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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Commander

  1. It seems Always Interrupted or AI for short got fired from his job...again. Damn guy never seems to work when you want him to.
  2. Honestly, I think we'll hit a drought after Reborn and Rejuvenation finish. We kind of have a time where only little incompleted hacks come around before another massive step in quality marches in for the Hacking/Fan-game community. I'm not bashing Ame here but there's not some super secret technique to making a fan-game as it really grinds down to the effort and time to make one above all else. If you can do some basic level spriting you can make a fan-game. Ame also already has plans and a focus to design Starlight Divide so she's not going to be twiddling her thumbs waiting for the next thing to come. She does kind of make a living designing games.
  3. So looking at the Sword and Shield gameplay video, I can't tell if the downvotes are for the graphics or how godawful the people in the video were playing. Dazzling Gleam on a Steelix. Really?

    1. CURIE


      It's for something entirely different.  They mention in the video that Pokemon Home (the Switch's version of Bank) won't transfer anything not in the Galar Pokedex.  I'll leave you to interpret what that means for the series as a whole.


      Also the fact that the graphics suck from recycling the 3DS engine doesn't help either.

    2. Commander


      Oh........that's not going to end well considering all of those hard to obtain event Pokemon

  4. Whelp the Adpocalypse is back for YouTubers all because a gay man's feefees were hurt. Well this is going to be a long year.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Abyssreaper99


      I checked through the content, I feel some of it could be considered mild hate speech but others was just the bloke mocking him. Also if this bloke was getting punished then shouldn't some of his guests get punished too considering they joined in? 


      In terms of the merch/Patreon thing, what this guy doesn't seem to get is that some of what he's saying is out of YTs hands. They're not going to go to Patreon or any online merch stores and be like "I don't want you to allow this person to use your website because he broke our rules", it's like separated parents trying to get the other to enforce punishments that one set but the other didn't. Also Youtube would lose a lot of business this way.


      In terms of the milkshake thing, the Vox dude is an idiot for thinking someone wouldn't clap back for encouraging semi-violent acts against people with differing political beliefs from him. However, Crowder could have avoided using his sexuality to clap back.


      All in all, Vox guy should expect people to clap back when he says something like he did. Crowder should have been a bit more careful in the way he took Vox guy's stuff apart. Vox guy should actually learn how promotion, Patreon and business works. YT should have just stuck to punishing those involved rather than cause unnecessary stress on content creators that have nothing to do with this sorta stuff. 


      Both of them done wrong, end of story

    3. Commander


      @Abyssreaper99 I personally use the "Who cares?" approach to a lot of things. People will always be dicks but if it doesn't affect my work I don't really care. To me this looks like someone throwing a hissy fit simply because they couldn't take a little bit of heat. Can't really say Crowder did anything wrong in that regard as he didn't violate any ToS. Starting to see a lot of people abuse the system and lot of YouTubers are losing ad revenue from ads being pulled from their videos. Not much can really be done about it once the ball is rolling. It totally is a publicity move to get attention and not about his feefees at this point. "Taking down" a big YouTuber certainly makes a name for yourself.

    4. ZEL


      regardless of whether or not the situation escalated too far in the end... you can give people "a bit of heat" without dragging their sexual orientation into it, it's not a difficult concept
      like, just so this is clear, if someone's immediate thought about "how can i make fun of this person" is to target their sexuality that's gross and out of line. and not rarely a pretty good indicator that there's more where it came from.

      allowing homophobia gets more than just our feelings hurt in the long run, and a "who cares" approach only adds to the problem.

      that said, it's whatever the fuck with youtubers, anyway. they'll just post a half-assed "apology video" where they vaguely apologize for making you feel hurt without ever reflecting on the actual wrong they did, and ppl will forget about it when next week's drama roll around

  5. Might be easier to just implement hard level caps since that system exists already (may as well go for Redux or Memeborn at that point) Way too much work since EVERY item shop would have to be hard coded to do this instead of the automatic system. Exists in Redux and there's a mod for it There's...not much point but you'd probably want to go with 1.25 x damage, 150-200% HP increase and a 25% increase in defense and special defense for a hard mode mod. Though the easier method would be to just include the Redux fights since I honestly don't mind if those are used for vanilla Reborn. There would be some issues though with level scaling.
  6. ...Please tell me this is a joke. I'll turn this around as it's saying you're suing a guy you robbed simply because he robbed you of something. Have fun explaining that to the police. Pokemon Rejuv and Reborn ultimately are Nintendo owned property so they could snatch anything away from you and there's nothing you can do about it. That's just how copyright works more or less.
  7. Giant Pokemon is canon...great...

