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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Commander

  1. You know, I didn't like Z-move but I really love sync moves. Does that make me weird?

    1. SilverAngelus


      To be fair, sync moves allow Pokemon to mega evolve.

  2. I can't actually remember the exact timeframe he becomes available. I think it may actually be after Amaria and not Titania instead of when...it happens. You definitely are on the right path to recruit him though.
  3. Just doing some glancing math that seems a reasonable timeframes to expect the game to go into testing. I was just assuming all legend events would take a week and that leads to do even though that probably isn't the case (any shorter time would be for the other stuff so it evens out) we would be in about March. So around May would be a good guess when the game will public.
  4. B00Ty

    1. J-Awesome_One


      Did Terra hack you? Lol.

    2. Smooth


      • I remember the last time I said stuff about Terra

      I got the receiving end of a warning point

      I couldn’t resist 

      I regret

    3. pyrromanis
  5. I'm gonna be real honest with you here: that's probably not going to happen. There's too much work to the point it would be more damaging to the game than actually exciting. You need a programmer spending a good 2-3 weeks editing the scripts to work with Gen 8. That's IF we take what Rejuv does and transfer it over. And this is not some low tier noob stuff but stuff people actually have to know what they're doing to implement. Which boils down to someone like me taking time to do this and that just is not going to happen. And that's just getting it to work. Sure someone could make them all just wild mons but again, that's a waste of time. There's nobody in the mod department that can actually do it. At best somebody will take a week and copy what Rejuv did and simply tack it on as a half made addition. No changes to the game other than adding some mons in the wild. But again, it does not really add any value and ultimately becomes a waste of time. Maybe Waynolt or Az or BlueTowel will hop in and prove me wrong, but I doubt it. It's just best to accept Gen 8 will not be in Reborn in some form.
  6. He may be fortunate DreamBlitz is helping him because I'd just give him a number of static event mons in each location and let him figure it out from there. I believe in giving minimal info as it lets the person fully enjoy the game how they want to. If someone asks me where something is, I'll give them one hint then give them another if it's taking over an hour.
  7. I have considered the deactivating and activating in the start menu but that just is not practical as it's based off of an event tile and a usable even varies from map to map. Even if that were done, it'd throw so many errors due to how poorly made the darn thing is. If you want to try and build something around that, be my guest as I got the scripts mostly working in the ways I want them to (bar the darn single under the bridge that is not worth fixing). Like I said, I want this feature to turn out really nice since it's highly requested. So I've got two videos for you demonstrating stuff you probably haven't seen been done in the original (or if it was damn Person was good at this). First is for a very pain in the butt stairs. Before I said stairs didn't work but... That's just kind of demo of things I'm still hammering out and why I have to play the game fully for all of this crap. Now I have a video show one of the hardest things to design in the game. You know how the system wasn't really built to work with partners. Guess who decided to be a rebel and get it to work pretty well. Some of you are probably very aware of this scene but there are three different ways to start it (I only show one in the video) I'm not going to promise High Quality implementation but I want the follower mod to feel like it belongs so many events need to be tweaked in order to do this. So don't expect a release to come quickly as I'll slowly be chipping away at it. Once I get to the end of E18 then it'll be time for a release and hopefully you guys really enjoy it because this is the second most draining feature I've implemented in Reborn (nowhere near as bad as the party system). Now, I do have something if people want to help out (but it's not something I'm really expecting). There's these things where a Pokemon will react based on the map it's on. There's only a small handful of them done and I'd really like to have many more maps have unique dialogue. I'm not asking for like Shakespear but really just have fun coming up with three lines for each map. Or maybe just two. I'd love to do it myself but I have to shift all my focus on getting this thing to work due to its demands. So even a small helping hand here would actually mean a lot to both the Redux fanbase and eventually the Reborn fanbase (I'm not planning an E18 release for this but will consider it for E19 just due to the sheer amount of changes required).
  8. Rejuv is elite 8 but Reborn sticks with traditional E4. Though E19 probably is going to be a boss rush as there are many opponents we haven't battled in very, very long periods of time
  9. So now we're in the stage where I'm testing the follower mod through the main story making sure nothing funky happens. Guess what? Funky stuff happened so this will be a long test session (just got past Julia). After that, I'll swap sprites out with any Reborn made ones and then just make a release. It might be this week. It might be two weeks. I make no promises but I am doing some polishing and hopefully everything feels good and not weird since I am a bit picky when it comes to features. Anyways, I've got a question for you all. So the hotkey switching your Pokemon in and out was Ctrl. Most people playing debug know this is a problem because ctrl also is for walk through walls. Currently, I set the input to be the "Tab" key as nobody really is going to use it outside of amusement but I kind of want to know what key (as long as it's not being used by something else) you want the send the Pokemon back in and out to be. I feel tab is fine but someone might have a better idea.
  10. I have to agree here. I mean it's like your rooting for him to fail and that's not really helping anyone. The game provides enough info to be able to beat it on a first try but most of us learned through trial and error over that...or there was no guide for fun times if your that old. All you guys are talking about is wiping on Shelly. She's not the most impossible thing ever. Personally, I'm rooting for T-tar to try his best and enjoy the journey which has been really fun. It reminds me a bit of early days Shofu which was a blast. Hell, I actually hope he destroys Shelly just to spite all of you saying he will wipe. I've never seen someone so excited about Pulse Tangrowth so he's grown on me after being skeptical knowing the two runs I followed...ending...on bad notes let's put it.
  11. Hey Ame, that update is a lie. You and I both know AI stands for Always Incorrect.
  12. For a majority of people it's no. Someone needs to add the scripts into the new script file as well as add the eventing on any maps that may have changed or been tweaked Sorry, but I really would give up with Rejuv having the follower mod as you need a team actually dedicated and prepped for Gen 8 to do overworld sprites. I'm willing to help someone on a few things but ultimately someone has to dedicate themselves to doing this mod mostly on their own. It is not hard per se but Rejuv is a different beast having more script changes than Reborn so additional scripting is needed. I am not putting that responsibility into my hands as I was hesitant to even do Reborn's. Redux follower mod is done but I'm just putting bells and whistles whenever I set time aside to work on it.
  13. I mean I'm tinkering with the system a bit but work on it is slow. I have the core system done and will make a tutorial on it once I finish. Though there are 2 major things that are causing issues which is beyond my skill level to fix as it would require giving the follower the same properties as the player character. Not game breaking but annoying. Adding it to Redux gets priority merely because I need a very small group for testing it first.
  14. What are you talking about? He's pronouncing it correctly obviously. Just ask Ahm herself. But seriously I find it amazing he pronounces it something other than Amy when he saw it.
  15. You can't do it in the Zerk path for now. I'll probably try to do something for that one in E19 but it will require redoing that whole event.
  16. The condition for Amarias master fight is unusual. You need to be on the true route on top of another simple thing you probably never did. Has to do with an L.
  17. So...some of you may know about the error that causes the game to crash whenever you fight Cain. After overwriting every single file, I finally found what is probably causing it. I'm an idiot and somehow deleted one of the dll files which are the backbones of the game (it's a miracle it even ran without that). I included it in the OP but it can easily be found in reg reborn game files. I'm not planning on a reupload at this time since I'm working on the follower mod but at least now you do not have to worry about your settings. It's rubyscreen.dll in case you're only looking at this post. In other news, I've fine tuned the system to work a bit better. There's some pain in the butt exceptions which either seem impossible to fix or things that will take a long time to do. It's mostly just little things so hopefully I'm done sooner than later. Got to Adventurine in the Healing spots.
  18. Huh. Desolation is still being worked on. I guess that's another one to add to the very small pile of "Commander was wrong". Hmm...maybe I'll do more like the review I did for Rejuv but with pics talking about certain points. First thing first is finishing Radiant Historia The follower mod. By the time I get to it there will be a V5 knowing me. Anyways, glad to see you in good health and spirits and hope the best at whatever you do or decide.
  19. Did GF just give an older Pokemon a new evolution? What is this sorcery?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doombotmecha


