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Shenzou last won the day on June 5 2013

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About Shenzou

  • Birthday 04/25/1994

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  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    I like cars and interesting things with interesting outcomes.
    Manga and Anime
    Trains in the way Jeet Kun Do, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, Silat, Filipino Kali

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  1. I thought I was the only that got the FC is not valid. And would be a kind soul and mind telling me what's in my friend safari.
  2. Pray in my pants... So many catholic priests with this one.
  3. I don't think you can change your id name for psn. I tried it didn't work and tried to make a new one altogether, but couldn't sign on to it from my ps3. Apparently don't has this thing that whatever I'd you sign in with first that's the one registered. Worst case scenario you have to wipe everything that's on your ps3. My psn: ItsAfroBum
  4. Here's mine again since I need the troubles of scrolling between all these pages and cause I'm so inconsistent with being on here..... 255217515482 is my FC.
  5. Huh, that's weird, maybe it has to do with the fact that I haven't beaten the elite 4 in y cause I've been just running around doing whatever like training a lonely nature Flareon and naughty nature kingdra.
  6. Ehh third pokemon slot ? You mean the ones that I'm carrying with me right ?
  7. I'll probably send the female one, since I already bred on that knows double kick. I'll message you as soon as I get home man.
  8. Ok, semi important question do you want the male shinx with PKRS or the female shinx with PKRS. Also I think the female shinx has ice fang, not entirely sure I have to check when I get home.
  9. I got it after a I caught a golbat in victory road in ruby and again in emerald. Recently got a slowpoke with PKRS in a wonder trade, got a few shinxs and various pokemon with it, if anyone wants one.
  10. I don't know if it was just me, but the story for x & y was kind of bland in comparison to Black/White and their Sequels. I was kind of left with that while "that's it feeling". It kind of seems that like everything is sort of too close to each other without much to do in between gyms and team flare. Plus it didn't seem that challenging in terms of a traditional release, since I was always over level in each gym leader/admin/boss battle by at least 5 levels. It also feels like the whole Kalos region was kind of small to me or maybe it might have been the whole pokemon shifting to 3D. Don't get me wrong I had fun playing x but I think it was just too short with me clearing it from start to champion and az battle in 25 hrs flat. With White 2 it took me anywhere from 55-65 hrs to get through from start to battling Iris. I don't know guys what'd you think of it from your playthroughs.
  11. I just finished added everyone on here, I still need to figure out what Pokemon are in my friend safari.
  12. Kind of late to this, but welcome.. sup, I'm Sven. I have to agree with Mael on Flannery, but what about Clair and Elesa man.
  13. Welcom, Welcome.. Sup I'm Sven.
  14. Also left out that in x my trainer character is a boy (Sven) and y is a girl (Selen).
  15. Well I went got x and y... But I'm mainly focusing on Y. 3DS Name: Sven (Obviously) 2552-1751-5482 Just to note I got a couple of shinxs with pokerus, if anyone wants a pokemon with PKRS.
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