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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Commander

  1. >What led you to Pokemon Reborn? Honestly, I can actually remember too much other than hearing somebody say that they wouldn't play any other Pokemon game but this one. It was actually just a side conversation I overheard in band practice. I kept it in the back of my mind and took a look and I think I saw a video of Corey's death from Gamerstree (that was the halfway point of the game back then) and decided to give it a shot. I don't think I need to give my opinion of the game as it should be obvious being....5 years here now. >What do you think about the battle system in the game? This honestly is a loaded question for me. I can't say it particularly stands out to really say it's a special kind of turn based RPG since Pokemon is a rather simple system (even if competetive wants to make you want to believe it's quite complex). The thing that really stands out is that all the creatures are pretty different from one another give or take a few making the games easy to get sucked into as no experience is ever the same. It's why I still enjoy Pokemon 20 something years later though the newer once just don't feel right. Anyways, the point is Ame took her own spin to the series and it really kind of shows what you can do to make Pokemon difficult and still loveable which I wish TPC would let someone develop something official made to challenge us. They refuse so people took it into their own hand. But it really is a fun battle system even if 90% of my time was spent on the opposite side of them. I really do enjoy making those fights though I wish it could be easier to put a bit more variety into it. I'm getting off topic though. >What do you think about the stories/narrative in the game? I'll try to give a simple answer to this question: I've often found myself in awe of this game no matter how many times I go through it with something else catching my eye each time. There's even out of bound secrets like the Mew tile for the curious or the Dratini tile. For a game made from basically outdated tools from the 2000s, it's a damn impressive piece that some people wouldn't believe the things they see. Reborn isn't something you really, really take into appreciation for what it's done until you've played a number of games in that engine. It's a rather fascinating and unique game with a one of a kind story inspired by a community. Even waiting 5 something years (I've lost count) watching the next big thing in the game still gets me excited with really only one bump where I was just tired and didn't want to grind. It's flawed, and I could say it's a mess, but it's a beautiful one I'll wait a few more years to finish then get off this wild ride (waiting for Ame's next project). >What do you think about the queer characters in the game, like Cain and Adrienn? That's one of those things I'm not sure how to answer. It's about as silly to me as if a character is a boy or girl. I'm not going to dislike or like them simply because of that but... Cain is a fantastic written character and Adrienn is iffy (I'll get into that), but if we were to define them as queer characters, then they'd be terrible. If you honestly removed the fact Cain is bi (just say he ran away from home) and Adrienn was a female, I don't think they'd be viewed any different than they are now. Cain's problem is that his backstory just gets very, very little screen time and is in the background so it often is easy to forget about. Cain just is very entertaining and honestly one of the best written characters in the game. Adrienn is on the opposite scale. Xe is someone who just feels forced into this from the jarring explanation of nonbinary to really just not having any relevance other than being in charge (pretty much Ame 2.0). Though in a way that makes sense as Fairy type didn't exist when the plot was first drafted and the game was being worked on. There is a character really defined and cemented around the idea. Titania really is the character that stands out. Imagine pretending to be in love for so long to stop someone from being suicidal. Honestly, it's one of those topics I've kind of glazed over but looking back I really should talk a bit more about it. Looking back an analyzing the branch split easily has been on of my favorite things to do because of how screwed up that relationship is. The Zekrom path is even more messed up after seeing the Reshiram one. Also... These are easy to answer: No, Nothing really, and I guess the struggles and fallout of a longtime sturdy relationship for the last one.
  2. How...do I put this in a way to understand it. Perhaps I should jump into what a brand is. A brand is basically how you sell yourself to others. Not all jobs need the best brand but entertainment is one where it is crucial to survive. Literally take any aspect of it and the logic is the same from developer and YouTuber. Why do people play Sonic but not even give Freedom Planet a chance? Why do some people turn down anything that isnt Pokemon? It absolutely is nonsensical until you think about brands. People buy those because they like them. I can see why you are against advertisements and these nobodies on the internet making money off of their face. But brutally honest YouTubers barely make any money unless you hit Pewdiepie levels. And YouTube even makes it rough to survive on the platform which many have to use donation systems to keep doing what they do. Selling merch helps them out and honestly some people just like the idea of having it. I see no issue selling a product that people want to buy. If you didn't you'd be going naked to work. But you dont have to agree with it. Believe me, I'm not thrilled by people selling shirts with their face on it. Now for something I honestly dont want to glaze over. We live in a world where the rich get richer and fewer and fewer make it there. I'm just going to be blunt when it comes to entertainment you just dont get a whole bunch of people to love you. It's hard work. Painful hard work. You start out from nothing having to learn the ways to get people's attention to try something. Eventually you get to the point where your audience is self growing but before then it is slow I'll admit livestreaming has kind of been a game changer allowing for live events which seems to have made things easier.
  3. .................................................................................................................... Nobody:............. Not a single person:.......... Commander:....Let's give an update on something I'll regret saying in the future So you know how Reborn is officially going to have an Easy and Hard mode, guess what Redux is not going to have? If you ever think I'm going to make an easy mode, you clearly don't know me. I have gone beyond space and time into the dark abyss of insanity to the point nothing is going to get easier. Well neither of these are technically official but...I feel like people will be really, really happy with this since it technically has been on the table but I just was only going to do it for E19. Just makes things easier....but more work. So let me break down what the two modes most likely will be: -Master Mode: First off, I will answer the question everyone is thinking: no. There isn't a mode dedicated to master fights. Gym leaders are not affected by this mode and will be the exact same difficulty regardless of which mode you play on. What this mode will do is adjust everything else to be much, much more difficult compared to what normal Redux is. Random trainers won't changes but your friends like Cain, Blake, and good ole Sigmund won't be holding back as much so prepare for some shocking changes as I won't have to hold back as much given people choose to do this. In reality, this is just me buffing every boss who isn't a leader given I have to put something in those new slots. -Xtreme Mode: I haven't finalized this mode, but I kind of want to do something made for NG+ but at the same time leave it open ended for the masochists. Basically all this mode would more or less do is take all those postgame fights and adjust them to be fights in the main story. I may adjust all the mon levels down to level 5 in NG+ so that people can play with some old faves or make some new ones. Think of this as a lightly tested bonus instead of the ultimate challenge. Also the name is a play-on of the X-league Also god help me when I get that new PBS trainer text. I'm going to have to undo everything I did so that I can redo it in a way it can be redone to do this. In other words, I'm making mac and cheese shapes out of spaghetti. There's a lot of little things to do on my plate as you can see BUT I can't promise any release with the new AI. Just that I may be working on Redux in the shadows now that I have a much, much longer list to get done...including that follower mod which one day will get done. Just not today.
