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Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
I thought I fixed the event but I guess it's still broken. Uh just PM me a save and I'll try to get back to it Friday or something. It would probably be faster to bug someone on discord with it. -
Okay guys I know you guys are excited for suggestions but just use the rule of thumb: if you aren't willing to do it yourself, it probably isn't going to happen. Keep that in mind when making suggestions as knowing how to do it speeds up the process.
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Oh. Huh. That happens whenever you do Master fights since I force set mode on them. You should revert back to normal after beating them but if my pea brain had an oversight then I either forgot to turn it off or you haven't beaten the fight. There are two ways to fix this: 1) Change the leader fight to anything but the master fight 2) Walk in and out of HCHQ (New place in Obsidia Ward by the department store) If your game is acting up, just walk in and out of either HCHQ (or is it called Redux HQ) or the Eastern Gate of Agate Circus. That's a safety check in case something gets screwed up and can reset it such as field overrides. There's 19 of 20 in the game right now. They do give a little bit of an Easter Egg bonus if you collect them and do a quest and you get a special prize if you get all 19 available. Mostly just for trophy showcasing. There is something for getting all 20 but it's not anything you couldn't get already. It just makes it much, much easier to get that reward. Amaria was a joke and then I said why not and had to fight the AI to make it work. She really likes to kill things including the AI. As for Hardy, that's on my backlog if I get around to it. I get you guys want me to polish the game as much as possible but there's only so much I can do before it becomes tedious and annoying. It's just a fight. I have to get everything else working and finished (the holes I dig myself into) before looking at less important stuff. E19 content is the top priority when the game releases and before that it's the follower mod. -
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
@Feng Lei If Cain used Mega Beedrill then you did the right fight. But Armadia was one of the last fights I did due to the master fight not delivering. For Hardy I would make TR his master fight but it does have issues. I jacked these Pokemon up like crazy and he's still not at the level he should be. He's on my list to redo and fix. Most leaders are not at there best until like release 4-5 of that leader. As for Deso, there's complications to that. I don't like touching projects unless I know they are very likely going to complete it. I might do a miniseries version at best. But I have to get the follower mod working. And I have to go back and fix all the healing centers I did over a trivial error. I only work on it two days of the week so it will be a while. I don't think there's much needed to hammer it all out. -
Yo @Amethyst mind if you add the no items mode. It is a pretty simple addition to script and a lot of people ended up liking it for speeding up battles. I can't really speak much on the follower pokemon because there's a lot of barriers right now before making it official. One of which is finding where these sprites that I cannot find anywhere even came from. They are like really well done which is the sad thing. If I can get that then it would be easier to share and pass around.
His team is brutal but try to get a feel and work from there.
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
You're right on the money there. If you've done the CoM you'd recognize the 4 people you're searching for. I don't remember which one he is off the top of my head but if you need help, I can probably look it up. I'll just tell you there's another one down there as well to save you some time. Serra recieved a revamp since everybody was more aggrevated of how annoying her fight was over it being difficult. Turns out this change was a bit too good as even pros seem to struggle. there's a lot you can do and if you change the field, it'll go back to mirror which cripples her a bit. Up to you how you approach this. She'll probably get toned down a bit...again if she's still causing too many people too many problems since she's still one of the early leaders. -------------------------------------------------------------- And now for a little bit of news. So I pretty much am responsible for any time some big issue comes up with the follower mod to fix it. I mean I can be a jerk and tell you to live with it, but where's the fun in that. Also means I have to deal with fighting the glitches myself and then complaint after complaint of people having problems. It's just easier to fix it. So today's problem was that healing at sites could cause crashes. So instead of doing just that, we're overachievers here at Redux HQ. Here's a demonstration of what I did to solve the issue: Before anyone complains about ugly sprites, that's the least of my worries. Anyone could hop on, spend an hour, and replace that at any phase in testing since it takes like 2 minutes to test on a slow day. Basically, what I'm demonstrating here is that I hope you like your partner because you are stuck with them for life (or just press ctrl). In the original follower mod (or at least what I got), you had to run back to a Pokemon Center to get your buddy back. I had to do some tweaking but I simplified the process so it now lets them respawn back out the last healing place you interacted with. It does not matter if you heal them or not as I have shown. You'll never have to worry about activating the mons again. Except when this all migrates to E19 which that'll be fun times ahead. I'm going to write in big letters "YOU NEED TO DEACTIVATE THE FOLLOWER" and still have people asking me to fix the glitch. The other big milestone change I hope to accomplish is the sheer amount of toggling in and out of the Pokeball for the follower mon. It's a bit annoying when going through doors or even going to a new map it'll randomly spawn in and out, but it might end up being a wee bit too difficult to implement without causing more issues with the scripts. Person did a great job getting the mod this far, but as Reborn improves, why can't this as well. This also will be the last big feature I bring to Redux so I don't just want it to be good. I want to absolutely nail it unlike the last few things. -
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
The original song used was a KH one by glitch city which there was a long period of silence causing some confusion. It was changed merely to avoid that. I forget when that happened. Anyways, the only downloadable version up is the latest and only really leader tweaks happened in the last few ones. -
[OFFICIAL Q&A] Ask the Rejuvenation dev team!
