that since the password is numeric... where did I miss it?
  3. In V10 I can't find Looker and Anabel in Darchlight Cave. I backtracked all the way and didn't stumble on them.
  4. Um... is this a bug? The Eevee I got from the Kimono Girls was shiny. Woo! But that's not what I'm asking about.... for some reason... this Eevee knows Transform... I'm going to assume this is a bug???
  5. Another darchlight mirror bug. None of the combinations I tried worked so I followed a youtube video and finally made the darchlight mirror. Nothing happens after making it, flora acts as though I'm clueless and haven't made it. There's this white rock I can interact with that switches things to the other dimension, but I can't do anything. I can quick save but that's it. Obviously if I can't do anything I'm not going to save though.
  6. @Alex you have akora forest still listed as the location for certain pokemon... unless theres a way to turn evergreen into akora that i dont know of o.o
  7. i believe morning would be anywhere from either 6 or 7 AM (06:00/07:00) to 11:59 (AM)
  8. Couple questions: is burmy supposed to have an obnoxiously low spawn rate on route 2? how do you get shedinja? i cant surf to it to interact with it.... thinking of trying sweet scent or honey to attract it. i'll edit this post if it work. edit: didnt work... guess i'll just stare at it from behind for a while to see if that works.... reference it's dex entry seeing as akora forest is still listed as having pokemon in the master post here... how do we turn evergreen forest into akora forest?
  9. hmm... and you are sure you haven't talked to him before? ... did you check the location that's supposed to be there before and after? just in case you missed or got it already?
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