  4. I've said this before, but I honestly don't say it enough. I was really just joking given I did all this work but I have said it and I will say it again: Pokemon Reborn is Ame's creation first and foremost and I will always respect that decision. If she asked me to stop Redux or hand over anything I did I would do so without question. Pokemon Reborn is the Reborn dev teams as it should be. They ultimately have the final say in what they do. Not that I agree with every decision, but just want to make sure people understand that. But let's just put that all aside and say putting the normal Redux fights (aka the touch up of the normal fights) I do. Would that be the best possible decision to make? The fights are all more or less harder so on the surface it would make sense, but not everything perfectly matches. Many of the fights in Redux skew more towards the original designs than towards their current visions. That creates a clash of ideas and maybe some things could be too difficult curving the balance the wrong way. Redux is an intentionally flawed game. I try my best but some things just don't work out no matter the time and effort. It doesn't mean someone is wrong erring on the side of caution when it comes to an outside source. I know ya'll aren't happy with that answer so let me get into the other one: I personally think not willing to change teams up since characters only have 6 mons is a stupid reason, but one I understand. It's stupid because nobody would be able to tell and it's easy to counter argue in a logic sense. They can swap mons at any time and it's hard to believe leaders only have 6 mons they use in their entirety. But in terms of making things more difficult it makes sense to keep all the mons the same. It's a time saver and you know mons are stronger since you can increase their stats and have better moves. It's a safer more logical approach to this. It's less of a risk and gives a more guarnteed challenge for those looking for it without going overboard or needing to test the hell out of it. This isn't something about being lazy, but being practical because I have plenty of stories of testing nightmares. The infamous Armadia took a day and a half of testing. It's a time commitment that not a lot of people have especially someone who worked on the stuff I don't want to. At the end of the day, it'd be cool to see a Redux fight become an official fight. It'd also be cool if the follower mod or any of the dozen of other cool things also got into the main game. The fans of the fan creators have done work and we've crossed into territory we cannot go back on for better or worse with the modding stuff. Reborn has done a massive implementation because of this which is really all the thanks I feel any of us need. And besides, it's not like I'm not going to end up finishing Redux after what...4 years so no matter what happens with the official one it's not like the clearly superior unofficial one isn't gonna happen...put your goddamn pitchforks away. I'm only kidding. Point is the stuff everyone enjoys will still be there and it doesn't matter if it's official or not. Just that I'm dying on the inside trying to figure out how to work with these new modes. Stop making more work for me.
  5. Do you want me to give you the Redux doc because at this point we both kind of did the same thing? But on that subject... Give Julia a stunfisk. That thing alone cause more hell than even a Heliolisk. Give them the true meaning of ragequiting.
  6. Hahahahahahaha! Good joke. They usually do something every year for the past 13 years being one of the most aggressive on pirating and fan content. Pokemon is the worst contender. It ain't so much if Reborn will be taken down but more of a when which we are fortunate they haven't done anything to the point we are probably the safest yet. There is new management in NoA so maybe they stopped wasting money on it but TPC is still the same song and dance. Hard to say.
  7. I looked at the error and it has nothing to do with mods. It is a map error or more specifically a trainer text error with a missing trainer. Very easy fix that if Ttar wants to send me his save file I could get him to that exact spot to resume if needed give or take 100 Exp on each mon. I'd probably just skip the fights and adjust exp by hand saving before Solaris. Error messages make it easy to pinpoint problems. Fixing them is a different story. Map or text file errors like this are super easy and itd take me an hour to get him exactly right before the error message or depending on my musings do the actual fights. Lazy method would take 5 minutes though.
  8. Why on earth does nobody PM when it actually matters. I do this kind of stuff all the time so please for the love of god PM or DM or call a demonic ritual to summon me when you aren't sure about something. I gladly will help but...and this is going on from the previous mention: Mods are their own thing and I disagree with using them when originally playing the game. Not because of a morality or playing a fresh experience but because anyone can post anything and nobody knows how much testing is done. Believe me, I have to spend hours upon hours testing stuff but glitches come out of the woodwork to the point it is near impossible to figure out what to fix sometimes. That includes bloody lag which I still can't figure the cause of. And a system where a typo would cause crashes under the most obscure conditions. Crashes happen and mods certainly can add to their occurrences. This is why testing takes so damn long. Anyways, I have gotten a bit behind but bug me if you guys need me to do anything. I've done my fair share of map and script editing and my share of nightmares. This is like a nothing to me.
  9. I'm a bit off topic but I just want to say that yes, this absolutely is true. Doesn't bother me but feel like we could get into quite the discussion if I get carried away. You have a lot of good points. But the things I want to point out... It isnt as common to talk about recycling systems in RPGs since 90% of the time they all use the same core mechanics with a few alterations. Fighting games it goes for a bigger discussion. Anyways, the best examples for Pokemon like games done right are Digimon and Persona. Both have the same core concept as Pokemon but you'd be out of your damn mind to say they are like Pokemon. TemTem definitely scoots quite close to the Pokemon line. Not necessarily a bad thing, but should be allowed to be compared to Pokemon. Ah yes I can't day I'm quite familiar with how the term is used but from my guess it originally was used to label communities who did absolutely disgusting things from constant harassment from anyone outside the circle to straight up throwing porn in areas children could get into. Seen some pretty messed up communities though only from an outsider perspective not really being part of one. Of course words get watered down like crazy. "All fandoms are cults" is one of my favorite things to quote because of how this whole thing works. Someone tell me I'm wrong in this instance but you got a whole bunch of stupid teenagers talking about stuff. There's the group who thinks they are better than everyone and call people struggling that they suck, those who cannot find fault in the game and lash on the people who criticize, people who hate the game for the sake of hating it, that one guy who tries to ruin everyone's fun, and people seeing all this acting like it is the worst thing ever labeling it as too "toxic" to be around, and most people who just want everyone to shut up and enjoy the game. Also the constant battle of people complaining about the game demanding fixes if it is one using online capabilities. The game has only been out for like a week. Things will start to settle down over the next month or so. Also I still have no idea what TemTem is other than it looks like FlyFF tried to make SuMo.
  10. That...is debatable if it should even be considered an RPG. Earlier ones were more of a sandbox module and quite bare bones even for the times. There is charm to that but it really is the odd duck. I can't say much on Temtem as it honestly holds no interest to me but I can throw the towel in on RPG subjects that seem to have popped up today. Let me just address a couple of them: Random encounters and high amount of battles is more of an old school thing. Games didn't have a lot to develop off of so those were there to slow down the pace. In reality it more likely is more of an annoyance in Temtem than an actual fault but it grinds down to patience. Not everyone can take an hour to get to the next exciting thing. It depends on tastes really but it is filler when it grinds down to it. RPGs are notorious for filler leading to ridiculously long games. Now for stuff being difficult. I'm going to take a stab and say Temtem is too easy if that's the worse thing on there. But Temtem gave me the impression it is about the online experience so it is hard to say how good the game is when we only see a bit right now. But a boss being obscurely hard is not uncommon. Makes you feel like a champ when you when.
