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Everything posted by Commander
This is a petition regarding the penalty on the users ONLY. DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE PENALTIES. I repeat: DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF THE PENALTIES. CALLING OUT NAMES AND SUCH WILL ALSO NOT BE TOLERATED. During this week of Pokenations, a ban was given out to the following users that can be found here. The reasoning behind the ban was because of a spamming on the reborn sever for a duration of 15 minutes that can be found here. The duration of each ban was based upon how many times each user spammed. Some discussion has been brought up about the fairness of the ban. Ultimately, the users did break a rule of PokeNations has full justification in punishing the members in accordance. This petition was created in a belief that the punishments are greater than what the culprits deserves for the following reasons: 1. The following message spammed did not target or slander any users. While the following message may or may not be true, users seemed to enjoy it with some joining in as well. 2. The spamming lasted for a short period of time and was not repeated excessively from the current date of when it originally occurred. 3. While Nation members did join in, there was no link between PokeNation and the users spamming the message. It is highly unlikely PokeNations will be viewed differently because of the message. With these reasons in mind, I believe the following punishment should not be removed, but all users who participated should be banned no longer than a week. If you agree with the following, please state your name and #2 week ban. Note: I apologize if I offended anyone, but I feel as if something needs to be done about the issue. Edit: Seems like people are going back and forth between one and two weeks so I'm open to either.
I haven't wrote anything serious in a long while so I'm a bit rusty. Don't worry, everyone usually starts out absolutely awful, write 20 minutes a day and read at least 20 minutes a day and you'll improve greatly. You could try a writing website. It's a major, major pain in the ass, but there are people who will help you. Just type in my name and Booksie and you can find my stuff. Just send me a message saying your from Reborn and I'll look at anything you post. Don't really care if you read my stuff because I feel its not worthy of being read.
Misdreavus is in the wasteland at night who first spawns on top of the mountain part. It blends in pretty well so you might miss it the first time. I'm 99% it's fixed, but he might be invisible above the grave, but you'll still be able to interact (he was only invisible in the first place on my second run). You'll have to chase it around a bit before getting it. Sandile is available in Tanzan Mountain which is unlocked shortly after the Wasteland and Yuriev events.
I pretty much played and beaten I-X, except three: I and II: For NES games, they're pretty good, but the latter's battle system is pretty bad (Chrono Cross redeems it though) III: I could never finish this one because the final dungeons have no save points and I got a game over. It's a pretty repetitive RPG with a lot of encounters. IV: pretty good game to start with if you don't mind ATB. I really like this game, but it's far from my favorite. V: This one is my favorite. The story is not as good, but the character class system is 10x better than III's and bosses are actually challenging. Definitely worth trying if you haven't already. VI: I'm going to be that guy and say it's my second favorite in terms of story. I only played the GBA version and need to play the SNES version before judging, but it's another one of FF's best. VII: I tried liking this game. I really tried liking this game, but it's probably my least favorite. The black sheep of the series and I feel it starts off alright, but really derails by the end. The materia system was also more of a pain than actually fun. VIII: I like a lot about this game. The battle system is good, but man, it can be broken at times (and the final boss can troll you with it). The plot is good, despite a couple WTF moments that felt forced and very unfitting. IX: This game reflects what FF used to be. I love the classic medieval setting much more than the futuristic making this my second favorite. The game's story is great and really worth the journey. X: I have both love and hate and more love for this game. The combat is amazing and turn based for those of you turned off by ATB. The story is also pretty good as well. My only complaints are the ultimate weapon quests. You will flip a coffee table trying the Chocobo racing (I raged quit after getting .1 seconds). As for other series, I'd recommend the Xeno Series (Xenogears/Saga are turn based, Xenoblade was voted best jrpg of last gen) or The Last Story. These games were made by former Square employees and I feel they are all good, though Xenosaga does test a gamer's patience at times.
I loved playing the GC version with my neighbors when I was younger (I think it's been 12 years). Wow, I can see the resemblance.
