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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Commander

  1. Actually, I don't even recall locking the door (hurray for Henry being part hobo). I'm scarred to see the list of all posibilities. Claude X Rhy is the OTP though.
  2. I was going to make my PC try to find (and fail) Brendon, but I feel this is a better choice. I have a feeling Slade, Kenny, Shiro (maybe), and Henry are all going to be sitting in detention. The only way to make a situation like that situation worse is to throw Claude in there.
  3. Just as Henry was about to enter the cafeteria, he saw a small group run out. He recognized one as the kid whose Ralts was kidnapped by Zuko. "That's it! If one Ralts can get in there, maybe another can too." He hesitated for a moment thinking about all the troubled he caused just to find this Ralts. He was about to head into the cafeteria, but then griped, "Screw it, it's not like I can get into any more trouble than I already am." He turned around and ran to where the boys and teacher were headed. "Besides, that Ralts needs help and we're running out of time."
  4. Too bad. I thought Henry was going to have to save the day. Edit: He might still, but not in the way you'd expect.
  5. I could see two people being punished for this. Honestly, I don't know who's going to ultimately get it.
  6. I kind of based it on how people of Orre would fight if they were in an anime (they would play dirty as hell). Zuko would attack a trainer as a means of getting away because a Pokemon usually would protect its trainer and stealing pokemon (or stealing in general) is very common in the poor town of Pyrite. Yes, my trainer is from Phenac City, but Pyrite plays a bigger role in his story. Edit: Hell no would I even think anything like that for an official match or pretty much any battle after the first one. I even had my PC say "I'm not going to hear the end of this."
  7. Considering the fire was still lit during the fight, I'd imagine Henry walked in shortly after Kage while Jory was having the conversation. By the time they arrived, the fire would've been put out. On a different note, I kind of want a Spinarak now. I love Ariados's design and it'd be kind of fun having one around. Who doesn't like having a giant spider living in their dorm? Oh wait...
  8. Normally, you can find in the cuboard under the sink (heck, my house and dorm hallway have fire extinguishers). inb4 Phoebe tells them where it is
  9. So Henry leaves right when Slade is about get the spiders out. I hope the others have a plan because if they don't, that Ralts is screwed.
  10. Henry stopped for a moment and turned around realizing something. "He's on the East side of the gate, but you won't find him without the boy," he yelled. "He's that shy boy from the cafeteria we saw earlier." He continued walking away looking at his Vulpix's poke ball. "He clearly lacks experience, but there's something about him. I have a feeling we'll battle again someday." He continued to the cafeteria seeing that his roomate was no longer present. "Maybe this time I can eat without being interrupted."
  11. I'm pretty sure Henry was secretly laughing at them, but he knew he couldn't win once the sun was gone. (I'm kind of picturing a Falcon Punch in this scene). Henry is a pretty forgiving person, but Zuko on the other hand, your PC better keep an eye open when he sleeps.
  12. Zuko nailed Henry in the stomach as both fell to the ground. Zuko got up and growled at the opponent, but Henry began to laugh. He watched as the weather returned to normal. "Looks like I've been beaten at my own game. Zuko, stand down." The Vulpix walked closer to its master and curled up for a nap. He returned it to its pokeball. "Don't worry, he'll be alright. Going all out on Drought tends to wear him out." Suddenly, his stomache began to growl. "This is just not my day. First, I wake up late which probably led my roomate runs out of the room leaving his pokemon behind. Then that Ralts tries to follow him. Even when I was trying to get some food, my Vulpix had to mistake that trainer's Ralts for his. Then when I finally figure out where it is, I can't even get in that forest. I'm really fortunate that Riolu blocked that one attack. It's a bad habit he does whenever he feels threatened." Henry got back on his feet and began walking away, but turned back towards the boy. "Sorry about this. I think it's best I just leave before I bring any more trouble to you."
  13. Considering berries grow on trees, I don't think it's completely absurd for someone to carry a few (or just one) for emergency purposes (considering Henry walked most of the way here). I just wanted to give Glitch a questionable amount of experience as a trainer (even though he's a Coordinator). Regardless of what Chim says, I was planning on ending the battle after that move anyways (Henry is going to surrender).
