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Everything posted by stan4life

  1. yeah got hapiny in the docks and i can use the daycare again, i just checked out the place again and there is no ditto hidden anywhere only empty cages
  2. weird, either i missed something or maybe getting the ditto later in the game is only possible in save files from chapter 8 and beyond.
  3. i know, i mean i couldn't go north because i had no idea how to go from the left part to the right without using escape ropes, this means i couldn't go to the north part even with both gates unlocked.
  4. thanks, i tried those tiles over a hundred times but always ended up in the same room, i used an escape rope while in the left part and when reentering the thing was still set to take me to the right side i still couldn't get to the north part though.
  5. just checked the place out. jigglypuff, cyndaquil, vanelite, makuhita, rogenrolla, abra, loudred and lickytung, but no ditto... maybe i didn't fully complete quest yet? I think i did since i can train put pokemon in the daycare now...
  6. could be BS but I've seen it a few times on this forum, also you can trade some pokemon (i think it was furret or something like that) for a morphing pokemon I'm not sure if it's dito but even if it is, i still hate missing out on the other one and i want 2 ditos so i can breed them to have high sp atk/atk and speed IV's and it's easier to breed other species afterward.
  7. a way to get dito without having to restart the game. I heard you had to do the daycare sidequest before going in the abandoned factory (the place with the caged pokemon puzzle) and if you go into the factory before completing the sidequest (like i did) there is no dito and you can't free him...
  8. i have no idea to continue after opening the first security door in episode 9, after the dragonite blasts a hole in the iron door and after entering the meteor base there is some kind of thing that chooses which direction you go and after you walk on it it sends you to the left part (where you fight a grunt and open the first door) when you walk on it again it sends you to the entrance and you can only go back to the left part. Anyone who can explain to me how to get to the other part or continue the story? I've searched prety much everywhere in and around that cave and i still can't find anything.
  9. grimers, due to fishing in poison and going trough the poison waste, i think i have 4 on my first file and 2 on my 2nd file.
  10. i just equipped al my pokemon with brightpowder and started the fight with 2 sand attack or mud slap users (zigzagoon and flygon), you can ussually lower his attack 4-5 times and if you're lucky all the way down, then use a ghost pokemon with curse (dusclops) and he will eventually die, i used gyaridos with ice fang to speed up his death. Leech seed can be used instead off curse and pokemon with sturdy help too. attacks like paralyze and sleep are ussually a waste because he uses full restores and your pokemon will be death before they can use it again, but can be helpfull to lower accuracy more or get in some extra damage with curse/leech seed without taking damage. I beat him in episode 8 so i haven't seen the script change.
  11. somewhere in part 8 after you free heather you can rescue a guy who fell down a shaft in a room full of aron, after the guy left i can't find him anywhere, is he supposed to give you anything? also is there anyway to get more than 3 stickers at the moment? -the one you get for free -the one you get from telling the girl she can go home after beating the 3rd tangrowth (EDIT: @sarleeko she is in a house a little east when you just exited jasper ward to peridot ward) -the one you save from drifloon an those bugs
  12. there is no dito, i think you are suposed to finish the daycare quest before going there, otherwise he won't be there. also i think there is some place you can find a secret linkstone, i think it's either in the wasteland or somewher in or on the way to the last town (with the ice gym)
  13. is there any way to get dito if you finish the daycare storyline after going in the factory with the caged pokemon?
  14. same here, wasteland was the only place i didn't fully explore yet because i couldn't get to the last switch and a little bit later i found a spiritbomb.
  15. this battle was easy compared to garchomp beat it on my first try, didn't even need curse, just used sand attack/smokescreen as much as i could (all my pokemon are wearing that item that lowers the opponnents accuracy) and confuse ray/swagger helps too. it will kill itself with confusion because of all the boosted attack and i'm not sure if he had these attacks but missing (high) jump kick also hurts him prety badly.
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