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Everything posted by mangoprince

  1. I caught a shiny Poochyena (now a Mightyena) and a shiny Pansear! Also, I almost caught a shiny Numel but Keta's daughter managed to kill it off before I could throw a pokeball. How about you guys?
  2. Oh thank you! I managed to train my 'mons up and such~ Took me 10 retries to get a smooth battle. THAT CINCCINO IS A CHEATER I SWEAR. Good thing my Granbull managed to tank 80% of the damage delt by her team. :^) Also kinda off-topic but is the Mareep you can get the hotel has a possibility to be shiny? 'o' )
  3. I need help with Marianette;; I can't seem to get past by her Wigglytuff. ;w; And probably suggestions on what to do with my Toxicroak;; (Supposedly she's the only counter for the Wigglytuff but Poison-moves aren't coming until she reaches 45;; ) [Marianette] --Current team-- Tipsy [Toxicroak] | [25l] [Poison Barb] [Poison Touch] [Adamant] - Zen Headbutt - Feint Attack - Revenge - Bulk Up Nori [Combusken] | [33] [None] [speed Boost] [Jolly] - Quick Attack - Double Kick - Flame Charge - Peck Adam [Frogadier] | [33] [None] [Protein] [Adamant] - Smack Down - X-Scissor - Cut - Water Pulse Shatter [Vivillon] | [31] [None] [Compoundeyes] [bashful] - Draining Kiss - Supersonic - Stun Spore - Aromatherapy Rosemary [swoobat] | [31] [Twistedspoon] [unaware] [serious] - Calm Mind - Heart Stamp - Air Cutter - Assurance Charlette [Granbull] | [35] [None] [intimidate] [serious] - Rock Smash - Charm - Bite - Headbutt PC [Mightyena*] | [32], [barboach] | [30], [Gothita] | [20], [Pansear*] | [25]
  4. Shiny Shuppet. Best thing ever as if it was a birthday present from Arceus.
  5. My leader was a male Finneon. I switched to my female Pachirisu and the gender changed! Hooray! Hoping to find a Shiny male so I can use signature Pokemon (cough pokes picture).
  6. I think I know. It matters on the leader's gender. NVM. :'D
  7. I've been restarting 10 times and it doesn't change is it toying with me? :'(
  8. OK. Um, It's my first time posting and stuff. So, in the Beryl Graveyard, is the only Shuppet there, a girl? I've been restarting the game 5 times to see a boy but I guess not...? Just wondering.
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