Commander replied to Zumi's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Hub
This is a Jan question: If you had to basically restart working on Rejuvenation from scratch, what would be the number one thing you'd trash, rewrite, or wipe from the existence of humanity? Basically, I'm just asking if there's anything you'd want to do completely differently if it were possible. But for the rest of the devs: What's your favorite sidequest in the game and why? -
Rejuv wars: Attack of the fanboys. Just going to chime in and mention not to get into too heated of an argument as that often leads to thread locks. I think the main points were already made by now.
I'll get those posted public now I suppose. Not sure if I'll ever fix the ones that need editing but there you go for all battle up until Zetta and Geara which I don't and won't have videos for those. Also not really sure if I'll do videos anymore after since they are a pain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 58: This is starting to become a monthly thing Honestly, I can't really promise any consistent schedule since things are hectic with a new job starting up. If I find time I'll work on this but it's no longer any type of priority. Sorry, but that's just the way things are. 58 Chapters worth of content is insane in and of itself for something like this and most people don't even get anywhere close to this so yeah? Anyways let's just get this trainwreck moving: (Yes, that is the actual dialogue. Slowest genocide in existence) (That's a sad existence) (It truly is) (Foreshadowing much?) I know Jan likes to go back and all these bells and whistles but you do have to remember that there is a main plot that should have a focus. A lot of this additional content is more distracting than beneficial. This isn't a bad thing as ultimately a game is meant for entertainment and if it does that then it does its job. Easy way to figure out where to put stuff is to ask three questions: What do I need? What do I want? What do they need? Being able to convey something to the player is easier said then done since it's in your head and makes sense to you but maybe not somebody else. Not important but just saying. Also, can we please lay off the foreshadowing? We get it. Professor Jenner is going to die. There's a point where it gets obnoxious. (Oh look a mysterious person who totally won't end up being a main antagonist later. Nope, not at all) (Personally would have gone with famed instead of famous though I'm more on insults) "I was told rumors of a famed trainer who was capable of anything but to move efficiently. The rumors don't live up to the truth. I don't got time for you so let me lay it to you real quick" (Probably will take a month to climb it) (Hooray for long explanation nobody cares about) So let's do the opposite and go down and save Amber. (That was a mistake) (Only my noble steed is able to take the blasted thing down) I was expecting Primal Kyogre so I uhh...had to rethink my strat a little bit. No Ditto needed. (How did...did the whale seal you or something? I gotta stop asking about logic) (Here we go) (3 red heads. 3 read heads. See how they burn. See how they burn.) (..........Madelis you're about as impressive as my Frenchera impersonation. Nobody wants to see but unfortunately they still have to) (You could have just I dunno say you were my friend and then met her. Anything to get Melia away from me.) (.....Those stats are as backwards as this game's plot sometimes) (Madelis is going to cut her loses here) (She does) (Are you bribing me?) (We never had this conversation) (Seems more normal than most of the stuff that happens) (I feel awkward seeing this is a mother daughter moment) Kind of reminds me what I wish the protag was like (Whelp chapter over. Go home now) (Guys...saving the world. Can this wait? No? I forgot this was an RPG) (No shit. That's what heroes do. Well if there was an option if I had to choose between Melia and a boulder, I'd save the boulder. I need my rock) (Save your drama for your moma...wait you are her mother) (And that's the end of that) I've been playing Ao no Kiseki so not much is going to impress me after seeing that. (What Rebels? What are we rebelling against? Terrorism? I think we call those people Patriots or something) (And...something stupid in 3...2...1...) (And it's gone) This game tries to be serious and funny but it just mixes it the wrong way sometimes. An old trick I learned is not to force the writing to come out but kind of let it come naturally. It's going to sound weird to basically say ignore everything I say but it's kind of important. I don't point this stuff out to berate people. All stories have problems and oh god even when I reach my prime someone could rip anything I write in half. It's the understanding that matters. You can tell a lot about a creator and it's apparent Jan is an amateur and that's okay. It's actually a good thing to have a lot of mistakes as we're both young and failures are often what curve us toward the right path, not our strengths. I'm sure Jan has seen something that I or maybe multiple people