      I mean that was their past-gen relevance gimmick for gen 4 as well. I really like it though, I'd put it on my team if I was able to get swsh (no switch).

    3. Dex


      I'm honestly happier about Regional Variants. And it's not just Gen I Pokemon this time.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      loophole: they changed around an older mon, then gave it an evolution


      also told regular linoone to go fuck itself


      im not a fan of obstagoone

  20. It uh won't have problems now but will have problems in E19 since Ame went switch crazy. I'll have to put a fix in for that mess which will be fun. Just don't start an E18 Redux save on Reborn E19 when it's done or glitches galore. As for SWM, there's ones that work and ones that don't. I don't remember which ones do and don't off the top if my head. Problem is that they overwrite my coding casuing things to not work properly.
  21. I can't really speak on behalf of Rejuv but it sounds like the code is trying to dismiss said Pokemon then bring it back through a nonexistent event (nonsense to anyone but a dev). In layman's terms, it's trying to do something that doesn't exist causing the error and crashing. I'm only in charge of Redux and Redux only but freely will share any coding or changes I made to anyone who asks. I've been busy house sitting with a large amount of chores sucking up my time so I haven't touched it in a while. Still working on the editing side so I haven't touched too much. I think I have a way to solve the switching protag problem but that's going to be near the end of my cycle and not anything you guys have to worry about. I'm not doing it in Redux as that requires editing all 800 maps.
  22. I thought it was 7 were required. Oh well. I'll probably just change it to be password restricted in Redux for E19. You'll be able to input the passwords but you'll have to find them. Have fun. I really do not like the nature changer.
  23. Well I don't know if it counts as necroposting but who honestly cares at this point. So I'll just give you a reality check that all authors strive to reach a skill level called "there" for now. Without looking at anything you haven't reached that point yet. Because of that, getting to "there" is a brutal task in and of itself. It is a hit harder because the big fish (not sure if I count) are not doing any activity here to bring in traffic. I'd love to do it but there is just too much on my plate. It unfortunately is because of that no real trend can start up. You need a lot of patience and reaching out to people for advice like you're doing here. I had to basically beg people to play the mod I was working on and then it eventually picked up traction months afterwards. That's because I was getting better which attracts more interest. Seems like you're troubled by something. I know you're not alone on this so I can do a lecture type thing to help noobs out or I can look at it individually and give you advice on where to go from now. I'm not going to be able to give you instant results. It doesn't work like that. Now if you want me to look at whatever you are working on, shoot me a PM giving some details. Don't just say I need feedback because you know more about the work than I do. How do you want me to help you? I know you want discussion but what kind of discussion as there's a number of ways to answer that.
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