  11. Hey @Amethyst why didn't you tell me you made a sequel to the game even if you never finished the first one But for reals
  12. Chapter 60 of the Rejuv Run is up. And with that, I am free from an almost 2 year long gag.

  13. Dear Computer: stop restarting overnight Sincerely: A guy sick of writing the same thing over twice Okay, I didn't get far and this chapter isn't long but I've been a bit distracted. But let's just get this show on the road. And for the sake of my sanity and getting this chapter done, I'm not doing Frenchera. Maybe I'll edit them in afterwards but that's something easy to do over time then holding a chapter up. Actually, that isn't a bad idea. But let's just get this done in a night to prevent this problem: Chapter 60 Ze End of Za Geara What? I like my puns. Anyways, I'm just going to talk about two of the stupidest pieces of news going around. It's like so stupid. Well I have three pieces of news I want to talk about but the one is a really good thing and ties into this whole mess having to do with Pokemon. I'll just give you the short version: Oh my god will the fandom just grow the fuck up? Let me just start with Sword and Shield. I think people have a right to be upset about the base game as it was rushed. They had to meet a deadline and couldn't design everything they wanted to so it can be interpreted as a half finished game. I'm mostly talking about all the standstill moves and the weird design choices like the frozen ladder. And even the wild weather (and especially how bad the online raid system is). Those are very valid complaints and criticisms. They make for some bumps in a product impacting anyone's enjoyment. It's entertainment at the end of the day. It doesn't need to be perfect. Moving that aside I'm just mostly pissed about one of the biggest arguments on why the new DLC is bad. No, it's not the price. Well it's two things now that I think about it: the fact it wasn't in the base game and Pokemon being exclusive to those areas. Let's just start with the pricing. It can't be free. Sorry, but that's an unrealistic illusion people have. A lot of time and labor had to be put in to expand and work on a game so it'd be stupid not to charge consumers for the product. I think they priced it too high and should be $24.99 as it is realistically making the game twice as big. Most people love the wild area and having two more really makes the price valid. If you aren't happy about that there's an easy solution: don't buy it. You don't have to buy something. There's thousands of other games you could invest that money into. If Pokemon has consumed you and you think you have to get it, you have a serious problem. I'll probably wait a full year or so for a complete edition to be released for SwSh before giving the game a try. If not that, it'll eventually go on sale. That's just me. The stupider argument is mons being exclusive to the dlc areas. If you are on this train, I'll ask you a silly question: why go to Universal Studios when Disney World exists? You have to have content exclusive to the new areas or nobody would want to explore them. If it's just 10-20 new mons and the rest can be found in the main hub, then there's barely a point to run around them. It's filler content. Without it, it'd be barren. And most of these mons you've probably used at some point in the 15 years since they've been released and you have some method to transfer them to Pokemon home to SwSh if you NEED them that badly. I think the DLC was a great idea as it lets people enjoy more of a game they enjoyed. I don't see any "bad practices here" other than the pricing being a little bit too high. Next thing I want to talk about is this "Tem Tem" thing or whatever it is called where people make it sound like it's Pokemon's apocalypse. Every PokeTuber out there could jump off a cliff and Pokemon would lose like $100 in profits from it. There have been Pokemon "knockoffs" and like since Gen 1. It's actually an RPG genre usually referred to as a monster tamer RPG. Digimon is a classic one and Yokai Watch also is. I'm trying to think of the GBC series that was almost a straight ripoff of Pokemon. TemTem is running off the MMO thing which it's hard to say how long that will last. Could shut down by the end of the year. Point is Pokemon is going anywhere. A good example to show this is the Final Fantasy series who dominated the RPG genre for a long time (do you see how many people are hyped for that FFVII remake?) Final Fantasy's downfall was Final Fantasy. They just made a one infamously hated game and it just sunk to being in the middle of the pack but now we have lots of RPGs getting changes to stand out and thrive. As long as Pokemon delivers what the fans want, they'll continue to dominate. The last thing is simply talking about the Mystery Dungeon Remake. That's how you make a remake. The graphics alone are worth the 60 bucks for me. Or is it 50? Nintendo has muh money. Oh, now I remember what I was going to talk about. Nobody asked for a Mystery Dungeon remake. But they did it and I feel a lot of people are happy about it. They could have done a port and they'd make a ton, but they went the extra mile. When you go the extra mile, it shows and often is rewarded. I'm not throwing dirt at anyone but I saw a couple more Fan-games using Rejuv's tilesets pop up. A certain someone got a little upset about someone using straight up maps from Rejuv as well. The only thing I'll say is not to lose sleep over it. People know Full Moon uses assets from Reborn and Rejuv but it hasn't impacted the two games. And some of you have just heard about this game for the first time. Anyways, you can't stop it so it's best to turn your head and think of it as free advertisement. Let me make one thing clear: I think everyone should be protective of their assets. It's really crappy when someone rides off of your work for asspats and praise. That's why copyright came into play. But do you see the name "Pokemon". You're stripped of all your rights and ownership of all of those assets because they infringe a property. I don't remember how the whole mess works on ownership but someone could literally take a fan-game, change the name and claim ownership of it. You can't do anything about it and it sucks. I mean website owners can because they own the websites, but that's a different story. It's stealing stolen goods in a sense. Whew, well this was an off-topic trainwreck. Now back to the part nobody wants to read: (Well this is...something) You know, I never saw this the first two times but that plain red in the background is ugly. It just doesn't look right. My guess it's a texture thing since everything has edges except that. Also just noticed the red lava underneath the rock edge right below the Mandy OC. Just go left 4 squares from me and you'll see it. I'm not going to gripe much because mountains are awful to build from experience. I hate them so much. Not as much as Venam, but it certainly is a close second. So something like that is so, so easy to miss and make. (And let's get out of this hellhole. This is the thing of nightmares right here) I'll be adding the Frenchera stuff over the next week so just look for a comment on the bottom saying I'm done....fuck it I'll just stay up all night and do it. (Well his mother owns ghosts so I imagine he has a traumatic background) (Ze fool waz zu. Zu could of zut ze lipz and move to ze zeleporter, but no. Zu had to be ze zitch zat cry to ze baby. Only ze zupids cry to za baby) (Zeaking of babies, Zetta here zall be crying like one when ze Madame X ez done with zim. Ze traitor ez ze fool az well.) (I imagine Zetta is so done with this mess. He lost his only friend) (Zo if ze wine ez drunken and finished, Zwei zall leave and head to HQ) (That can be arranged) (Hi, I'm the man of your dreams. You dreamed of me so I have come) (Zose lipz zar moving but zeir ez no baby to zeak to. Zave zu ze crazies?) (Zho no! Zi have ze crazies. Ze bacon baby ez not bacon. Ze madness, zit conzumes me) (Zere ez only one ezplanazohn. Zu zar an angel zent from ze heavens to reap my zoul. Ze Geara zees zat ze teaming with ze devil may