said that made him want to scream in frustration. If he didn't, I'd be worried. It's part of the passion and part of the pains of getting better. Now instead of just complaining since we are professional whiners here, I'll try to make this a bit more interesting. Is this scene bad? Yes. Why? It's a needless element that detracts from the game. The player holds no control and they just murder some random guy. We didn't do it, the game forced us to do it. That really tends to irk the players. In simple terms: it is bad because people will not enjoy it. So it should just be deleted, right? I'll just give the answer: it depends. My criticism of XXX is relevant? It depends. Writing and entertainment is a subjective field so at the end of the day it's money that determines your abilities as a writer and not your skillset. A Bachelor's isn't going to teach you that or get people to suddenly like your stuff. I can try to help you earn more profits, but nothing is ever guaranteed. Maybe my way of thinking is wrong and you lose stuff. That's a scary thought and why I say don't take my word as the gospel. I'm a man with very unusual tastes for better or worse. Now let's backtrack into what I would do. Would I personally delete this? No. I would want players to hate this scene. I WANT players not to feel in control. I'm very anti silent protag and this is actually where I'd go from there. The protag is their own character you simply guide or control for the most part but sometimes they disagree with you. It's very tongue and cheek at first but as the game progresses it becomes much more apparent as time went on going so far as witnessing a character dying that you care about and would be so easy to save...except the protag is walking away and you can try fighting them watching them struggle to slowly move away from them. And of course after all that, I'd have the PC turn towards the player and say, "Never forget who's really in control." Simple example of a buildup and the impacting scene. I don't get the full picture like Jan does so I can only speculate and suggest which let's say Jan dumped a 40-50 page document explaining everything to understand the whole plotline of Rejuv. That's a short book btw for stuff like this so you get the idea. I'd take a look at it and offer little bits of concerns, worries, or maybe things that I don't understand or like. This is a later passage early so I'll keep it in a spoiler but this will give you an idea: Let's just say you better have a good answer to what I asked. If I get a wishy-washy answer, I'll tell you to go back and rewrite it so you can give me a definite and hard answer. I get the idea of going with the flow or freehanding it at points but you better have a solid end goal or things will end up a mess. And people think the best stage for criticism is at this time writing parts of the run. That's false imo. For me, the best part is during the storyboard draft. There's a lot I could've placed input into by asking questions from a full scope point or go "this is important and you're not dwelling enough to planning it" or "I think there's too much noise here but this other segment is dead. Maybe you could alter these events." There's less moving parts so changes are easier. I'd also give homework for thinking and here's 3 easy ones to improve the writing: 1. What are 3 things you dislike about Melia? 2. Why does the player have to travel back in time? 3. Name a couple RPGs you liked and a couple you disliked and why First question is to help with creating flaws to a character. I absolutely hate something about every character I make even if it's shoved to the back of my mind. You see that username. I love the character I wrote (I picked that one for the username for a reason), but it does annoy me how much damn undeserved praise he gets. Really good plot point and character development because of that irritation. Second question is simply a sense of relevance. It's not so much answering this question but thinking about it as it lets you notice things. The last is simply to help gravitate towards someone's writing style. You tend to get what a creator is going for by their interests and often can get a better picture. That's a bit more personal connection stuff which gives more tailored feedback. That's not my job. Basically when you look at it from all angles, all I technically should do is just crap on this game. Just point out all the flaws and issues I had and be done. Like for the above "this really jarring and it irritates me." That's really it. I don't that makes for good entertainment so obviously I go way beyond. This is mostly for the people reading this. If Jan uses it and improves the game in his own way, great, but all he should get from me is critical thinking. Technically the people Rejuv should listen to are the sheer number complaints for issues that drag the game down like the Zetta & Geara fight. Everybody knows that fight is an issue. Probably should be the number one priority to fix. So if you want me to elaborate or go over something I skimmed, tell me as this stuff is for you guys. Also a method