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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Commander

  1. First thing that comes to my mind (Chim, please forgive me):
  2. @Jory: I feel sorry for Danielle now. Picking Lapras is pretty much overkill at this point in time. Then again, Scyther is a bit overkill at this point as well.
  3. Evan vs Alvin is a must and Evan must destroy him. I'm all for Henry vs Lana as they didn't really get to talk that much on day one. He'll probably lose, but it wouldn't bother him. If any PC really wants to battle Henry, challenge him to a double. That's why he picked Venonat anyways.
  4. Yeah, I quickly realized it right when I posted my post too. (Facepalm) Henry loves his double battles (so do I), but he could wait for Lana or someone.
  5. "Seems like we will be having a 2 on 2, after all." "Shiro, I didn't know you were a fan of Double Battles." Henry went up to the boy with both his Pokemon following behind him. "Back in Orre, that's pretty much the only option you had if you wanted to battle. I just finished preparing Gypsy so I can be your opponent. It'll be nice to fight in a double battle again. I'm a bit rusty anyways." Henry realized he was talking to Robert. "Well, I wouldn't want to intervene with this fight. Mind if I watch?"
  6. Once Alvin left the table, Henry made his move. He went over to the bug table and searched for where the "V" Pokemon were. His finger landed on Venipede. This was close, but not exactly what he wanted. He eventually found it and picked it up from the counter and released the Pokeball. A young Venonat appeared in front of him. She stretched herself out giving sign she may have been in that Poke Ball for quite a while. "Listen here," began Henry. The two walked away from the table with the Venonat being very attentive to what Henry was saying. "All these other trainers talk about being partners and stuff because they've probably never used more than one pokemon, unlike me. Don't worry, I'm not too picky. Just follow my orders and we'll get along fine." The two eventually met up with Zuko who was still suffering from his gas problem. "I will commend you for being able to withstand Zuko's deadly gas." Henry struggled to give Zuko orders to fall behind from the awful smell, but somehow we pulled through. "Alright, there's one little thing I want to teach you before your first battle with me that gassy boy over there is going to help with the demonstration. Oh, mind if I refer to you as Gipsy?" The Venonat nodded its head as the three headed off to meet with Prof Cadmus.
  7. "Well, since we all waiting here for Professor Redwood to come and give us our second Pokemon, does anybody want me to share the interesting story between Alvin and me? Claude and Henry can help out since they were there with me!" Henry heard Danielle's suggestion and doubted he could do anything about it but help. He calmly got closer and was prepared to help act out the scene until he saw another boy approach her. He decided to keep his distance to see what would happen as he didn't want to spoil too much of Danielle's fun. "Excuse me, I don't know anything about what happened earlier, but your Murkrow looks really strong. I've never seen one in person before." Henry put the pieces together and figured out what was going on. I really should make a bet with someone...oh wait, we have to use those battle points. May as well help him out then if anything goes wrong. He waited in anticipation to see what the boy's next move would be. While he was no womanizer, he doubted something like this would be too much for the boy, especially to a girl as outgoing as Danielle seemed to be.
  8. Since Henry switches on and off a lot, it was more to make sure. I just making sure (I know the proper way to use 'em). Having Henry be able to do a mix of dialogue and thoughts also makes him a lot easier to use than typing a line, waiting for a response, then typing another line as someone could easily bunny him through a minor plot point until I get back.
  9. If we take out all the capital letters, we get hraser is oo trnk Translation: Harasser is O_O Trunk Interpret that however you want (I was bored an have to leave for work soon)
  10. It was probably interrupted by the fight that was about to break out. @Chimchain: it probably wouldn't be a good idea having Henry and Evan in the same room alone aka the two darkest (not evil) characters so far outside of RoG. Edit: Should I stick with italics or use () to show thoughts. I might be hard to tell so I'd like to know which you'd prefer.
  11. ((Stratos, I know the feeling *glares at Darklight*)) "Well that was a lovely sight," said Henry sarcastically. There's something about that kid who almost flogged Alvin in the face. I might try to bringing up a conversation with him later on. Henry then heard Collin suggest going to the gym. "I do agree that we should get to the gym soon. We don't want to hold the professor up. Also before a certain someone comes back and I start flogging him."
