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Commander last won the day on October 25 2019

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881 Noble

About Commander

  • Birthday 02/18/1994

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  • Location
    In the Cellar of Harken Gate
  • Interests
    Video Games, Food, Sleep

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  1. Been playing Xenoblade definitive edition and honestly they addressed and fixed 80% of the gripes I had with the first game. Only thing you really lose is the sense of mystery and exploration but at the same time they added so things so that you can explore without becoming overpowered.


    I don't think it is thread worthy but if anyone on the fence has questions feel free to ask as I loved the original.

    1. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      What are the said gripes you had with the original? I played the game a while ago but only remember getting bored by some sidequests for different reasons.

    2. Commander


      -Character Models looked rather ugly (Shulk's face in the original is rather ugly)

      -Quests and exploration skyrocket your levels making the main game a joke (you can be level 12 before entering the cave easily)

      -Collection Quests were painful as you had to pick up every blue light to possibly get the item

      -The better the equipment the less Sharla wears

      -Awkward armor combinations

      -Clunky UI navigation

      -Loading times were a little slow

      -All Non named NPC quests are auto completed when you fulfill the requirements


      Things they didn't fix:

      -When a f$#@% chest lands on an unclimbable ledge

    3. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      That sounds great then! Every point you listed definitely rings a bell.


      I remember now being unable to trigger some sidequests (the Riki one) and facing the final boss in a boring fight because I was two levels higher than him... I think I'll try again very soon. 

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