zave not been ze best of ideaz) I probably said this before and if so, it still stands. If by some miracle someone takes Rejuv's script and makes an abridged version as a mod, I will write every single Geara line in it in this style. (Zi juzt ezplained it zu dumb Az) (Oh whew, a break. Pardon my French. It needs some work) (And now the trifecta of characters I hate is here) (Zu muz be afraid. Be zery afraid) (And now we come to the fun times) (By early she means 10 years instead of 100) (You know, her ribbon makes it look like she's always angry...not that she isn't) (There's only one thing I know what that means and it certainly isn't meant for children) (Did I say I was bad with French? If not, I'm bad with French) (Ze madnezz, zit ez zeading. Zop it! Zu muz leave before it zreadz more) (Zi zee zu zall not leave. Zen forgive me, but zi muzz uze my chicken waifu warrior to zlay zu) (Well I'm pretty sure I'm the only adult here...so probably not) .........The realization Geara is one of the oldest characters in the game when you think about it. (..........Am I the only one that thinks that name is stupid? This is coming from a guy who named a Numel Fiery) (What ze zuck. Ez zat ze zame monster zat we took many yearz to find, but not really becauze zwei zole it from zum old guy) I've always wondered if that part of WLL was canon. I miss that game already. (I know Mewtwo can talk...this is still weird. Should've named him dude. "Hey Dude, go beat them up") (...The Mewtwo I know would sleep in a cave beating up anyone who bugs him.) (Yeah...I don't think that's a good idea) (..............Okay, this definitely is not the Mewtwo I know) Mewtwo is a popular Pokemon so I get the inclusion but popular mons are always the biggest risk. A lot of people are a fan of the movie Mewtwo which is what people have the impression of him being like. His character is all about being strong if not the strongest. Look at all the material he's based off of (not sure on the Manga though). Though when googling what Dranna is, I got Dr. Anna. Guess someone was busy getting their medical license. (Zu zon of a zitch! Zu run away like a big chicken you are. Zi want za divorze) (.........) (Ew! Ew! Ew! My head needs to get out of the gutter right now. That's one thing I don't want to imagine right now) (If she's turning him into a man, I'm out. I'm jumping back into that lava pit) (Every time I saw something regarding this it just goes down worse this rabbit hole. So Imma stay silent for a moment) (Well this isn't what I meant when I thought she was going to fuck with Zetta) (Ze wat? Ze mind. It cannot comprehend what zas happened) (Zetta waz za baby all along. And ze had me fooled) (...well okay, I guess that makes sense) (I have many questions which I don't think will ever get answered about why he looks that way) (Congrats, you're as worthless as half this cast) Seriously, make a list of everything important someone does and then you'll kind of see the redundancy (My name is Melia Montoya. You killed my brother. Prepare to die) (He had no parents...actually, who the hell raised Zetta?) (So Zetta isn't officially dead. Meh. He'll probably be back in the finale to die a hero). (Well that was a nice break from the French). I'm kind of eh on Zetta being a Solosis. I think I'll have to reference Ao no Kiseki on this though keep it rather redacted and explain it best I can. So in the finale of the game when you go back to town, you can walk around and explore it quite a bit. By doing this, a certain plot twist isn't a big shocker as you've come to know their story. Lloyd, the main character, even says it's not a shocker if you dig it all up because he understands why. If it weren't for all those little things, that antagonist really would have been more of a throwaway. Sorry for the vagueness, but I feel Zetta kind of is like that. I don't think this is bad but we don't really know much about Zetta so it's just okay. Some people are all for those big reveal drops that fool everyone, but personally I'd rather have something easy to predict written well leading up to it than a big shocker. I'm just a guy more into learning about the characters than twists to keep me on the edge of my seat. I think one or two major ones is important but twist something too much and nobody knows what's going on. Something I feel is happening to later Rejuv. That's a nightmare waiting to cover. Oh year, I was gonna talk about that later. Write all this down because it's best saved at the end here. (Zi have no idea what ez going on) (Talk about losing a girl you just met) (Yes, please lay off the tight clothes. They reveal everything) (Eh, that too.) (And that's the last we'll hear of these two for a very, very long time) (Oh look everyone is happy...why TF is it snowing?) (Am I supposed to feel something because...I don't feel so...no, I refuse to finish the dead meme) (Father and son bonding time?) (Well that's a hot duo. I have no idea what else I'm supposed to say) (Well it is Sunday today) (Son of a...nobody really died, did they?) (A journey to the center of the earth) (That's the opposite problem from me) (OH GOD NO!) (Eh, fine. Though wouldn't that be my funeral too. I kind of also died) (Gonna be weird attending my own funeral, but we've been through weirder) So that's it. Yeah, I need to find the rest of the images if I made them. I can't remember. Anyways, that pretty much is the climax of act 1. Personally, I kind of hate the idea of acts having to have one big moment supposedly dropping reveals like crazy only for the plot to continue. For me personally, it has to be something drastic for it to change like an entire new world or a plan that has been set in motion. Major changes have to happen. But that's just opinion and not things really for improvement or not. Now, I get to talk about what I called "Genius writing". Let me just start by explaining the human mind or mostly the male side. Something I learned in church, but there's a book called "Men are like waffles, Women are like spaghetti" which let's talk about waffles. They are meant to show structure and order. It has to make sense and it has to flow in an easy way to see and understand. Spaghetti is stringy and hard to see which often gets an emotional response. It's a tangled mess that's hard to understand. Now combine those two subjects together. It sounds like an oxymoron but it's not. You're writing absolute nonsense in a way that the readers comprehend and understand it. Virtue's Last Reward is probably a prime example what this is. So how do you write something like that? It's simply magic. No really, magic tricks are a good analogy. Take pulling a rabbit out of a hat. You know there's a trick to it, but from your perspective, it looks like the man is pulling a creature out of thin air. So the trick to writing this way is to play with the mind. It knows something is there but it can't quite comprehend it and is engaged. You're pulling them along through this illusion and confusion up until the resolution when it all comes together and just blows the viewer away. How do you do that? There's no rulebook anywhere that will tell you (at least that I know of) because it requires a lot of various skills and planning with a little bit of luck. It's not a mystery as a mystery has structure. But that's enough about this subject since most people reading this aren't interested in the writing aspect and play games for the sake of games. I'll make this in a way everyone can understand: The plot of Rejuv was written in a way that it can't back out of anymore. Nobody is going to believe me now, but give it a few years. Rejuv is going to end and it will either end with a rather impressively written ending or be complete hot garbage. Regardless, it's certain to be something people remember. I mean if you're going to do something like that, it's better to do it for a fan-game over putting all of the risk in a game meant for the shelves. Personally, I'm more for down to earth type styles of writing, but I'm never going to say to not take chances or try things that can backfire. You don't grow simply by doing what you know works.