NES: Legend of Zelda,Super Mario Bros,Kid Icarus,Kirby's Adventure,Double Dragon SNES: Earthbound,Radical Dreamers,Secret of Mana,Chrono Trigger,FFIII,LoZ A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Mario Bros 3 N64: Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Bomberman Series, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Donald Duck Going Quackers, Goemon's Great Adventure, Mystical Ninja, LoZ Majora's Mask/OoT, Mischief Makers, Rayman 2, Starfox 64, Harverst Moon, Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2, Playstation: Crash Bandicoot Series,Metal Gear Solid,Spyro Series,Chrono Cross,FF VII, VIII, IX,Klonoa, Megaman Legends, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoons Gameboy Color: Pokemon Yellow/Blue, TLoZ Link's Awakening, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Bros,TLoZ Oracle of Ages/Seasons Gameboy Advanced: Fire Emblem Games,Kirby and the Amazing Mirror,Sword of Mana, Phantasy Star Collection, Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Fire Red/Leaf Green,Riviera the Promised Land aka the WTF game,Yggdra Union, KH: CoM, LoZ Minish Cap, FFIV and FFV, Golden Sun and TLA, Mario and Luigi Sega Superstar PS2: Xenosaga Series, Sly Cooper Series, Jak series,Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, DQ VIII, Persona 3 & 4, FFX and FFXII, KH 1&2, Sims and Sims Bustin' Out Gamecube: Metroid Prime 1 & 2,Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin 1 & 2, Pokemon Colosseum/XD, Super Mario Sunshin, LoZ Wind Waker, Spyro: A Dragon's Tale, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Fire Emblem Path or Radiance, Tak series, LoZ 4 Sword Adventures, Smash Bros Melee Nintendo DS: LoZ Spirit Tracks/Phantom Hourglass, DQ IX and VI,The World Ends with You, PMD Blue Rescue Team/Explorers of Time, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Heart Gold/Black/White 2, Professor Layton Series, Guitar Hero, Elite Beat Agents, Dig Dug, KH 358/2 Days and Re: Coded, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Kirby Superstar Ultra, Mario and Luigi BIS and PiT Wii: Xenoblade Chronicles, Metroid Other M, LoZ Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, The Last Story, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Smash Bros Brawl PS3: Dot Hero 3D, KH 1.5 Remix, Tales of Xilia, Rachet and Clank Collection, Lego Harry Potter 2, Little Big Planet, Ico & Shadow of Colossus Collection, Uncharted 3DS: Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Mario and Luigi Dream Team, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon X/Y, Super Mario 3D Land, Yoshi's New Island, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Bravery Default (eventually) Wii U: New Super Mario Bros, Pikmin 3, Nintendo Land, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World,Lego Marvel I probably missed quite a handful of them.
I once nicknamed a Sudowoodo Steve (named after Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged) on a Heart Gold nuzlocke and joked I'd raise a Steve army if he became the star of my team. I hated Sudowoodo so I thought it wasn't going to happen. That backfired on me so badly. Yes, I will use a competitive team of Sudowoodos named Steve at some point.
This is why mario maker needs to happen Edit: I'm all for mario maker because people have made some absolutely amazing stuff
FINAL POLLING; Wifi Clause, Standard Tier or Side Tier?
Commander replied to diana's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I can honestly say I'm indifferent to the wi-fi clause. Unless you're running a bad team, it won't affect your overall performance that much. I prefer not having the Wi-fi clause on because it makes the average trainer way too predictable. This is coming from a guy who hasn't done a whole lot of competitive battling. -
Looks like they place me here. While these aren't my best types, I'm pretty solid with Normal Types. It seems like you have a winning streak going on and I'm not gonna be the one to break it.
I remember some troll wanting to cream my UU team with his Uber team on PO. I ignored him the first two time, but he just kept requesting to battle. I really wish I could've seen his face when I pretty much owned him with just a Slowking. As for Xerneas, I've had plenty of people rage quit on me when my Choice Scarf Mewtwo uses Trick on it.
The Field Effect Factory's Latest Product Line!
