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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Commander

  1. ............................................................................................Oh, you're serious. In all honestly, the version without a badge most likely will be one of the longest to make so I don't know how you got that logic. There's so many factors that go into a game and how long it takes to develop it.
  2. Did you know Jan is actually Melinese for God? Jan is short for Janichroma which means "God of the Internet"
  3. I guess with Gen 8 disappointing me I'll stop playing...(Sees Pokemon Masters)...TAKE MY MONEY GF!

    1. krim


      You know things are off when a mobile game looks infinitely better than the main series stuff on a significantly more powerful console.


      Ill probably give it a try but its gonna be similar to FEH for me. A time-waster I dont care enough about to ever spend money on.

  4. You're getting as bad as me. "Welcome to Commander's Rejuv Run where we do anything but battle. And then rant about not battling." I do agree with you on the whole Gen 3 graphics aspect. I get it, but it just feels really lazy and out of place. And if Jan actually made a full scale mysterious city with a mystery you had to solve, you'll see me enter fanboy mode as I love mystery stuff. Though I do not think I can solve the greatest mystery of all: where does one find infinite nuggets?
  5. Normal mode it'll be nerfed...I think. It's probably a blessing I'm not part of the dev team because Az and I would have a full scale war over what to do with that fight. I'd be on one side saying to just bring Persian back (over Gyarados I think) for the Normal mode. Like if you want to see me get into a super heated argument with someone, put the two of us in charge of that fight. One of us wouldn't make it out alive.
  6. So I guess I can throw this isn't the mix as I really haven't seen it anywhere. So the teaser at the end of E18 starts glitching out the longer it goes on. If you looked at the Arceus event it also glitches out. Well that was an obvious connection to begin with. What exactly are we dealing with? That's something I'm both curious and terrified to think about. I feel like some critical piece of info to solving all of this is right in front of our faces, but I can't even figure out what it is.
  7. I mean if we are talking teams Main: Lycanroc Donphan Gigalith Crobat Hitmontop Mismagius Rotation: Froslass Lopunny There's a bunch of others but those are the ones that stand out. I tend to like to swap the team around especially when stuff is at the cap.
  8. Got a first taste of ultimate at work today. I really like Chrom but Joker feels awesome. I may have found a new Smash main...if I ever get a switch. Never played it before today.

  9. Can't speak for Derog but I'm trying to get it done slowly in this busy time (I'm at the last Eli and Sharon fight right now) but my inability to not go on a rant slows progress down. I blame General Saki on that (that's your only tease from me). After this year things will probably speed up as I finish up schooling (that and a job drain time). As for time travel, I probably will complain and explain it a lot. It's not time travel but The Longest Journey (it's a game made in the 90s) is a great example to demonstrate how to handle characters across two different times. I also don't follow Rejuv closely enough to really produce a guide or a plot explanation because some stuff happens on a different branch and important bits of info gets lost into the void of explanations. I can't even tell you the name of the girl whose apartment we're crashing in kind of bad.
  10. There's nothing I could give you for an exact answer as it depends on whoever is writing is and whoever asks. If it were me, I'd go Bravely Default writing full passages to read for a mix of reading and amusement. It might just be generic short passages. I would say 8-10k word length is a good estimate as you don't want to be too thorough but not top unclear for people who don't touch this for months.
  11. Damn. The one time I could sign up for betas and it's closed. Oh well. I think it's fortunate leaks haven't happened to the degree they could have until this point because that stuff can go south fast. Part of me wants to volunteer to make the Rejuv synopsis just to make sassy protag 2.0
  12. Steam, PS4, or the Nintendo DS version if your that desperate
  13. Y'all need to play the nonary games
  14. But is it alive or dead? (I feel so bad if you don't know what I'm referencing)
  15. Clearly it's a cat that's inside the box.
  16. I nominate Santa's naughty list for Sunlight sovereign
  17. Dude, you don't have to read the rants and don't take them personal. Sometimes people make posts again and again suggesting it so may as well have something to refer back to when it keeps coming up. If one person asks, 30 or more are probably reading and wondering the same thing. And if I do tick you off, it's better to handle it in PMs (always open). And honestly, I'm really surprised by the displeasure people seem to have with Dynamax. I thought it looked ok and something that could be okay replacing the old Mega and Z-move system permanently but to each their own.
  18. For the love of, I'm not mad at you, but it does grind my gears a bit how people beg for stuff ESPECIALLY when it hasn't even come into existence yet. Dynamax could be an awful mechanic everyone despises and then that'd be a waste of all that time planning something nobody wants. Jan already said Gen 8 was on the table to include which is way beyond what you could ask for someone who spends 3-4 times as much time making this game as you think. Just take this life lesson: be grateful for the things you do get even if you are hopeful for more. No seriously, you don't get full on fan passion projects of this scale other than a sheer few lucky franchises and pretty much all other fandoms would kill to have this many massive projects at this point in production at this quality. You think a Jan or Ame kind of dev is going to just appear out of nowhere and just magically make a free fan game similar to your interest? I'm sorry, but that's wishful thinking. It might, but it might be a few years before something surfaces. I'm sorry to scare you, but you really should think what you ask of people especially if you aren't willing to put forth the effort yourself. If Jan doesn't want to do Dynamax, he shouldn't have to. It's time and work taken away from improving scripts, improving the quality, etc. This stuff doesn't magically come together and work within a week or two. As for the whole Gen 8 stuff, Jan, I'll give you my simple thoughts: don't ever do something needless that'll start burning you out. There's 800 mons. People can live without 100 of them. But if you and the team are excited and really want to put forth the massive resources for such a project and feat, I say go for it. There's pros and cons for doing and not doing it. You have well over a year to decide on it so it's not something to rush a decision that you'll regret later. Just ignore the people going "Man, I really want Rejuv to implement Gen 8" or "So when's Gen 8 coming?" If you're really a fan of Rejuv, either decision shouldn't be the cause of you dropping the game as that'd be ridiculous refusing to play something just because "Wooloo" isn't in it. And now with that rant over time for something more enjoyable OMG GUYZ! ALBA IS ALMOIST DON! CAN I BE EN TAH BETAH AZ I AM A MAD SKILLZ GAMAH! THO THIZ GAME EZ TOO HEARD AND NEEDZ NERD HERD! I STALL BET IT THO! AND I HELPZ HERD! WHAR DO I SING UP?
  19. Oh phew. I can still get my 1-on-1 treatment with Daddy Sigmund
  20. So one cool thing about the Glitch field is that explosion is pretty much a guaranteed OHKO since it cuts the opponent's def in half. A fake-out user plus Sturdy Golem would absolutely obliterate the threats on the field. Salazzle isn't bad but the other two I can't really see doing much damage on her given her field. Best advice I can give is read the Field Effect Manual when you are in a pinch. You can also field abuse change (since these are overrides) if it really is kicking your butt
  21. Just because I don't comment doesn't mean I'm still not following. I have shit I gotta do now. Wake me up when life stops sucking the life out of me.
  22. Did a count of open slots (check the levels spoiler tab) and I'll allow two but no more than that.
  23. Something is very wrong with this pic:


    1. Commander


      Clearly it's



      The animation bar isn't fully green


    2. Dreamy


      Misc being above 0% doesn't seem right. 

      If rejuvenation V11 is anything to go by

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