  14. Commander: The DLC for SwSh looks pretty good I might consider getting it when it goes on sale... Also Commander: The remake of the Mystery Dungeon came looks meh, but how about I give it a go Also, also Commander: March 6th can't come soon enough. Fuck SwSh, this is where my heart is at I have never seen a demo make me go 180 that quickly. I'm literally so sad the demo only goes up until right before Mt. Steel. Like have you ever fallen in love with a game and you have forgotten how much you enjoyed it as it has been too many years when something comes along just to bring it all flooding back like a river? That is this game for me that will always hold a place in my heart. I forgot how much I adored this game and an hour long demo was all I needed to remember. But shoving nostalgia out of the way: this game is actually really good so I'll just break my thoughts down and be brief for the few of you who haven't played the original. I highly recommend going for this one instead. The game starts off with the classic personality quiz. It just feels right being forced to play a certain Pokemon. Last time I got Bulbasaur, but this time I got a Mudkip. And last time I picked Pikachu as a partner, but this time I decided to go with Torchic. I humored myself and asked my little sister what to name the Partner and team so we have Khloe of Team Fireflies...suddenly I'm thinking of Kiseki, but now's not the time. So the story is more or less the same, but let me just talk about the graphics right now as I was "meh" first experiencing it but I have to say that it absolutely is beautiful when you start noticing the tiny details such as shadows being dotted lines. They also made the game more expressive than even Super Mystery Dungeon which so many tiny little things just were absolutely beautiful. I'm literally so mad I can't play this game right now because it is just an improved visual experience from the original material. Now as for the main story itself, I'm not expecting anything different. The story so far was more or less cut and dry what the original one was give or take some very small alterations. There's no secret surprise and the trailer didn't really show much but a few additional pieces of content we may get for the postgame. I do have a lot of hopes, but the original story was good and I really just want to see what visual changes they do on this adventure. It does look like friend areas are coming back and it only has the original 386 like before (maybe a few new ones as well) so I wouldn't expect some massive expansion. Gameplay wise...where do I begin? Well something I noticed at the end is that you can change the protag and partner as well as team names from the save menu which is nice. I noticed a few bells and whistles that came later in the series such as wands. We also may be getting traps a bit earlier since you can see them in the Makuhita training tutorials (you get some really, really nice items going through them). Music is also top notch but going on a more powerful console that's expected. There also is a warp to the bulliten board now...because they could. Anyways, there's three very, very big changes they put into this game. The first is that you can see enemies and items on the map. That will save so much time and being forced to carry a certain item so I say good change. The next is that you can swap leaders by pushing a single button. So I was playing a bit as Torchic. The last one is that there's no weak attack move so you're forced to use PP, however, you can do it to skip a turn without wasting PP. I'm indifferent to that last one as Ethers and Elixirs probably will be needed more. Oh yeah, the Makuhita Dojo changed where it is a timer in a dungeon you can't die to grind like crazy for a single mon. Again, not sure how I feel about that given I only got to play an hour. When I first heard this game announced, I kind of wasn't intending on getting it at all as I played over a 100 hours in the original and collected everything. There was a part of me years ago who yearned to replay this. Picking up and playing this demo made that wish not only come true but like reliving the whole thing over again. I love this game and I only played it for an hour. I haven't had that feeling for a Pokemon game since Black and White 2 came out many, many years ago. And yes, I am getting this game and playing it right away. And I am begging Spike Chunsoft to remake the Explorers of the Sky in this Style. I will pay extra to get that game. I never knew I wanted a remake of Rescue Team, but I will wait impatiently for the next two months. I do recommend trying the demo if you haven't already (even if I'm a bit peeved you can't grind reviver seeds in it).
  15. They did but it seems more like they are just adding areas
  16. I'm late but that actually isnt a mod. If the mon had the egg move in an event it can relearn it through the tutor. Unless you are talking about something else. I haven't seen the latest episode but just wanted to mention that.
  17. I dont think it is that Thamill is dumb but we just have had more time and resources to go through Reborn. A lot of us vets had very little resources to go off of and finding info on that Starly event or even Growlithe took a long time to dig for. We have had such a growth in a resource bank that I guess you could say most people here are a bit spoiled. Believe me, I struggled way more than Thamill and neglected a lot while playing. Guess that means I'm dumb as well. I think a better way to describe Thamill is a kid in a candy store. You can legit tell he is getting really excited with all his theories and gets sidetracked so much he easily forgets stuff. It actually is quite different than Shofu who liked the game but never got too involved in it being frustrated a lot.
  18. So getting a $50 gift card from gamestop and a buy 2 get 2 free sale is a bad combination. I now have 8 more games to the collection

  19. Rest of mine were either taken or I really don't have anyone I'd want to vote for
  20. For zouzands zof years zi zave laid dormant. Now ze chapter of ze Rejuv Run zat stars ze Geara ez out!

  21. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... So guys, I'm a little grumpy right now. I just got through 300 pics for a chapter and not only does my computer restart but Reborn didn't save the backup just in case. I'm not mad about having to redo this. I'm mostly mad I have to redo all of the Geara lines since those take forever. This single battle truly is my suffering. Let's try this again and I will stay up all night to finish this just so I don't have to deal with it again. Sorry if it isn't as good as the first one. Also hi, I'm not dead. I just had to deal with school stuff. Now I only have to deal with grown up stuff which also sucks. Anyways enjoy the chapter or what's left of it. Chapter 59: Ze Battle Zat Never Endz So I had this feel good rant here and because I'm lazy and don't want to spend another hour rewriting it here's the short version: GF lazy and people praise them for it. Jan hard worker. Jan not like GF. Jan put good effort and time. SwSh sux. Play Kiseki instead. This run is cursed. At least I don't have to reupload every single image again though if you are following this run still...bless you, but get help. There's better things to do than watch an inferior run of a guy who does a nuzlocke and is funnier. All I'm good for is pissing people off. Also because I'm lazy any caption with Venam is getting an emoticon to save effort and time. () () () (And here we come to this again) () (Venam is something as you can tell) Okay emoticons are taking too much time. I guess complaining or terrible jokes are faster. Cringe it is! (Honey, if people listened we wouldn't be in this mess) (You know, I didn't realize this before so I guess I have something new to talk about) (You know when something is so close but really misses the mark) (Has Melia even won any battles since Blacksteeple. She's on a massive losing streak thinking on it) (Okay, now is a good point to talk about the good and old) You know how I probably go too far with my ranting, I think this is one of those that I may be a bit more on point. After seeing this basically a third time, I actually noticed something so