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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Commander

  1. So hello there fellow Rebornians. So I made an announcement about reviving the Follower's mod, but...I failed to realize one grave error: we're actually missing quite a number of sprites. I have minimal editing skills and can't sprite to save my life but I have enough skills with Paint.net to at least format open source sprites to work which I'll be doing over the next few months or so. Yes, it'll probably take me a month as there's 40 of these things and only one me. I'm just going to take what I can find and go from there. But there's something people can do while we wait for me to get done: either create overworld sprites yourself or simply format the darn things so I don't have to. If five people do a sprite a day, we'd be done in a week vs my 3 sprites a week over a month and a half. Here's the list of what I need or have left You can check the follower mod but if you see a better image than the one used before, also upload it here and I'll replace it. Of course I'll check and compare the Reborn (and hopefully Jan is okay with Rejuv ones being the standard so I can use a couple from there if need be). If you need an example, I can upload one but there's like 100 in any Fangame folder to look at for reference. I'm mostly focused on making it functional with an image to represent every mon. I'm not even thinking about shinies right now. If you need a Debug version for testing purposed you can use the Redux version below. Note that the follower system is only functional in the Grand Hall so you'll have to use the Grand Hall nurse joy to activate Download
  2. A mon does appear there, but it is not Croagunk. Croagunk is actually found where Snubbull is in original Reborn (the girl now has a disobedient one). You're able to get it after the 4th badge. However, there is another sidequest linked to Corey's mons.
  3. Armadia is one of the hardest fights in the game. I'll admit difficulty can be a little bit hit and miss but I do try to make fights fun and a bit creative. So let's just make this announcement way too early but here we go: I'm sure you guys are aware that I am giving a helping hand with the follower mod that's been revived but...I'm also working on it for Redux independently. Is this addition optional? Nope. Why? Because I am too gosh darn lazy to make it optional. Why am I including this for Redux? Well...the party system kind of needs a lot of edits in certain places...which happen to be the same places 90% of the follower mons would need editing at so...may as well implement a highly requested feature for something I have to do anyways. E19 was going to be a nightmare anyways so let's make it more difficult. Will this be released anytime soon? Oh hell no. I know we have the one version for regular Reborn up but...it's actually missing a large chunk of content. Fortunately, I believe that content will be easy to port over after it's implemented and fixed so we have that. The hierarchy will be the following: -Making it work and functional in Redux -Adding the new USUM Pokemon sprites to function -Adding interaction lines for areas not yet implemented I'm only doing this for Reborn and Reborn related content only (that also means Memeborn if Az wants to implement it). So if anyone asks if I'll help with Gen 8, that's going to be a hard no. Gen 7 nearly broke me. I'm not going beyond that. I'll make another announcement and showcase newer mons like Poipole when those are ready.
  4. If you're asking about a specific Pokemon to lead then the best option would just to be change the sprite file of the player to the Pokemon you want. A better solution for the player following behind would be a PBAddDependant(EV#) with an event with the sprite you want to follow behind. https://essentialsdocs.fandom.com/wiki/Partner_trainer This is roughly what you're looking for (ignore the first section about pbRegisterPartner). You'll come across issues when using Surf and Lava Surf, obviously but that's just a little bit of a gateway to get what you're looking for.
  5. Are you asking for someone to simply follow behind you? There's actually a simpler way but it would require editing the game. Do you mind describing what you want to do a bit more? (unless you want to summon a trainer in and out of a Pokeball which might be hilarious)
  6. @Alisae I'm going to take a wild guess you do not have the V12 PBS file which could cause a lot of problems. You'd need whatever the most current version Jan used to make V12 functionable to made edits to PBS type data. @QuarkStar I'll take a peak but there may need to create an override code to get around so people can fly. Can someone give me a heads up if a follower (like a human following around with you) is ever outside of a building or cave? Edit: Try commenting out Pokemon Hidden moves lines 1000-1002 (mostly the return false line). That may solve the flying issue but that's where your problem lies. Just want to see what happens as if we have a type of solution making criteria will be pretty easy for this override.