    1. ShadeStrider


      Once again, the Metagame will break. Like it did with Mega Evolutions.


      But hey, the open world seems nice. If it is indeed an open world. 


      It wasn't the hypest direct ever. Not as much as E3 2018 for Smash players.


      But I'll probably get it, if only to see how the competitive scene breaks this time. 


      ...But going back to Environmental Storytelling like the first five generations seems nice.

  8. I know you guys haven't been here as long as I have but personally, I'll be relieved when it's finally done and over. Funny how I was in high school and now I'm a working adult through Reborn's dev cycle. This probably will be one of Ame's most important projects but I really think it's time to move on. She got what she could out of Pokemon but I'm more interested to see how she'd design stuff not bound by the chains of the kid friendly popular series and the flaws that come with it. My advice is just simply accept that there won't be any more waiting for more Reborn content and simply enjoy everything as it is. People won't disappear right away after the game is done though I do expect some familiar faces to leave not long after. People have come and gone for years and it's just something you have to accept. As for wanting more Reborn (slaps a stack of RPGs on the table), there's always a few good things to try out. I know it doesn't sound like you'll find something you love as much as Reborn, but trust me, there will be something. So don't think of this so much as an ending but simply the end of the first book with the next one always waiting. And no, that does not mean there's a Reborn sequel.
  9. @WSGreen Technically for E18 no, but I'll keep a tab on it for E19 so I saved a slot for you so no worries. @Specific Had to double check but gonna have to deny yours due to the levels. Level them down to one of the open slots and I'll accept it. (55-60 is the highest remaining one left)
  10. My best advice for low motivation is setting stuff up in a time crunch manner. Basically put it off to the last minute so instead of worrying about doing it every day you end up with an 8 hour day doing a lot of stuff you hate. That way the demotivating stuff is only for a day.
  11. So you're saying only a legend can solo Yveltal Edit: Sorry, I just love that video since. But getting Zygarde should be fine by this point since 10% is pretty much just a slightly better Lycanroc which we've had forever. Personally I think we should get Zygarde by V12 as if you spend ALL of that time finding all of those Cells or most of them of course you deserve a nice reward even if it's a little broken. I think people need to stop worrying so much about the game being broken and about keeping people interested in doing the mundane things such as searching hours for something that gives crappy rewards for the effort right now (seriously you get a lucky egg for all of that)
  12. Been a while since I checked but everyone in Avieum is getting a haircut I see. Except Huey who has become a Super Saiyan. Also can we not do anything like bragging about using debug mode to hack in mons. This is the main info hub for lurkers. Let's try to not confuse them. The vocal people don't even represent half of the Rejuv players out there. I know I'm late but better late than never.
  13. They are post game except for one. There's probably not going to be many changes to the game other than minor ones. Probably will be in the 90s at the least and all in the same general area. Hate to be the downer but I don't want a misinformation storm to brew over some minor thing. But for post game, I think I'm going to need a lot of balls.
  14. Most of the animations are already made but haven't been checked to see if they are okay or not. Animations shouldn't take as long as last time. As for the update, Ame should have a blog post coming sooner or later as we are well overdue for one. Post game is going to take a while but I would be 6-8 months is a safe bet. Alpha and Beta testing will be a nightmare though.
  15. After reading the Rejuv dev blog, I now want a main protagonist of a RPG named Book. Book Keeper to be exact.

  16. I'm just going to say that a pet peeve I get is when people gripe about the name of a character not being "XXX" or "XTX" since that'd "make more sense". Honestly, I play with this idea quite a bit and it really doesn't matter what the character's name is, but it simply is what we remember them by. The best names are not too generic, but not too hard to say or pronounce. Fei Fong Wong is a good example since it's so weird it's memorable. But in the end, it's not really all that important. I'm busy otherwise I'd go into a deeper discussion about it.
  17. Just finished Zero no Kiseki yesterday and quite honestly despite the flaws and to be desired translation, I think it's my favorite game of all time. 