easily missed. Jan really missed a good line having an argument between Melia and Venam. I'm going to be honest in that I feel like Venam should have really told Melia off. If anyone would know about stupidly charging ahead and taking things on alone, it'd be her. Melia basically is handing herself over on a silver platter and this basically just gets glazed over. I skimmed over it because it's kind of boring that I kind of just forgot about it. Boring is worse than bad. Sonic 06 was a bad game yet well remembered. Who remembers the name of the 6th CoD game? I think that was Black Ops 2. You get my point. More people have played the latter, but more people recall the former. Very useful tip not a lot of people will tell you. I'm not telling you to write badly, I'm merely saying to take risks and go further. And now for the better rant... (A smart idea) (Well she went from saying something dumb to something smart. We're hot and cold today) Seriously, this plan is the classic dumb hero tactic. Only game I'd argue delivered especially with the decoy was Mario and Luigi Superstar saga. That moment was absolute gold. Anyways, this trope is just gonna happen sometimes and beyond an eyeroll is not that big of a deal. Don't worry, I have plenty to complain about and we haven't even hit the fight itself. If I were to gripe about it, it would have to do more with plot convenience. Obviously, all stories have plot conveniences because there ain't no damn way the hero hits a dungeon at the right time to meet character XXX who is a main antagonist. There's just stuff like this that's pushing it. Melia came up with a brilliant plan and is praised for it. Personally, I think this just shows incompetence because maybe the battle at the end was the main point and the writer couldn't think of a better way to execute what was needed. There's a reason why you need at least a month at minimum to plan and lay out a story. It's a jigsaw puzzle of two sets each with pieces that fit in the other but when complete don't fit every piece. Eventually you get to wrangle it down where it's self contained and work on it slowly but surely then. Rejuv's story when you look at the full scope is a hot mess. Reborn's might have a hot mess of an ending but we'll have to wait and see. It happens. You'll have people who will defend it saying it's great probably because they are thinking in the moment. But let's just talk about it (Major story spoilers): And remember that this is just a small, small fragment. It's a giant unfocused mess with the attention spam of a dog in a field of tennis balls. If we remove the whole gym challenge system, can anyone even tell me what this game is about? You know what since people see most of the negative what I'll do at the end of the chapter is categorize a lot of subjects and give a letter grade. I hate this because it makes people judge and quick to think but maybe it would give a better visual representation of what I think of Rejuv. There. I made a terrible thing that may start fires to come, but whatever. (Just watch the disconnection between these two) (Wow, I just didn't notice how that flowed. Bleh!) I honestly would picture Venam saying more along the lines of "Then stop charging ahead. Burnt my ass on the way up here." (GOD DAMMIT WHY DID MY STUFF HAVE TO BE DELETED! HELP! Get me out of this) (Well please don't let me relive that a third time...technically a fourth time now that I think about it) So first off, I don't hate this scene. But I am reminded why I stopped for months and months never wanting to continue this run. Actually, I'm kidding. I don't hate Rejuv, but it just takes so much time just to do even a simple short chapter like this. I'm a little out of groove so it is taking longer than normal. That and the Frenchera stuff which I probably wouldn't do if it wasn't Christmas and it's going to be my suffering present for you to rewrite all of that. Anyways, I mostly have just been busy and just needed to focus on other stuff before this. I'm not going to promise consistent chapters but we shouldn't have to wait very, very long times for an update. Also have to deal with getting a new car since the one I have is slowly falling apart and people are hovered over me to trade it in. That is considered a minor life event compared to everything else I've been dealing with. So I'm going to answer that yes I do get tired of working hours on end for this which is like a week of not doing it and I'm recharged. I do have to rethink how I want to handle the rest of this run. Everything we see right now is tame. Everything past this point is start of such a mess to discuss I don't even know how to even approach it. GDC is both great and some of the worst writing in the game even at the same exact time kind of mess. The best way I can describe it is a man jogging up a waterfall backwards in a bikini. And this dumbass will do his best to try and get through it to explain what he's seeing which we may reach a point where I realize I'm not even reading English anymore. Like we're venturing into stuff I when even story drafting cannot even perform at all kinds of stuff. That's a ways away though, but something I guess to look forward to. I guess I can give a quick teaser: "There's pretty much 6 levels of writing you could categoerize stuff in: poor, good, great, fantastic, genius and garbage. The line between genius and garbage is a thin straw that one misstep and you go right down the garbage chute." When we talk about the "Genius" level, take everything I have said and harped on and throw it out the window because we are in a whole different league. It has nothing to do with anything I've said. You aren't gonna see it in books, you aren't going to see critics talk about it, and you will never, ever see anyone suggest doing something like it. You either have some vague idea what it is or think I'm a madman for harping on a subject. I'll make it simple for now: there's no rulebook because it doesn't exist. GDC everyone. What a wild ride. Anyways, back to the realm of ze zane: (Murphy's law. Always prepare for Murphy's law) My nuzlocke tales always have something bad happen. Lost my superweapon for Wallace to a Horn Drill Seaking in ORAS after a very, very long deathless streak. On the bright side, I may be able to get a Regi. (And now it's time for the final moments of the legend himself. I am not ready for ze revival) *Ahem* (Ah ze blonde baby haz arrived. Ze lateness ez unforgivings) (What has it been a year now? Nim is gonna kill me, isn't she? I'm as slow as SIE with making the Last Guardian) (Ze order. Zwei muz make zure ze order ez in order.) (Hold zon! Zis zmell. Zi zmell ze zmell of ze fishies) (Zose lipz. Zey move like ze zupid dubz of ze Japaneze! And with ze terrible zound quality. Zi cannot hear zoo) (Zi underzand. Zi too zound like Tara Zong when zi haz ze fever) (Zwei muz move on. Come with me. Ze girl ez in ze next area) (Yes, let's move to an open area where everyone can spot us) (Zere ez zomething zi muz tell zoo. Zoo zound like za bitch. Zut ze bitch up and let ze Geara ezplain what zwei zall do) (Ze girl ez worthless zlap to zus. Once zu hit ze teleporter, zwei zall leave for ze babies to collect) (One job. You had one job and you screwed it up. Literally all you had to do is let them teleport the Zoroark. It's just a Pokemon. You can catch another in a temple) (Ze logic of zis baby ez zero. Do zhou not underzand plan of ze excellenze) I have fury! (Zilenze. Ze joke is NO MOAR!) (Zwei are waiting for ze moment of perfezon) (Zetta, haz ze Purrloin zlaughtered ze tongue? Zilence haz become zoo) (Zwei muz move on. When Zi zaid ze joke ez NO MOAR, zat waz za lie) (Zere ez a jokezar here. Zay zar very funny. Many laughs from ze Geara) (But now ze baby's joke ez funny NO MOAR. Now Zi zall bring ze closing to it) (I'm shocked they though it'd actually work. Also I imagine my chara is going "Not this shit again") (Ze Geara ez no joker. Ze zees through ze baby trick with eaze) (Ze Geara ez zo smart zat zey would never zay zomething zis zupid and arrogant) (Now my Princess Dragon Waifu Warrior, destroy ze babies while zi take on ze blonde baby) And hold as I have a few pics of me cheesing this battle because I just couldn't beat it any other way. It's not