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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Commander

  1. "Some people can be read like an open book. You came here because you're worried about that boy with the Growlithe. There are already enough people lost in the forest and I wouldn't want Devin to be burdened with finding another, but I won't stop you. Besides, this is something that boy needs to do alone." Henry saw the boy was losing his patience so he decided to get to the point quickly. "I don't know if it's because I use a fire type or what, but deep down I know he'll be fine. The choice is yours: blindly walk into the forest unprepared or wait here with me and have faith in your friend." Henry had a feeling his words were meaningless, but he was curious to see what the boy would do next.
  2. If this is the first one, I'm a little bit afraid of what the later ones will be. (It kind of makes you wonder who's next). Besides, it's Slade's fight and Henry knows it. I'm just curious to see what Mareek will do when he tells him that.
  3. I could answer how Zuko could mix up anyone's scent in so many ways, but I just changed it. Usually, he goes by how nice they smell.
  4. @Dobby: Sorry, but I couldn't resist having Zuko mistake you for a girl (or was it Alvis?) @Stratos: I kind of bunnyed you a bit to push the plot forward. I really wanted to write a reaction of Alvis running out of the forest, but I know that's up to Chim, not me. I really, really want Zuko to use drought to help Slade out, but I think that Trevenaut has Harvest which would pretty much make it a lot harder. I'm not sure if Henry will retreat when the others arrive or when Slade does (in order to keep Mareek back).
  5. Great, more people are in the forest. According to Zuko, 2 girls and 3 boys. Henry stood close to the entrance of the forest trying to see if you recognize anything as a human. Meanwhile, Vulpix sniffed around to find more scents, but didn't detect any other than plentiful of pokemon. "Sigh, guess I'll have to tell Devin if they don't come out soon. I doubt I'll make it to the Contest Hall in time because of this." Suddenly, he heard a loud clash deep in the forest. "Looks like Slade is about to put on a show. If you're anything like me, you just won't know when to quit." He turned around to see a boy with the Scyther. "Took you long enough."
  6. @Turbo, I think you mixed Tyrron with Devin @Chim: Why do I have the feeling anyone not in the contest hall is gonna be late and likely punished for it?
  7. If you randomly decide to do the quiz, the answer to the last question is 32 (technically it's 34 now). I know Nickaboo did a video on it as well (you won't be able to answer the questions without it or just randomly guessing).
  8. Don't worry. Henry isn't going to get in your way, but you might think twice about entering the forest after hearing what he says.
  9. The only Dynasty Warriors game I played was Mystic Heroes (so much Nostalgia). I think the game was a lot of fun because none of us knew what we were doing. Yeah, I'll probably get the game eventually, but $60 is a steep price. If you like beating the living hell out of enemies, this is a game for you. As for any other Wii U games, I don't really have any recommendations. When Xenoblade Chronicles X comes out, you won't hear me shut up about it.
  10. Henry saw the boy with the Scyther get in line to heal his pokemon. "Zuko, come out." He watched his Pokemon come out of his Pokeball. The Vulpix was a bit grouchy from being woken up from its nap. Henry pulled out another Oran Berry and the Vulpix ate it. He seems to be in perfect condition, but he definitely won't be able to pull off another drought. Thankfully, this won't be a fight I'll have to win. "Slade, was it? You better hurry. I can only hold your friend back for so long." Henry fought his way through the crowd to head back outside.
  11. Chim, can we please incorporate that into the story to scar Shiro for life? (Have Redwood or Devin say something, please)
  12. Slade, I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think Ralts has teleport. I even think I made a joke with Henry about that earlier. @Stratos: Maybe we'll find out after the Contest Hall (you're not the only one who needs it).
  13. Henry is someone who listens to people who are strong and knows when to not get in their way. If he didn't trust Devin, he would've gone in. @Stratos: It's up to you. If Devin can't find them, you'll definitely have a couple people back you up later on. Zuko can still fight a little, but won't be able to use Drought.
  14. "Thanks," responded Henry. "I don't know if it matters, but the Ralts knows Shadow Sneak. I lost sight of it in seconds." Henry turned and headed to the contest hall. He noticed a boy who witnessed the battle and quickly walked up to him and whispered, "Whatever you saw, that's not the kind of person I am. Let's just say that Vulpix has seen things no pokemon should ever have to see." Henry then slid away from the boy and continued walking.
  15. "Showoff," Henry thought to himself. He'd only seen a couple of weak dragon in his lifetime, but never any with strength like this. "I doubt anything I say will change his mind, but it's good to know authority gives a damn here. Hmm...maybe I should ask him. "Devin, was it? I have a quick question: how do you keep pokemon with such strength under control so well?"
  16. It'd be salt to the wound if you did that after what Henry is going to do. I might have a little too much fun having Henry "sympathize" Slade. Edit: Looks like that's a no go. Also, Devin is evolving. Congratulations, your Devin evolved into a Drake.
  17. Must've misread it (Geeze, when did Shiro learn how to be tough). I'll edit the first part. Be honest, he kind of deserved it. Edit: Should work a bit better now @Turbo: We've already had a discussion where I wanted Spinarak as my second pokemon. I might try getting a Lileep, but we'll see.
  18. We're just going to assume you went through the hole in the fence. It's a bit convenient for us anyways.
  19. Henry got back to his feet. Part of him wanted to punch his roomate in the face, but he knew he deserved every beating this kid threw at him. He took a deep breath to calm himself down before saying, "I've been through absolute hell just to try finding the thing. It's a surprisingly stealthy Ralts, but my Vulpix was able to track him into the forest. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get into the forest right now otherwise I would've went in." He then took a few steps back to face the whole group. "As for the student, I might be able to knock some sense into him. From my own experiences, losing control of a fire type comes with a hefty price. I'm just glad no one was hurt." He gave a quick glance at Kenny before looking back at the whole group. "Well, standing around here isn't going to do anything." He turned around and headed the way back to the forest.
  20. @Bfroger: I'm alright with people bunnying my PC and pokemon, but I might say something if you go a little extreme. (Honestly, I could see Henry wanting to punch Shiro for creating this mess). @Dobby: Yeah, I'm all for bunnying whenever we're not around. We could drag a few people around and have them participate when they can.
  21. I'm pretty sure it's in the department store, but it shouldn't really make a difference what you put on it
  22. I could imagine them saying stuff like this. From my first Reborn Run: Alakazam: "I question your choice of Pokemon." Emolga: "Haters gonna hate." From my second Run:
  23. I have an idea. Either Avis or Danielle could run into Henry and drag him along (he has a natural talent of getting lost without Zuko). I could just see him freak out about the hole in the fence and wanting to chicken out. Who wouldn't be afraid of something that can do that especially without a pokemon usable. It'd probably be worse if it were Danielle and Lana.
  24. The first time Kage looks at a girl/teacher in the wrong spot, I might have my PC give a speech about becoming a man to cover for him (without realizing what's going on). I know Jory could do it, but definitely wouldn't be as awkward or embarrassing. I think Henry's straight, but who knows.
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