to torture my brain to focus more on school work as I'd rather do that than this. Oh great this: (Yes, yes I did) (Now I know how Mexicans will feel in a year or so) (.................................I deserve this) (...........If this is a pun challenge you are gonna lose) (._. JAN GET BETTER PUNS) *Ahem* "I see you WALLowing in pain down there" "Is that hard to sWALLow?" "How about you WALLtz on out of here?" "I hate to be the barrier of bad news, but it seems you've hit the wall" "Are you hungry? I've got some WALLburgers up here." (drops mic) That's how awful puns are done, folks (Surprised you didn't make a castle with all the time you've had on your hands) (Oh great. Someone I both loathe and relish. The worst kind of feeling) (I don't care what anyone tells you, I think this thing is stupid) (I'm glad I'm not...why are you guys even on it? I forgot logic doesn't make sense) (And this is the Magma Drift TM if you didn't get it) (Well it is big and hard...) (Because that'd make too much sense. Also because you didn't listen to her in the first place which would've kept Aelita from dying. Val, you're the source of all my problems) (Honey, hide the kids. It's rant time) You don't make memes. Memes are just creations people take which are often bad or displeasing (or very unknown) and make a giant inside joke out of it everyone can laugh or enjoy at. I like some memes but let's all be honest that memes are stupid and when explaining it to somebody not in the group, you just look stupid. Welcome to the real world. I honestly don't know what kind of person Jan is making this for. I'd really take a bet for younger people since it has many of the childish things kids love. I'll just tell you right now, memes are a terrible strategy market to get people to like something. Humor is complex and you really need to nail it on the head when you do. A serious or dark game can be funny. You've got Mother 3, Chrono Trigger, FFIX. You could make arguments but when you look below the surface those games really have a lot of dark elements and concepts. And I've said before that even if it's a major problem or gripe, don't delete it or completely rewrite. Either suck it up and get over it or work with it. Saki is an immature either college kid or high schooler. What I'd do is have her go into complete military officer persona and absolutely go ham on Val's backtalk. I haven't done something like this in a while so here we go. It'd be something like this. Saki: "Long time no see, Private Mandy. Glad to see you're still hanging in there." Val: "Private Mandy? What's with the persona all of a sudden? Saki: "We're not playing games, Private Sea. WE. ARE. AT. WAR. And we will not stop until the enemy general is licking the dirt off of my boots. Ain't that right, Private Rock? Adam: I feel like I'm going to be sick. Val: Why didn't you install seat belts? Saki: Did I hear a bunch of crying babies? Do you know what babies are good for? Nothing. They just cry. Tell me, Private Sea. Are you a baby? Val: *Sigh* No, m'am. Saki: I can't hear youuuuuu Val: NO, M'AM! Saki: Good. Now Private Mandy, I am sure you have many questions such as what I what the hell is this thing, but we do not have the time. Just remember that if you really believe in something and you work hard, you can make any dream a reality. That and 2 years of experience in mechanical engineering. Now as your commanding officer, I'll give you one order and one order only: Go kick some ass. Failure is not an option. Saki out! Less is more sometimes. Especially when you do WTF moments as you just want to get in and get out as soon as possible leaving the player perplexed at what just happened letting their brain slowly process it. There's also stuff that we call implied information. Obviously, Saki is the one who built this after being frustrated at Val shutting her down. We can also assume they all met up and agreed to "control" this thing or something. Doesn't matter. I personally don't like WTF moments unless it's important to the plot (like a plot twist) as it just slows things down. It's just like with jokes. You get in there, get the laughs, and don't overstay your welcome. (Your best friend is a fox. Are you part hound by any chance?) (This is sadly the most character development you ever got in the game) (I better get to work. Starting with the guy who stole 50 Poke from me) (Oh hello face I barely remember) (How in the...did they also install a rail gun while waiting? How much time on their hands did they have? Don't answer that) (Sure. I'm sure this totally won't come back to bite me later) (.......Don't tell me) Son of a bitch. This is V11 stuff but I think I'm going to be hesitant to trust Reina right away. (This is what I come back to. How fitting.) So fun fact, this segment was started before V12 was released. Now V12 is released and now you know where I picked up. It happens. Hopefully I'll get more of these out instead of taking like forever, but at this point I think you guys just accept that. But hey, we're not replaying the game so any progress is good progress in my book. (Don't talk about her