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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Commander

  1. (Feels slightly like an idiot for asking this) What do you mean by desks?
  2. Yikes, this may be a game of rock, paper, scissors
  3. Not sure if I'm able to join or not, but I'll do a character profile anyway. If I can't have student, I guess I could go for RoG. If I'm too late, it's not the end of the world to me. Name: Henry "Glitch" Baldwin Age: 15 Birthday: Jan 25 Appearance: messy hair, wears glasses, has a smirk on his face when he battles Program: Coordinator Pokemon: Future Pokemon: Hometown: Phenac City Background: (Let me know if this conflicts any of the plot and I'll change it) Edit: And changed so it should work now.
  4. Welcome to Reborn...after everyone else pretty much greeted you to death. Does Ame keep all of in a cage or something only releasing you to hunt greet new members? I'm usually on the server so feel free to chat there anytime.
  5. No, I don't recall one, but I figured they would be used for a shell bell if anything. (R/S/E Shoal Cave)
  6. Mega evolutions? (Laughs on the floor). Maybe Reborn Leaders will get Mega Evolutions, but we probably won't get any maybe in the post game
  7. So we're trying to make a corrosive field that basically buffs the hell out of poison types. Why don't we just double poison type's defense while we're at it?
  8. Honestly, I don't think we can determine the order of the gyms at this point in time. The only gyms we don't have access to are Hardy's, Titania's, and Adrienn's. I'm predicting Hardy is going to be the next leader leading to the events of going into the dessert. Let's be honest here: when has getting an HM ever been easy? I don't think Ame is going to cram HMs so closely because we just go both Dive and Surf this episode. Maybe we'll fight Terra/Ciel next episode, but we definitely won't be getting Fly until we come back to Agate.
  9. We have a very special volunteer here: So donate now!
  10. Well, I have some bad news. If you have done the Sunkern trade, you cannot get a Sneasel without restarting the game. (Part of me thinks Amethyst did this to throw salt in Vinny's wounds). I have a feeling Sneasel will be in the next episode anyways.
  11. Quick, hide this from Vinny (gonna get me a Togepi and Shroomish while I'm doing this). I don't think his heart can take it.
  12. Best Advice: Disadvantage typing does not equal worthless. At this point, you will start building a well rounded team (or Gyarados) and figure out how to take down each leader with that team. You're going to want to box Marowak and Driblim not only are there going to be a handful of pokemon that'll outclass them, but Roserade (and probably Arcanine) will definitely be good options for some upcoming battles.
  13. Full Roster (confirmed by Gama unlocking all characters) Master Hand on Classic Mode Info
  14. 200 Ruppees to the person who ways 100 first 45
  15. Okay, I have some good and bad news for smash bros players. The good news is that someone unlocked the full roster. That bad news is that the roster leak was the full roster from about a month ago ie no Mewtwo, Lucas, or Ice Climbers.
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