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About NeoDarklight

  • Birthday 06/22/1990

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    Core of the Hivemind

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  1. First, my brother got COVID back in June, then I got COVID, then my sister-in-law got COVID. And to top it all off, my dad over in Arizona died of COVID in early August. This has not been a good year for me.

    1. Chrixai


      I'm sorry for your family and your dad... 😞 I hope you're doing ok.

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  3. Honestly, I'm more interested in the implications this will all have for the anime. What with that leak about the new Rocket HQ looking like a corrupted Lusamine's house and the reveal of Rainbow Rocket and associates, along with the most recent developments, it looks like Jessie/Musashi and James/Koujiro will end up brokering a deal with the crazy scientist person and Team Rocket, right as they finish reorganizing all their new acquisitions from around the world.
  4. Western alchemy actually is centered around the Four Classical Elements, and around the Fifth Element of Ether. Or at least part of it is. Hell, while I kind of have to stretch myself to see the "Salt, Sulfur, Mercury" thing, if that thing about Rock Dog being part of the secret that the three starters are in, then yeah, I have no trouble seeing the Four Classical Elements thing. Hell, it might even have to do with Ether, or Aether, or something. Who knows? Could be anything at this point.
  5. You know, I bet that the starter trio plus rock-dog all having a secret has to do with the fact that they represent the four Western Classical Elements. Fire Cat for Fire, Grass Owl for Wind, Water Clown Seal for Water, and Rock Dog for Earth. Kind of obvious when you think about it.
  6. Actually, I only brought that up to point out that Marshadow is probably a Fire/Dark typing in order to counter both Legendaries. I already saw all the stuff earlier in the thread that you were pointing out. Sorry for not making that clear.
  7. Two things- First, Sun pokemon weak to Fire, Moon pokemon weak to Dark? And then there's the registered Marshadow name, and its likely typing to be Fire/Dark based on that. Second, a pokedex that is entirely dependent upon a particular pokemon species to operate some of its functions? Methinks that Rotom breeding would be very popular in-universe once that happens. NB4 Rotom pimping jokes
  8. Well... Looking back at some of the things mentioned, especially the supposed link to the Gen 7 region with the mysterious idol, it would not be unreasonable to assume that Sun and Moon will be one of the more "primitive" regions, and while it is highly unlikely I will ever get to play it, I would like to see how they implement that into its storyline. Unfortunately, considering that there was a complete lack of information, coupled with how quickly they announced the game as well as its seemingly short development time, it's quite unlikely they will have the time they need to flesh out the story much, which brings be disappointment. Add to the fact of The Pokemon Company auctioning off the rights to the Pokemon movies (and that the most prospective buyer is Legendary Pictures, which is now owned by a Chinese company), and it's starting to make me question how well they are actually doing. I hope I'm just reading too deep into things, but I'm still worried about the future of the franchise. ...Hopefully, we'll finally get to see Satoshi grow up in the anime version. Fingers crossed.
  9. Eh. So long as they announce the starters, and some new mechanic, whatever it may be, I will be satisfied. Honestly, I just hope they don't rush it and make a subpar game as a result of the backlash from Youkai Watch beating out Pokemon in Japan.
  10. That is a very good question. Hopefully the next Nintendo Direct will give us some answers. In my educated opinion, however, 8GB would barely be enough for 2 regions, judging from file sizes of various games with large maps of varying detail. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be enough for two regions and all the other assets, including the increasingly large amount of data reserved for the Pokemon themselves. In my opinion, it would instead be to their benefit to integrate a larger and/or more in-depth environment to explore and play with. More features, in other words. As for the data issue, I believe that whatever they end up having in store for the 8th generation of Pokemon games, it will be too much for the 3DS's hardware. So I suspect that, 3 years from now, there will be a new handheld console with enough power to handle anything after that for a while.
  11. Hmm... Normally, I'd wait for the starters to be announced before jumping onto the hype train, but I'll be making a minor exception here- Assuming this takes place in a tropical setting, the only way I could see Ice-types being integrated is on the sea floor- the only place where it would get that cold. Which means you'd have to go diving to get your Ice-type pokemon. Now, this could be really interesting in and of itself, let alone any implications this could have on the game. Now as for the "It all comes together" thing, I'm just going to guess that there's going to be some in-game world tournament or some great mystery surrounding the entire franchise being solved. Perhaps the answer to when or how Humans diverged from pokemon, or something involving the Legendaries. I dunno. Just sounds like they're trying to bring closure to some mystery. Or finally replace Ash/Satoshi with a new lead.
  12. Hmm... I'm starting to see a pattern here. I think from now on, we're only going to get 2 version games, for the reason that a later third version simply isn't going to add anything. Maybe it's referring to the anime? I mean, I'm thinking it's about time for Ash/Satoshi to actually step up to the big leagues. Possibly with a Tournament of Champions, with him representing the Orange Islands, and getting interested in the new region by battling with its Champion.
  13. I'm laughing my ass off. My next door neighbors got their son a miniature horse for Christmas. Does anyone else see the thematic irony here?

    1. Maelstrom
    2. NeoDarklight


      Little girls asking for ponies for Christmas is a stereotype. They got their son a miniature horse for Christmas. Think about it.

    3. Skullkin


      Because that's so much more manly than a pony.

  14. Started from beginning on the current update. Is there supposed to be no field effect for the first gym or is that a new bug?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacos


      You should probably make a topic about that in Bug Reporting

    3. mde2001


      Yeah, I'd be interested to see your save file.

    4. NeoDarklight


      I'll do it tomorrow, when I have the time. And I seriously doubt it's how I played it. I basically just did what most people normally do- get good pokemon, and grind them until they're strong enough to battle with.

  15. AHAHAHAHAH! I HAVE RETURNED! And now that I rise from the depths of insanity, I will start the game over from scratch! Every day, after I write up my Digimon quests, I will play the game for a few hours, and see where it takes me. MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!

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