with me. I'm not looking forward to Chapter...15?) (Thankfully, I did so before they could drown. At least they all had a lot of alone time) (Oh the irony here. I wish we saw Amber more) (Well looks like somebody is interrupting my scene) (Oh hey, Eli. Sorry I missed the poker game last night. Tough times ahead of me) (Better than most English he has) (They will eventually, Karen) (To be fair, they've been on this mountain so long they built a way. Part of that is my fault. Surprised Eli isn't speaking Shakespear at this point) (Scary he is. Terrified, I am.) (And...here's comes that part of Rejuv where I go off on a rant. Not like this one had enough of these already) (Last guy I saw quit went poof. I don't think it's that simple) (And there it is) (........I'm just going to skip to the rant) I get it. Xen was designed around the concept of death which is why Madame X has a Yveltal. It's pretty obvious Yveltal just drains their souls up and it becomes even more apparent in the following chapter. No idea what Madame X wants to do with all those souls but it's supposed to be this big deal. The problem is that it's waved in front of our face over and over never giving us anything else so we're just stuck with Madame X killing people for no apparent reason. If my theory about who Madame X is right, I think it becomes a bit easier to understand everything. Anyways, Team Xen just isn't exciting anymore. The admins are interesting but don't feel like threats and the peak really was at Blacksteeple for them. They feel less threatening after that (think about it this is the last time we face grunts until V11 postgame). (......This is some cheesy determination) (And...I actually don't have this battle) (Meet the team. I forgot I used a Slowbro. Never used it ever again) (well, I guess that's enough for a battle) I have data backed up until the Geara and Zetta fight so I can redo and record those. Thankfully, I have all the Ch 14 stuff done and really don't have to worry much about that. Wait, did Eli and Sharon get sprite updates. They look nice. (Guess you'll die now. Or not. Maybe Madame X is on a holiday) (I'm surprised Xen members aren't an extinct species for how much they failed. They like lost to so many different trainers) (Whelp, time for Zetta and Geara) (Or that) (Do it! Do it! You won't) (Eh, there's worse ways to go.) (Wait...) I didn't notice that before but that's some unusual detail. Sharon probably is related to something about the 7 kingdoms. I'm not sure but Crescent really wants her gone as you'll see in a minute. (Way to shove yourself into the situation, Crescent) (This would be our third meeting) (Would you like to check on her? I can arrange for that) (That's...unfortunately true) (I'm pretty sure she did want this) (Eli is sad so I am sad. Alex, play the sad music) (It's a 3 step process. Step 1) Get close to the ledge. Step 2) Feel my fist Step 3) Have a nice fall) (Guess it's Spring now) (Hooray for Chibi images. No idea why they occur but they do) (Can I just go fight Geara now? That's less suffering than this which is saying a lot) (Eh. It'll probably work out in the end. Helping people usually is a good thing) (I would if someone would just tell me.) (Is this the "everything you know is a lie" cliche?) Tell me, would you save a Wooloo from falling off a cliff? Don't you dare do that, Jan. Don't you dare. I am a protector of fluffy things. You mess with the fluff, you get the puff (in smash) (Sure. She's cute. Cute people are always worth saving) (Agreed. Just a bunch of nonsense with no explanation. Typical early game Rejuv) (And we won't find out about it for 7 more chapters) That's it? Huh. Finally got a chapter done. What were we talking about? I guess all I have to gripe about is something that can't be changed. One issue I think people have (I mean beyond me) is going through tension withdrawal. Bladestar just does not really deliver as main antagonists which in fact I felt a different character felt more like a better antagonist over them for that segment. The problem is having stockpile twists. It's basically witholding information for the sake of holding it for a twist or reveal later to explain stuff. If you do it too much, you find yourself having a hard time really communicating or executing all the reveals. It's one of the rare situations where too few is better than too many. Having too few means you need to put emphasis and focus on them being the best they can be. Recall your favorite scene in your favorite RPG (if you say it's Reborn or Rejuv I will slap you silly and make you play a different RPG). Go back and watch taking notice of everything that happens in that scene. Let's just go with the Aerith death scene. That scene was made with absolute silence when she was stabbed. What's my favorite scene? That's a good question. I'd have to go with Jin vs Margulis 2nd battle in Xenosaga II because I absolutely love that fight scene. It just felt well made and honestly very animated for a low budget PS2 game. Well they got a budget cut iirc. Not much happens in that scene so you hone your focus in on all the action.
