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About Kai

  • Birthday 04/14/2001

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  • Alias
    Wolfed Purple///Kai
  • Gender
  • Location
    United States, North Carolina

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Cynthia and the Soul Silver Theme Name in Showdown is Wolfed Purple
  3. Sorry About the problems I made the sprite about about 2 months ago and forgot about the details
  4. Name:Kai Text:Hello, I am Kai the Ice type Gym Leader, Master of all things Frozen. I have always had the power to control The Frozen Water We call ice. I have Mostly lived alone my whole life in freezing mountains. Due to travelling and training i have made it here to prove my strength to you. So come get lost in my Blizzard~ Sprites: Leader Card to Edit: Amaria's Also how do i give The Ruppee's to you
  5. Kai


    Here you can Share Sprites that you made and/or found somewhere else.
  6. 1.Serperior- This Thing is a BEAST, I've loved it every since i laid eyes on its Badass Pre-Evolution Snivy. Ive used Serperior every time i played pokemon BW or BW2 and never even tried playing with Samurott or Emboar (mainly because im tired of Fire/Fighting and Samarott is just weird in my books). 2.Empoleon- This Starter is about the same level of awesomeness as Serperior, It was also my first Pokemon (Yeah i know i only started playing pokemon in Diamond and Pearl, but i watched all the anime). I loved this thing So much I raised up to level 86 with no rare candies, just rechallenging weak pokemon trainers over and over again(Along with my level 76 Dialga, and level 83 Staraptor). 3.Roserade- I loved this Poison and Grass type Flower, and i started loving it even more in BW2 since it came back, along with Poison Point,Venoshock and Toxic (I dont care if If it has Toxic and Poison Point). 4.Cloyster- 5 Words, Skill Link and Icicle Spear 5.Garchomp- Loved it ever since Cynthia used it (To sweep me most of the time). The one thing i did with it... OUTRAGE EVERYTHING, Your confused Garchomp, I DONT CARE OUTRAGGEEEE. 6.Espeon- This Little Pink dog thing was Majestic,(even if it did take me a long time to actually let Eevee evolve into it in HG and SS)
  7. Nice Set Cowtao, I Thinking about using Druddigon on m team after this
  8. Golf Club- Hits Back Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes and Counters Magic Bounce Teddy Bear- Enters Battle with a Substitute Arceus Plate- Increases Stats by 10% but when you attack opponent you get switched out Cheat Codes- Lets you see one of your opponents moves
  9. Slime- Increases chance to make foe flinch
  10. I need a 5 Gen Ou tutor ASAP
  11. Here is another Sprite that I made that you can use.
  12. Moltres use Fire Blast, Its Super Effective
  13. Excadrill Use Earthquake, Its Super Effective
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