ridiculously hard, but it isn't easy. Just I didn't have a good team and I really didn't want to spend an hour doing this whole dungeon again. Remember that. We're going to talk about that in a minute. (Ah the return of Yeetder. It has truly been a long while since you made an appearance) (And we're gonna assume the next lines are Geara since he is the leader here) (Ze salt pillar zoo call a friend. Zi zould pitch her into ze kettle for ze zoup) (But zi won't az zi am caring and understand Geara. And profezional babyzitter) (If ze babies behave, ze Geara will not eat well tonight az ze getz what ze wantz) (Venam, you have done more harm than good here. Please just sit this one out) (Oh boy more unexplained stuff for like half the game) Okay now for a more personal rant. I'm bad at this as well but I usually tend to leave hints or at least unload most of it beforehand often rewriting stuff to avoid it, but I hate when information is just saved to be teased later. Sometimes devs completely forget about it then because of it. I mean look at me. I say I'll explain stuff at the end but I'm sure you can count the times I forgot. I honestly kind of wish we got to explore Zetta more as he's kind of a two faced character I feel needed more time to really explain him, but it is what it is. But the idea to build everything up and reveal it all at the very end is often a terrible idea. It's easy to assume you need a lot of teases in order to catch players to push towards the end. If they aren't interested in this goal, they will be to see this at least. It's a very understandable mindset. But in reality, you just need one. "Why are you doing this?" You could have every questioned answered but that exact one is why people will go to the end. In pokemon, it's simple "To become the strongest." It's simple and it's brilliant storytelling. This is where writing a game story and writing a book kind of differ. You are the character. That makes a lot of differences and how to approach it. (It's because of is a man of culture) (Ze noize. It ez speaking of badness. Zwat could zit mean?) (Zi zee. Ze plan ez zin near zambles due to ze new zupid profezzor) (Zinner) (Why is he still not pulling the line. Or running. Literally still have time to fix this) (Zoo zupid, zupid profezzor. Let zus give zim ze pain of za Shedinja trapped in ze dezzert with za Trapinch) (And now we get to the absolute fun part) (Ze zupids. Zu zave been infected with ze zupids) (Now zi mercy is NO MOAR! Zi funny french accent ez NO MOAR! And now ze script ez NO MOAR. There is not a pain in this world that cannot show the rage built up in me now. Ah, perhaps the French is needed. The no french is NO MOAR!) (Ze zinking ez NO MOAR! Zere ez not za body here zat zinks anywayz. Zu zar all babiez zat only cry when zings go wrong and zey wonder into danger in ze rage) (Zi am done with zall zis zit. Zwei had jolly times with ze band and zis ez how ze genourzity of ze Geara ez repaid. And worze zet, zour zinger haz loz all hope and zall never zing again. Zey cannot even zink zate anymore. Ze horror. And zit ez all zese babiez fault) (Sorry, I'm in the zone and I need to channel all my energy into my Frenchanese) (Zour zu done? Zat waz zweet zand zall, but zu zave no reazon to zeak az ze daddy. Zwat did zoo do to prepare baby for ze manhunt. Baby is not man, but baby. All zu did waz give ze zweet pleazantries to ze baby to zuff zem like za pazree zef. Zand now zu zay and play ze hero. Zu zar no hero. Zu are just ze coward. And ze coward wanted to make ze baby happy for ze zelf zatisfying dad zey believe, but zat waz all for nothing. Zu are nothing. And zis zory haz no need for zu. But zi do have ze use for zu. Zu zall make ze finest of ingredients in ze zoup of zef Geara. Now zi azzizant ze waifu chicken princezz warrior zall do ze honorz) What? We're retiring this man after this chapter. If we're going to end this joke, we're going full on. It's kind of sad it's ending, but we'll find something else to do instead. And besides it's my run. I do what I want. And I'll go over this beautiful mess in a minute. (Ze zmell. Ez delectable) (Ah ez ze baby crying. Zee what zi mean? All babies zar good for ez crying) (Zat line waz crossed za long time ago. Zi spent many month with zis zaussage fezt. And zou ruined everything!) (Zay zat to zee woman with ze OP zord) (I think ze baby haz loss ze mind. Zho ze ez a blond zo maybe ze never had one to begin with) (Zar zu done. All zu people do ez cry and cry zome more. If zu really want to zow uz zor rezolve, zen zop zis ze crying and put ze fiz up. Men don't cry, only babies do. Men zolve zeir own problemz. Now if zu really want to be za man, zen zu better zu uz how to fight like one.) (Zor zis zall be zor end) Well we have a lot to unwind here. I mean the scene is good. I'm sorry but I just don't like Geara here. I know he's supposed to be some edgy teen or something but it just doesn't flow that well compared to everyone else who is alright. He goes from this cocky I'm smarter than you guy acting like he has a calm and collected mind and goes a little rash and pitches Jenner into the pits. And there's not much reaction. Sure Melia says stuff, but then we jump straight into a battle. When doing those lines, I didn't care what was on the pages and if it was good or bad. I was just so into that scene on what you could do. There was not a single taunt from Geara with is just such a let down. Even a simple "Why so emotional? I just did you a favor. You hated him after all." It's more of a missed opportunity than a criticism. Also reminds me to reiterate a point: Somebody being killed is unimportant. You could kill a lot of people and you could kill nobody. It's how to handle the concept that's important. A lot of people have the misconception that death is the ultimate tragedy when it also could be the ultimate blessing or even a happy moment. It's all about the moments leading up and more importantly the moment right after. And the aftermath of it. Victoria and Solaris is the best one to look at since it uses the same basic concept here. Go back and read the E16 segment and that just absolutely shows what a death can do to someone. And now picks from a fight I erased from my memory: (Was this all the same battle, I don't know but I guess it's context time) So the strat basically was spam rock slide but change the field first. That Snorlax is the reason this was a pain. I had to hope it'd be a sponge because I had to set everything up and I only have control of one side of the field. Excluding a couple fights, I'd say most boss fights are pretty well designed allowing you to feel your way around for the difficulty. I wouldn't blame someone for quiting here. And I know people are going to go "But it's not that hard. See, I can do it." I hate Reborn's Glass Factory and I think it was poorly done, but that one is a small gripe compared to the issues I have with this fight. I'm going to need people reading this to take off their elitist pants for a minute and just think about this for a moment: Let's start off with the fight itself. It's difficult. I don't think there's a single person who would go "Oh, that's an easy fight." Their teams are endgame level teams. We're talking Reborn lategame kind of designs. This is for both Intense and Normal. You can use the EV argument but from my experience they don't matter that much only really swinging a mon slightly on a scale for difficulty. We're not even halfway into this game either right now. So when you shoot things up in difficulty like this it can give a bad impression things are just going to get worse from here on out since the normal person thinking things just get progressively harder and not uneven boss difficulty. Like the remainder of the game is easy because I'm expecting this for every fight. Many of you in a small group may feel like this is some climatic finale to close an arc, but for a lot of people including myself this is just a chapter. Not some big major ground breaking point where we put everything in knowing things will calm down. Players aren't devs. And here's the real kicker: good luck grinding or training a new team. The best method is to pull out of this really long and painful dungeon to go out and battle a breeder. So you