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Just only by guessing that this has to do with the party system or something causing it to crash. Maybe a variable got wiped causing it to go janky. First thing I'd make sure your party and PC are fine. Do me a favor and transfer the save file into Reborn (Redux uses a separate folder) and tell me if the error is there or not. I could see why healing would crash but not the PC. Anyways, I learned today that somebody already made all of the Gen VII sprites so we now have a full collection up until Melmetal which I'm not adding into the game. Just not really looking into it at all. Basically now all there is needed is a lot of copy and paste events and then some good ole lines for mons on maps. Definitely need to get it all done before November because I will be gone from the Internet when CS3 comes out. -
The point was honestly never about which one was which. Read the very first sentence I wrote writing about the difficulty. I was merely bringing points up because good lord was that response kind of rude. "You must not have played Rejuvenation in years" Don't you think that's a little presumptuous? But do you want to know something funny? Memeborn is pretty much accepted as harder than Redux. How much has that impacted Redux's playerbase? Almost 0 if not made it grow. If I really think about it, Reborn is harder than Rejuv. I've sunk about 2/3rds as much time into Rejuv then I have Reborn. There's a 3 or 4 year gap between the two since I started playing and following each. That should really say something. Because Rejuv is easier, I find myself enjoying longer play sessions of it over Reborn. Sure there's hiccup fights but Reborn had much, much worse ones before nerfs. I was busy at work but if you really want me to argue this, I can probably tomorrow night. Been a while since I had a little fun.
People act like difficulty is some deciding factor to a game. A game can be harder but terrible and it can be easy but fun as heck to play. I don't get what the big deal is if Reborn is harder than Rejuv. No need to justify or defend it in all honesty. Both are fun to play.
That's a little presumptuous, wouldn't you say. Harder is a very subjective term and even grinding everything down the difference isn't that much. Reborn feels like it throws more new and unexpected things so someone could perceive it as harder. I had more difficulty with regular Reborn over Rejuv intense. Doesn't mean Reborn is harder due to that, but just which one I struggled more on.
Help With Overworld Sprites for Follower Mons
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Check the OP as I added the debug version to it. Should include images of all the stuff I was messing or trying to work. As I said, I'm more focused on it being functional so you probably could do a better job than I could. -
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Wipe then challenge her again. Be ready for a brutal battle. The scolipede should have dropped a paper on the ground after you save the boy. You need to stand on top of it to read it. -
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Did you actually read the note dropped? Just wondering -
Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Did you try going to the spot around where the third pulse tangrowth was? If you did, I'll take a look and see if it is still evented correctly. -
Help With Overworld Sprites for Follower Mons
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
@hoshi that's exactly the way I need them. I don't have a final build yet but I can hand you something for testing and checking sprites in game for followers if you need that. -
Help With Overworld Sprites for Follower Mons
Commander replied to Commander's topic in The Mod Market
Yes. I think people would rather have the custom sprites, but whatever you want. If it functions properly, I'll accept it. Just use that rule. I really would rather be fixing errors and crashes.