  18. So there's been some news and I've been a little busy. So Rial and Toye sent a response to the motion in which Casey Erick defamed Vic in it and used PULL as one of their main sources. Trust me, Ty isn't using Kiwi Farms as a source but simply another means of getting archive docs. That should say something about how desperate they are. Marchi has also been hiding in her house watching that poor delivery boy go to the house 5 times and now he's just going to drop it off and it starts the timer soon. Funi also made an agreement for deposition as ironically the main problem is being the most civil. Oh yeah Rackets got a hold of Toye's texts to Kameha Con which will be on his live stream tonight. Nothing we don't already know so far though. So if anyone has questions for Vic that aren't about legal stuff, I can pass them to a guy going to the con if you want me to. He was taking requests.
  19. There's a lot of reasons behind recycling mons which has to do with the playing field starting to even out so the tricks that can be used start to get limited. There's also the fact Reborn was more of a prototype game to Rejuv so Rejuv has the advantage of seeing the faults and putting fixes to them. I do personally keep a track of mons I haven't used for Redux but sometimes things just don't work and you have to use a basic go to mon instead such as Staraptor. The game is pretty much done except for post game which might be a year long project in and of itself depending on what Ame does.
  20. Since the project was canned I think it's safe to say I used that concept for a segment of the storyline someone asked me to draw up. As for the comment about the world of Melias, Google Furry apocalypse. That is exactly how it'd play out for me in that kind of world. What I really like about this segment is that it really dials back the character bloatedness and really stops shoving Melia in your face. It has plenty of problems though. I hate time travel but at least it boots most of the Melia worshipping cult out for a bit.
  21. Not Vic news but I feel like being a dick because quite a number of people believed Jim Cummings did terrible things but... For all you lying sacks of...potatoes let this just be an example that not every MeToo wins. She had a police report too. That was one I called and I guess I was right. Now hopefully the Haberkorn stuff gets resolved and we can have the main show of this thread be slow wrapped up in the coming months. Always gotta look at the facts. Also, I'm not going to cover the Youtube drama stuff. I don't even want to touch the Jared stuff with a ten foot pole especially. I know people are going to say Youtube is terrible due to the Pedo ring, Nappy, ProJared, and whatever the heck you call the Etika stuff, but that's just stuff that comes with every walk of life. I don't think ProJared will face jail time as he did get a "Hail Mary" when the Tumblr he did this stuff on got deleted.
  22. In all honesty, I feel like this is all their lawyer's work as he told them he had this plan to get them out of this and those two ding-dongs are probably celebrating that they're going to prove Vic is a monster while not damaging their already in shambles reputation. This guys is a scumbag and is either used to taking down small lawfirms or was trying one hail Mary on a losing case. It was a stupid move that only drain Mr. Erick's clients' money for the expenses of it. I'm going to tell you what the court is going to agree to: Toye and Rial's depositions will be May 15th not giving a hoot about what they are doing that day. It could be a job terminating meeting for not showing up for Toye and he'd still have to go in to deposition. And all of it will be public record. That's the optimistic route as it can go very, very wrong for Mr. Erick. As for Marchi, she hasn't been in contact with BHBH that we know of. There's two explanations for this: she already settled or she's hiding. Both are possible as she knows she can't win and she's screwed. I could see the Beard not talking about it in order to mess with Rial and Toye. He's not witholding info just simply obliging to the NDA. I guarantee she's going to fold and settle if she hasn't soon because you saw the Tweet so she knows. Haven't seen much on the Haberkorn vs Pridemore and the supposed Marzgurl v YellowFlash lawsuits but I'll cover them if they develop. Spoiler: Marzgurl faked paying somebody as that's an easy excel document forge. No idea what that 4.8k is going to be used for. Still hasn't raised her GFM goal like she said she would. Oh yeah I don't know any more news on the Hero Hei v ANN possible lawsuit over the copyright strike they gave him. This game is nasty, man.
  23. Xenogears is a mech game but it has a large cast that goes into really, really dark themes and ideas (like Reborn) and the graphics and feel will kind of feel at home having that little vibrant spunk at times to make you laugh. It's a bit archaic with random encounters but it certainly is a ride. Some people would argue it's the best PlayStation RPG storyline. It's a long RPG but once you get to D-block you'll get why I recommend Reborn players play it. Trails of the Sky series ho boy. I love this series because it's really well written and simple, but you realize how deep it really is in 3rd. It has a bunch of sidequests which are all really fun (Zero no Kiseki 1-ups this and kills it) and the games are play how you want. Characters all have rather specific roles but you can customize their magic and all that jazz. Estelle (the main protagonist) is also better Aelita. If I were to give other recommendations: Reborn: Persona 3, Shadow Hearts (haven't played but heard good things), and Valkyria Chronicles Rejuvenation: Tales of Phantasia (the PSX translation and not the godawful GBA one), FFV, Chrono Trigger, and Mother 3 Could definitely name others if you're in the market for something else but that's a good variety to look into.
  24. Spoiler: And now you enter the topic of time travel. Oh how fun it is to talk about time travel. The best way I can describe using it is this: use it as a necessary evil, not a solution. People often mistake it as "Oh look at this cool shit" kind of element when it's something you really need to go fully in and plan if you include it otherwise you will have the world roll their eyes.
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