Commander replied to Amethyst's topic in News and Announcements
Actually, that first part isn't a bad idea and it's Miracle Eye, not foresight. I don't think adjusting Dark/Ghost Type powers would make sense (or make a difference) in this environment. If you want to make Radomus harder, give Trick Room a much higher priority (add plus 8 to make it equivalent to quick attack) to make it go first or just make it permanent. Iron Balls could then be equipped to Radomus's Pokemon (if they're not already) making them always go first. -
And that's why Hounchkrow is on my team. It can deal heavy damage and be death fodder at the same time. As for strongest fairy, Whimsicott for me. I use one PO which I call LotT (Lord of the Trolls). I'm so sad he's been removed from Reborn because I tend to use a Leech Seed strategy.
100% All Natural Homegrown Field Effects
Commander replied to Amethyst's topic in News and Announcements
Wait, Stealth Rocks isn't an TM anymore. If we're running on Ame logic, that won't stop her though. (I'm pretty sure Terra will have Big Top anyways). I really wish this could be put into Pokemon Online for like a week for that very reason. The chaos it would create is unimaginable. -
Nah, that's too good. I'd expect Feebas, but the prism scale not being available until late in the game. On a serious note, I could see Remoraid filling the role quite nicely. Octillery is a very underrated Pokemon.
Sigh, I hate it when this Pokemon comes up. To start off, Fire/Flying is a terrible match-up. The reason why Talonflame is so good is because of Speed and Priority. 100 Speed is fast, but he doesn't have the strength to back himself up. In fact, Typhlosion is a better option than him because he's an exact copy without flying allowing him to take more hits. Both of those pokemon are strong, but they're definite outclassed by so many fire types I can't even count them all (Ninetales, Volcarona, Blaziken, Arcanine, Infernape, Chandelure, etc). Worst of all, to use him in this A tier strategy, you have to bring another Fire Type. He's a good pokemon I won't lie, but he's not something you can count on for everything. It's the flying type that hurts him. Yes, he's resistant to Earthquake, but 90% of ground types carry a rock move making it hurt more than help gaining more weaknesses. Literally, I could argue he should be moved down a tier, but let's just give him B tier until mega evolutions are implemented. Then we can move him to A or even S. On a brighter note, I'll tier his rival Blastoise. Blastoise Badges: 0/??? Tier: B Stats: Good Movepool: Great Seriously, I was shocked how good this pokemon could be. Literally, he took 20 hits from Aya and 35 hits from the old hax Serra. Did I mention I only use Super Potions (and leech seed...Cherrim FTW). Squirtle is a bit of a pain, but when it evolves, it starts to become useful. This isn't one for the offensive type users as you rarely go all out with this one. Iron Defense and Protect are very useful on him because it allows him to stall. Even flinch moves like Aqua Tail and Bite add up to this pokemon's time on the field. I can only rank him B (barely) because he'll slow down your battle quite a bit. There will also be some rough spots until he gets his really good moves. If you're willing to go through the rough spots, you'll find an excellent and very underrated mon. It seems someone didn't tier their choices. Based on their description, I'd give Azumarill A tier and Ambipom B tier since breeding doesn't seem much of a hassle.
IMO Venusaur or Amoongus (or whatever that mushroom is called) would really help your team because you lack a status move. Leech Seed and Sleep Powder/Spore make this battle so much easier and bearable. More importantly, get a heart scale (I had 10 at this point) and teach Donphan Bulldoze or level him up to 46 for earthquake and delevel him. He's going to be your main this fight.
B/W has a better story (still not that great though), but B/W 2 has a lot more content...I mean a lot more. While it's not as good as Emerald/Platinum's Battle Frontier, you can do a Colosseum like Mt. Battle place called Black City/White Tower, play the Game in Challenge Mode (please bring this back), or face gym leaders from all the regions in the Pokemon World Tournament.
Is this the old Serra or the new Serra? New Serra isn't as bad. Old Serra was the hax queen. I had my Cherrim (get at my level) set up a Sunny Day and then began to sweep her team (I don't want to even count the resets it took to do that). All that was left was her Glaceon and I needed to hit her once to win. 20 minutes later, I lost the battle and had to start over. That Glaceon dodged 40 attacks in a row. I wanted to cry when I finally got that badge.
