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About dark

  • Birthday 01/05/1995

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  1. nvm i got pot numbers order wrong and fixed it by looking at the book again lol
  2. i followed the clues and got 5086314 but it doesnt work and i changed the last 4 numbers in different ways but nothing works anyone else stuck or think the code is different?
  3. lol I don't think I can find it
  4. thank you. hopefully their is one there lol
  5. hello I need a thunder stone for my electrik so I can have an electross and im on ep 11 =)
  6. is the shiftry catchable?
  7. how do I activate machine at top of bridge after solving all the rock puzzles
  8. dark

    EP10 Stuff

    confuse or burn it . stun should work to. but he has 2 full heals . afte that piece of cake just try not to get 1 hit koed
  9. dark

    EP10 Stuff

    3rd was correct time to try 4th. thank you so much im really horrible at chess
  10. dark

    EP10 Stuff

    part 3 and 4 will be hell T_T. but thanks for help on part 2
  11. dark

    EP10 Stuff

    you are a genius!!!!
  12. dark

    EP10 Stuff

    lol that pic helped but im still stuck. caine said smooth set up but the king can take my piece to escape
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