  7. And before anyone bombards me with questions or reports stuff, I'm merely helping to get this functional and maybe a bit more streamlined, but I am not an official member of this. Not to throw PersonThing under the bus, but I have like zero notes from him so it's simply a minefield trying to figure out why something may crash as I'm unaware of what scripts sections were touched that may resolve the error. If I can get all of that sorted out, we should be golden for an E19 version cross your fingers. And if anyone asks if I'll make this SWM compatible. Oh hell no. If it works with it, great, but I'm just trying to figure this all out. I'm just here to help with stuff someone starting out may stumble and fall. And I want to leave it in a state anyone picking it up shouldn't need to ask me questions. Let's go into one change I teased in the discord server. With PersonThing's version of Reborn, your follower was given to boot to make it so your partner for a segment is the only one following behind you. Person had a bit of trouble with this so I took a look and just did a "What if" since I don't want to be searching through every event that causes a character to leave you to reactivate the Follower Mon and then deactivate when they rejoin you. So since I'm lazy, we now have this: Is it the most beautiful thing? Probably not but now you can talk to both you and your Pokemon though the latter is much more difficult right now. The bigger thing is that now you never have to worry about going back to a PC to turn on the feature (you will need to deactivate it when migrating your save). Also ignore that Decibel in the corner. That was my dummy to get this thing working. "But what if I don't want a Pokemon out while I'm with someone?" that one guy will ask. Press ctrl. It'll solve your problem. I'm a man more of convenience over how things look. And as for if this will be compatible with Redux (I know I'll get that question eventually), let's just get this in a working state before talking about that. If I can get it done without a massive amount of effort, I will. But I do need a few things from you guys to make this process easier. If you could PM or DM any save file when you have somebody walking around behind you (Fern, Victoria, Aya, ect) that'd really help out when testing and verifying this stuff is functioning properly. The other thing I need to know is what areas don't have unique dialogue which does include E18 areas like Route 4, Glass Factory, ect. It's not a priority but it's just for good note taking in case anyone else is willing to jump on board. There is an error that's driving me nuts while trying to recreate this mod which is my first priority (as if we can't get this to work with E19 then the point of reviving this is null).
  8. Before the fight iirc. If you beat like 13 master fights and find a certain NPC in Train Town, you'll see a grunt show up in the Healing stations in the Glass Factory. That's when you know you've activated it and the fight will have a lot more nasty mons. I'm not sure if it's Armadia levels anymore.
  9. Version 18 Community I believe
  10. So something is very confusing here as that's the only two files you should need. Maybe try them on a brand game version. I don't think that much was fixed since the community release to cause such a big error. oh wait I know why the one error is still going though let me find it... CommonEvents.rxdata
  11. This...reminds me of something. By off chance are you using a cracked or pirated version of RPGmaker XP? I'll take a look at my files though and double check.
  12. Do me a favor and try these files out (just rename the files in your game and not overwrite just in case) for Reborn. Let's see if I had the same issues you are experiencing. Edit: I only did up until the grand hall so only try those areas for right now. Map038.rxdata Scripts.rxdata
  13. ._. I wish people would label their goddamn code. It makes it easier to figure out what they've done. Anyways, I have some good news. I actually have the script for the E18 version actually. Just take a look and see how this matches up with yours: Change the CommonEvent to 59 like below (other stuff isn't that important...yet (And I break the post if I make it too big so we're just doing the top section) Now the thing you WANT to make sure of is that the maximum common event limit is above 58 found in the database icon and a tab called common events. Just change the maximum to 59. We'll need to change a lot of stuff but this is stuff we'll need to talk to Ame for. I can give you my files on it if you really want to work from that but I'm unsure what I tinkered with. But if you're willing to do the grunt and tedious work I can take a look at all the other stuff.
  14. It's a bit of an old habit if I'm reading a thread and now anything about it I'll respond with something since quite a number of users were getting frustrated for a no answer. Never intend to try and step on your field and more just giving a user an answer so they aren't waiting and end up getting nothing. Don't worry as I'll refrain from answering anything else.
  15. Yeah...don't every overwrite files unless you know it's absolutely safe. You'll have to make some adjustments to the game such as changing some numbers directly in the common events (where you're getting the issue) by changing the maximum. I can try to take a look on Sunday for any issues you have but no promises.
  16. Pokemon Full Moon Crossover, when? I'm not sure what you're asking as something like an Insurgence crossover would be very difficult as Reborn is the odd duck and everyone is very protective of their games. If we are talking about within the community, we have a lot of nods to stuff. It's really hard to answer that as I'm not Jan but not very many games are past the drop off point where people to up and easily quit making the crossover a waste. It's a lot of factors and I don't think we are likely to see one but I wouldn't dismiss the idea entirely. Something unexpected could always happen.