Now I cannot unsee this. Picture the rose as a giant nose. (Did I just make a rhyme?)
I've used some very weird Pokemon so I might be able to help with this. I feel any of these pokemon can be used, but ranking them is a bit hard. Lanturn Tier: D Availability: Somewhat Early Stats: Poor Movepool: Okay Despite it's terrible stats and shallow movepool, it's a very decent Pokemon early game. While it can't hit that hard, it gains confuse ray and charge beam. What this thing can do is take special hits like no tomorrow. If you need a wall, it's not a bad option. Manectric Tier: C Availability: Very Early Stats: Average Movepool: Good the biggest issue with Manetric is that it doesn't learn anything useful early and it's best moves are from TMs (Overheat). Thunder Wave combined with it's good speed is useful for halting threats. If it had a better attack stat, I'd definitely give it a higher rank. Typhlosion Tier: C Availability: Very Early/Late Stats: Average Movepool: Poor I was surprised by this Pokemon. While it is overshadowed by it's Fire/Fighting successors, it's not a bad Pokemon. If you need a hard hitting, speedy fire type, Typhlosion is an excellent choice. Roserade Tier: A Availability: Somewhat Late Stats: Good Movepool: Poor This Pokemon is great at three things: Poison, Recovering, and Hitting hard. Leech Seed and Toxic Spikes are great options as Roserade can outspeed quite a bit and the AI isn't smart enough to switch (yet). This thing can also hit like a truck with Petal Dance. The biggest downside is it's frail defense. As long as it is used wisely, it can be a great asset to almost any team. Honchkrow Tier: C Availability: Varies Stats: Average Movepool: Good If this Pokemon had better speed, it'd easily be an A rank. Like Crobat, it gains the ability to use Haze. With Super Luck and a Scope Lens, this bird will put a dent into some really bulky Pokemon. It'll probably take a hit or two before going down because it doesn't have the defenses to stand that long. Toxicroak Tier: B Availability: Somewhat Late Stats: Good Movepool: Great Toxicroak is a really special case. While it doesn't learn any great STAB moves early, it has a couple nasty little tricks up it's sleeve. Swagger, Mud Bomb, Revenge, and Sucker Punch are some of it's moves it'll learn early. It starts out rather poor, but it gains potential as the game goes on. Escalvier Tier: B Availability: Late Stats: Good Movepool: Good While it's no Scissor, Escalvier has some great uses. It can be used as a staller in order to heal everyone up or go on the offensive and really hurt the opponent. Another upside is that this Pokemon grows very fast meaning it's not going to lag behind despite it's late availability. He also has an advantage against all four leaders that follow him. It's a pretty good pokemon, but there are much better options. Cherrim Tier: C Availability: Very Early Stats: Varies Movepool: Poor On paper, this pokemon is terrible. In Reborn, it's not too bad. The biggest hindrance is that Sunny Day needs to be up which will really hurt any water types and wastes a turn in battle. Double Battles is where it really shines. Flower Gift raises the attack and special defense by 50% when it sunny of both it and it's partner. This is a very difficult pokemon to use, but it's very strong when used correctly. Arbok Tier: D Availability: Very Eary Stats: Poor Movepool: Good If you're going to use Arbok, it's not going to be for Attacking. With moves like Sreech, Glarce, Acid Spray, and a Poison move along with intimidate, it's good for a setup. Not the best Pokemon out there, but it has it's uses. Alakazam Tier: A Availability: Late Stats: Excelent Movepool: Great Alakazam used to be a great pain to get as you had to trade a Bibarel for an Abra which was worth it. Based off that experience, Alakazam is a Pokemon that'll be useful throughout the whole game. It's both fast and strong. It'll be a major pain to raise, but the reward is worth the efforts. Emolga Tier: D Availability: Somewhat early Stats: Poor Movepool: Great Emolga as a whole is terrible, but has a few little gimmicks that make him a little useful like acrobatics and light screen. His typing isn't too bad either, but it's his stats that hinder him to be too weak. He's very useful early, but he'll drag behind later.