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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by deimisd

  1. so do u know where can i catch some good pokemon because i cant get back to opal ward
  2. well i dont think any of my box pokemon can help, can any specific pokemon KO most of gym pokemon?
  3. I am currently having trouble defeating Charlotte here's my team Donphan: level 71 earthquake take down roll out strength Stoutland: level 66 retaliate rock smash crunch play rough Drapion: level 69 crunch dark pulse night slash cross poison Heatmor: level 67 flamethrower inferno slash bug bite Infernape: level 70 close combat acrobatics flare blitz cut Escavalier: level 70 rock smash iron head x-scissor giga impact
  4. Well many people say that Lord greninja is a powerful poke but I decided to choose ludicolo.
  5. well i am thinking about kingdra but i am currently at celestine cascade so i cant get out and get any good water types.
  6. Whats the best catchable water pokemon in the game for my team? MY team is: infernape, drapion, donphan, escavalier.
  7. well my team is better than all of u
  8. just replace the black market and put something like old house and put a old witch in it that she collect shards for rare stuff
  9. can anyone tell me a good pokemon that I need for this team - alakazam - torrtera - toxicroak - gyarados - bastiodon any ideas?
  10. can anyone tell me a good pokemon that I need for this team - alakazam - torrtera - toxicroak - gyarados - bastiodon any ideas?
  11. why I cant get munchlax pokedex shows that its location are at wasteland but I could find any of them do I weather or something?
  12. ok thanks by the way I am not hiker its just a title like pokemaniac or something like that
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