  12. You have no idea. Henry watched as Alvin pointed everyone around him out.
  13. I feel sorry for the poor souls who have to walk in the line of fire. Symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, grasping for air, and questioning what you've ever done to deserve this
  14. "I thought I was the trouble maker," Henry mumbled before following Claude. He came into the scene with Danielle in laughter. Is she always like this? "Good to see you're in a very fine mood. And who might your new friend be. I'm Henry, and that Vulpix over there is Zuko." Henry pointed to a Vulpix a few feet away. "I'm having him keep his distance because he's having a bit of a gas problem today. Trust me, a Koffing's Poison Gas is nothing compared to a Zuko fart. It's strange because I made sure not to give him foods that do that to him."
  15. "I'd just learn to ignore him. People like that don't last long anyways. I could imagine he struggled a bit on the test as well despite his bragging. I've never seen a wild pokemon, but I know about the habitats from travelers who come across our land. For example, Shroomish is known to be found in Petalburg Woods, a Pokemon occasionally used by thugs for its spore attack. One sniff and you're down and out." Henry wasn't sure if he was making Claude uncomfortable so he changed the subject. "So, what pokemon are you going to pick?"
  16. "This is something better to keep your nose out as it's something your friend should ask, not you. To answer your question, I was busy hunting down a different Ralts and your friend's just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you want me to apologize, I guess I can, but I don't worry about trivial stuff like that." Henry gave a quick chuckle. "What I find odd is that your friend didn't act so quickly. It's almost like something's off about him. Keep poking your head in my business and it might not be too hard to figure out. Fortunately, I'll simply turn my head brushing this off as I suggest you do the same. Now then, I'll be off unless of course you have other questions."
  17. Henry's response: You would bring women's clothing into this. If you sincerely want to know, I'd have to try and remember the price difference for things like that in the black market...how about we pretend I didn't say anything in the first place?
  18. "Feel free to ask anything, but it doesn't mean I'll necessarily answer it," responded Henry. He didn't like it when students asked him questions. The less they knew about him the better, but he knew better than to just ignore the kid. Henry could've responded a bit nicer, but perhaps the lack of sleep was a bit of the problem.
  19. Got it, and I'll edit it. I even wrote that he didn't know everything, but I could see him getting in the low 90s. The poke ball and potion is both a trick question that Bfroger got right.
  20. Pretty much summed up everything Henry knows right there (he also knew quite a lot about Fairy type, but thought it was made up...he did answer any Fairy type questions correctly). The one thing I love about Henry: if you decide to brag about how well you did, he'll ask you this: which costs more, 3 poke balls or 2 potions? (How many of you would get the right answer without looking it up?)
  21. Henry gave a little yawn for staying up so late, but the quietness of the dorms made it hard for him to sleep. It didn't bother him so much because it wasn't the first time he'd done it before. After hearing Devin's little speech, he sat down at a computer and began taking the test. For someone who lived in a region with so few native pokemon, Henry knew quite a lot of the questions. He even knew plenty of facts about the species and moves for the diversity of pokemon who lived in his region. In fact, he even knew most of the obscure items and berries even being able to tell you the exact value of each. Henry struggled a bit on habitats, trying to deduce where a pokemon would live based on its physical features. He wasn't so hard on himself on these questions because he'd never seen a wild pokemon before anyways. Henry then got up and left the room. He hardly even spent too much time taking the thing. He had plenty of time to spare so he went into the cafeteria to get a quick snack before heading to the gym.
  22. Well, there are a lot of characters and some of them are more complex then others. I love all the little hints I dropped about Henry (including one big, but very, very, subtle thing Henry did...probably only a handful of people would catch it even though I pointed it out). I probably will drop a few more subtle things about Henry here and there, but nothing will ever be obvious early on.
  23. Wouldn't be the first. Probably wouldn't be the last either.
  24. I'm glad Henry left when he did though he'd probably look in disgust before quickly leaving the room.
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