have to begrudgingly leave and solve the puzzle (I think I may have softlocked it trying to escape) and then begrudgingly grind to go back up this place and pray your team is able to do this with a partner that is terrible and more of a handicap. It's one thing dealing with a tough team, but another with someone who barely does anything and hinder you more. And I think the real kick in the groin when someone begs for help to get through this is that people will say "just change the field." Being honest, it's doubtful any player is familiar with this concept or has bothered to even learn about it since field effects people just skim over and ignore. And the main strat is to make use of something a player probably doesn't understand. It's just a call for motivation drain and sheer frustration. So yeah, I have a lot of dislike for this fight. I'd honestly like to never have to deal with this fight ever again. I'm not going to do a video on it even if I replay this part to get pics and videos for the segments I skipped. Sure, call me a hypocrite or a baby crying over things getting tough. I obviously can play and design mons and can do competitive stuff, but I really don't have that much of an interest to dedicate so much time to be really good or max my mons. I just want to play and enjoy a game. It's actually stuff like this that makes me dread picking up Rejuv. Probably not going to do challenge modes since I know jack about Gen 8 (even Gen VII I'm behind in knowledge). But anyways, let's move on from this subject on how much I loved that battle. And I'm missing images. Hooray! Let's see how my memory goes. It was something about victory and Melia is pulling Nim since Geara and Zetta are out of mons in which Geara is...oh boy...how am I going to handle this. I must borrow the energy from the me who started this run who was actually funny lend me your power to get through this. But seriously, you just start running out of jokes after a certain point. Nobody has a million things to say. Except Donald Trump. He'll find an excuse for his excuses. (Zu think zu have won, but zit ez ze Geara zoo haz won) (Now, zis zew ez mizzing zomezing. Zi know, ze zalt. And zwei zave just what zwei need) (And just ze right amount too) (You know, I was going to save this, but I do want to talk about this) I have mixed feelings about plans going awry in writing. I mean every story plans never goes as intended let's be honest. I mean where things just take a turn for the worst and the mission is failed miserably usually involving sacrifices. On one hand, it adverts expectations as you always know you're going to succeed or at least not fail more or less. On the other hand, it just brings a sour mood. It's a waste of time putting all that effort in. It's just never a good feeling. But it can be really good as it can be used later to develop characters and even really build up for something great. I'm talking in general. We'll get to Rejuv later on this. Different kind of beast. I guess my personal feelings for Nim being thrown into the lava is just jarring. One person was killed off and you immediately kill the other invalidating everything the first person did. Jenner may as well not have been in the game at this point. Just poof him in the first chapter never to be seen again. Wouldn't have changed anything. And I think I'm missing more dialogue....why am I so bad at this. Guess we're Geprovisationra. That's lame. Guess we're gonna French it! (Are zu done with ze playtime? Zi am babysitter NO MOAR! Zis zall be ze last zi zee zu, baby. Come, Zetta. Zwei take ze zitch and go) (Well, this is awkward. Is someone gonna help?) (Wait! Don't leave me Chicken Waifu. I need you) (Guess I can say I'm finally scorching hot) (Anyone? Anyone? This burns more than the pit.) Let's talk about something not in Rejuv: killing the protagonist. I have a lot of respect for any game that does this. You rarely find it and even rarer is midway through a game. Any game that does this deserves mad respect because it's not easy switching from something someone is comfortable with. I said before, you are that character and while it does break immersion, it also leaves an impact. I'm not going to list game as that'd be spoilers but it's a concept that I wish just a few more games did. Not many, but more than we have now. Now, I'm going to just shut up and let the next stuff pan out then talk about this. I have so many feelings regarding this. Not good ones. (I must be in heaven. Everyone I hate is dead) (Ah. Dying is the best thing I ever did) (....Shit nevermind, we're in hell. Would explain the Pelipper and Wingull) (So Crescent is from hell, makes sense) (Eh, I hate the outdoors. If I could, I'd like to live in a cozy home where all I have to do is nap. But here I am, sitting on a bench in hell talking to someone I loathe. This truly is my eternal punishment) (Sums up my feelings for this run. Feels pointless, but we keep it going) (I'm a millennial. We aren't good at that kind of stuff) (Yeah, some edgy teenager sent me to hell) (What a weird way to die) (Meh. I've been through worse. I mean did you see that castle?) (You think the protag would learn after fuckup I think 30 now. The winning streak ain't high) (I guess that's true) (Fire Emblem in a nutshell. Why people love that series is still a mystery...of the emblem) (I assume that was figments of my imagination no matter how much I want it to be true...except for the dead mother and Nim drowning part) (Lady, it was a linear path. Hell is a place where all freedom is taken. I didn't have a say on whether or not I follow them) (Or it's hell. Probably hell) (My theory makes more sense, but if this is my memory, why are you here? I have no idea who you even are) (Why am I getting a motivational speech from someone Deus Ex Machina?) (Sigh...sadly you are right. This ain't a run that people want, it's the one that is needed. Batman was right all along) (You're right. It's chrome) (Those who seek to avoid their destinies tend to be those that set them afoot) (I'm on a journey with a talking fox to stop a madwoman who fights with a sword. On top of that, I'm dead. I don't think we can get any stranger) (Nah, I'm going to bed. It's 3am and almost Christmas) (I WOULD BUT MY MOTHER IS DEAD!) *Ahem* I'm going to be real honest about this Crescent scene. Having to deal with and look at so many characters I hate and that writing oh that writing is really good. Heh. Bet you all thought I was going to say it was bad. Seriously, the game just 180s as when I complain about something in one scene, it delivers in the next. It's a really good scene and I like all the little details that can be analyzed from it. Shows a bit more of Crescent and it explains what you experienced. Sure we don't know the "Why" but we do know the "What" which is good. Not all questions need answers. So now let me get onto the other topic you might be interested on: The whole protag dying and coming back to life. I'm neutral on it. And before anyone says anything, we're not talking about Rejuv...again. It's not that uncommon someone comes back to life. I don't hate it. You can do some really cool stuff with it like having characters relive past memories and even explore the souls of the dead and have conversations with them. Or they come back to life using a magical power. You get the idea. It's not uncommon and it's not one of those terrible ideas. Now in comic books there's the people dying like 3-4 times and coming back to life after a short period where it gets old with the retcons or fake deaths. Blame them for faking deaths being frowned upon in society. Also, I know it's a weird place to stop, but I segment these off after a large number of pics and we hit a large number. Obviously, the next one won't come until after Christmas but the run is back and it only took writing this chapter twice to do it. And soon, soon I can retire the legend and never have to do another one of those lines again...at least for a very, very long time. And for the other thing I promised: Grading for Rejuv:
  22. I mean...we all know @Zumi is Madame X. Rest of my nominations will be up at a later date.
  23. I liked the new star wars movie.




    That is all.

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