  17. If I see any I can answer to save Jan work, I will since I do have some knowledge. I think the general consensus for Reborn is that we prefer Protean Greninja since it is less broken and causes less headaches in designing the game. Maybe Jan will do a hail Mary and add it in but right now it seems unlikely. No idea if you're asking if Jan will do a nuzlocke or if you're talking about the Nuzlocke scripts that force Pokemon to stay dead. Personally, I see no need for the script since it's you, the player, accepting the Pokemon is dead despite the ability to manipulate the game in denial. There's too many rules and variations trying to force restrictions just ends up making the experience worse imo. It's your run, you are the one making the rules. 1) This is the real reason I'm responding. I think all of us are all for adding follower Pokemon but at this stage, it's just not possible. Jan added it in WLL which was nice but Rejuv is a much, much bigger beast and that baby would need to be scripted and bug tested like crazy in order for it to be an acceptable, quality feature. It's just too buggy as it stands right now and no fan is willing to put forth effort to fix it. I mean I'm willing but I quite honestly can't because I just don't have the time with Redux and the Rejuv run being way too massive to take on any other endeavors. I have a feeling Jan will say the same thing. We absolutely would love to have that feature too, but we do not have the time. If you really want this feature, you guys gotta help us out and polish it up to a maintainable level. If you guys aren't willing to try and put forth the effort, I don't think we'll ever see the light on this feature. It's not complicated to do, but it has what feels like a 100 little issues most of us don't have the time for. But what I'd like to have is a revamped version of PersonThing's version removing much of the tedious elements in it. (I did tinker with it hence the infamous Chikorita Army I pic I posted). If I find time which is very, very unlikely, I will look into it more, but I'm hoping someone else (preferably with better scripting skills) tries to take the helm and work on it.
  18. Two questions: 1. Was making this thread a mistake because holy hell the amount of responses. 2. So I know some of this predates thing I played but I feel like V10 and 11 were massive overhauls of the game including basically writing the entire beginning over. Was there anything particular that made you push for those massive overhauls or was it simply a lot of whimsical decisions that worked out? I'm mostly curious due to quite some drastic changes.
  19. The point of missing content is Agate Circus for some hidden mons and the glass gauntlet for the brutal version. The rest are just minor things. If you are looking for members for HCHQ you'll have a fun NPC in the grand hall who can help
  20. Hey, somebody used those things. I'm happy right now. I did consider putting the Exp All into Redux but that's a bit too much work while trying to get transfers over. We're also kind of getting to the point the Scripts are about to snap in half and start crashing especially given what E19 is going to offer and I WILL follow through on something I said. But I'm just going to say something about the Neo HCHQ quest: if it's going to burn you out to not play it, then don't do it. Or simply don't play Redux if you are just going to be miserable paying it. Nobody should feel forced to do anything and if you don't enjoy it, I understand. If it's getting the legendary mon, that's obtainable so long as you get 19 medals. I'm aware some of this stuff is tedious but it's mostly for people to do over the year if they get bored and need something to pass the time. Also, hi. Just came here to tell you the project isn't dead and to remind y'all E19 Redux will only go up until the end of E19 content and not cover the postgame. Everything I put will be available before the end of E19 and accessible for Postgame which is still a lot of content. I'll just be blunt and say any of the big battles will have two versions: A normal one and a Master styled one. I'm not sure what I'll make the requirement but oh yeah there will be brutal battles in E19 even if I have to pull out all stops.