  14. Zuko was knocked of its feet. Before anyone else could make a move, Henry stood right in front of Vulpix and secretly dropped an Oran berry to feed it. The Vulpix quietly ate the berry while the Henry began to talk. "It's been a while since we've had a fight. Sorry about that little incident back there. We're use to playing by different rules." Suddenly, the Vulpix launched off of Henry's back and into the air to use another launching another flame on his foe. "We've also never played fair." ---------------------------------------------------------- Before Berry: Zuko (5% HP): No move used After Berry: Zuko (90% HP): Ember ----------------------------------------------------------
  15. Zuko knew he was at a disadvantage being hurt earlier. His mouth began to glow with flames. He launched an attack, but not at the Riolu. The Riolu quickly jumped in the way to protect his trainer from harm. The Vulpix used the opportunity to quickly retreat. ----------------------------------------------------- MOVES USED: Zuko (30% HP Left): Ember ----------------------------------------------------- Henry tried calling out to the Ralts, but it didn't seem to work. He slammed his fist on the bar in rage. "It's too deep in. I can't even see it meaning I doubt it could even hear me. I hope Zuko is doing alright." He watched his Pokemon try attacking the trainer. "Oh boy, I'm not going to hear the end of this one, am I?" He quickly ran towards where his Vulpix. "Why did I even teach him that trick?"
  16. Henry looked around, but saw nothing of interests other than the Riolu and smoke coming from a room. "Congrats, Zuko. You weren't the first pokemon to catch the school on fire. Still don't see that Ralts anywhere. Must be hiding somewhere shady." The boy looked over to the fenced forest. "Now why would you go in there? Zuko, distract them while I try to lure him out. Don't hold back on the heat now." The boy ran to the forest feeling the intense sunlight on him. "Now it's starting to feel like home." He watched as his Vulpix ran towards the Riolu.
  17. @Turbo (too lazy to quote): I can't tell if your character took cover in shade or came out of it (if it's the former, guess who's going to the forest?) Edit: Nevermind, I just misread it. Double Edit (O_O): I tried changing my parts a bit to fit everyone else's better.
  18. Henry and the Vulpix headed outside when the the boy caught on eye another boy and a Riolu. The Vulpix sniffed around when it suddenly lost the scent again. "Heh, you would lose the scent in a place like this." He turned to the boy not realizing he couldn't hear him. "So tell me, what happened to your friends? I doubt someone like you would rush out here alone without reason. If you're looking for a battle, wild Pokemon would never suffice." The Vulpix stopped what it was doing and stood in front of its master. The sun began to glow a bit brighter and Henry could feel the heat burn his skin a bit, but he was used to it. He lived in a dessert after all. "Show me what you got."
  19. One thing you can do is kind of insert yourself into a situation and we could lightly guide them while you describe what they were doing aka fill in the details. It's kind of like how the others show bits of the scene where Vulpix was kidnapping Kage's Ralts. @K_H: I made a post earlier so it's your move still (I was planning on editing it to fit how you wanted it to go). @Turbo: Hope your trainer isn't scarred of a little fire because he's about to be burned (not really).
  20. Henry followed close behind the Vulpix until he saw the boy with the Riolu again. He quickly hid as his pokemon approached them. The Vulpix sniffed at the ground for a minute and twitched its tails. "Must've found it." He looked at the boy talking with the older man with a Riolu next to him. "It's that kid again. Well, time to improvise." The boy came out of hiding and dove to try and catch his Vulpix. The Vulpix jumped out of the way quickly ran off. The boy quickly got back on his feet and began apologizing. "Sorry about that. He seems to be out of control today. Must be excited for school." Henry quickly ran off chasing his Vulpix.
  21. Ice and Flying from second and third. Good luck with that one, buddy.
  22. ........................................................................He knows too much.
  23. Technically, no one knows where Shun is at (Glitch being the closest). Shiro is likely to find him first though. Poor Kage though, he almost gets exposed, his Ralts was almost stolen, and the Vulpix is coming back for more (he's not stealing the Ralts this time though).
  24. "AHHHH!" yelled Henry in frustration. "You can't even find a single trace." He watched the Vulpix sniff all around the area. He painfully clutched his stomach causing his pokemon to stop doing its job and worry. "I'm fine. Besides, whatever hopes we have may be gone if you don't find one soon." Truthfully, the boy already given up hope, but he was too stubborn to quit. "If I was a pokemon trying to run away, where would I go?" He looked out the window for a moment fearing he knew where the Ralts had gone. "Looks like we can't do anything more. Want to see if your new 'friend' wants to play a bit more?" "Vulpix!" The excited Pokemon hurried off toward the cafeteria. "I was just kidding!" yelled Henry to his pokemon as he followed him.
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