  21. From Sanshilla Village (or whatever it's called) go South and you'll see him.
  22. I want off Jan's wild ride

  23. Y'all know what this is so you either are interested in what I say or you aren't. For those of you who are not: 9/10. Now Begone. Edit: That score is meant for this chapter and content added for V12 alone. Not overall. Just wanted to clarify. Now for the rest of you, EVERYTHING YOU SEE BELOW CONTAINS SPOILERS. I'll give you guys some breathing room if you dived into this carelessly so you can duck out before it's too late. I gave you guys the score so we can set down and talk about it beforehand. "Why on Earth would Comm ever give something that high?" is what most of you are thinking. Do I actually think it's one of the best things I ever played since Chrono Trigger? No. My gut reaction is to make it a 7 or 8 just from my impressions, but I had to look at it from quite a few aspects and decided that was the best thing to give it. But when you look at it from the view of the type of people this game was made for, that score makes a lot more sense. Trust me, Rejuv really isn't a game made for me but I would be lying if I didn't say I had an absolute blast playing this episode I had to really think about how I would approach this. I know by the time I reach this in the run it'll be far too late for feedback so think of this as a many runthrough as I go through and talk about everything I did and thoughts. This will be a disaster. So we start off with Flora finishing up her speech along with the Bladestar moral conflict. I don't think Bladestar really had enough time for a buildup and they just all kind of feel insignificant and not very threatening. I'm sorry, but all these people kind of just really felt shallow and even Flora I really did not get much from. It's like going out to a steak place and they are out of steak so you get chicken. It's good, but you don't go to a steak place to eat chicken so it tastes worse than it really is because of it. Flora is a decent character but we are going so fast there's not much time to build up or take her in and there's barely any time to really build her up. Like what, 1 chapter and some small snippits. Normally this would be a huge backfire but let's just continue on, shall we? After that speech, we see Amber and Hazuki (now an old lady so RIP that Madame X theory) with a nice little scene explaining GDC is on lockdown and Amber has to continue the show not giving us the present she wants to give us. Swear to Arceus if that's a Vulpix...but nonetheless we charge out of there and meet our buddy Ren...and Aelita. Really surprised how quickly we reunite with them but oh well. The ship...tank...thing (let's just call it a ship) was actually rather nice as it had a small cast pool all of which really bounce off each other even if Eli and Sharon are kind of nobodies. Having the heroes and Narcy team up really helped showcase a fun cast that really bounce off each other so it never felt boring. I don't care for Huey but he really didn't take away from anything. Anyways, I also liked the whole Texan segment tying back into WLL. I definitely know it's not really possible but it would be nice if WLL was combined with Rejuv, but that may be way too much work. I do recommend putting a link to the thread because it really just helps this segment be more clear. That was a fun battle showcasing Cherrim and I was estatic getting a Crest for the guy because now it can be used on other teams than sun which is fun. Crest collecting is great in this one. I told you this would be a mess. Also nice little bonus Sharon and Eli battle which I had a bit of trouble (forgot to record to boot), but I was victorious nonetheless. I'll save the other part after the Zone Zero segment but now we have time to explore where we're mostly with Aelita and Ren which oddly makes for a good combo. Ren has a really bad day getting beat by a Jigglypuff (which now I'm sure Risa is E8 material now). And Risa is also in the tournament which somehow someone is covering for us or something. Who knows what that's all about. So one cool part about these segments is you play as Aelita, Ren, and you all with their teams as ou switch characters to move around. I don't know how Jan did it, but he did and I love it. It was one of the things I would've done if I were to make a game. Proud of you. Anyways, a lot of this is kind of fun filler so we're going to skip up until Nim shows up (there's a lot that happens). I have mixed feelings about Lyra/Nim. I mean she's crazy which is executed just fine but it really didn't do much other than be a roadblock and to make Ren talk backwards for amusement. I mean this episode pretty much includes everyone so maybe it was shoehorned in for a type of finale. Let's just keep moving forward. After Nim's defeat we see Isha's lab with a body in a capsule along with a PC to fix Ren and for everyone to catch up. Risa also solves our problem then we go and defeat the pulse which took FOREVER to kill (thank god it didn't use Swallow more than once) and Audino who I forgot to mention but is a mobile heal spot to purify it back. Apparently it's the Hippo from the past signified by out Puppetmaster friend. Now we have the Melia segment which I figured was her on the verge of death but she was just in her mind. We meet good old blondie brat again and while I like the interaction, I really dislike the whole "control emotions" shoehorn in there. I think it could've been executed better by simply saying she played with her mind altering her memories a bit. I'd have to relook at the whole thing to really talk about it...and I forgot something in the previous part. And now we get to Melia waking up being taken hostage by Amanda who doesn't work for Xen or Bladestar. I remember Flora menioning she was Co-leader and guessed Amanda was the actual leader but boy was I wrong. Madelis comes out of nowhere to save the day. They defeat Amanda who is a...robot thing. And this is where my hair is yanked out of my head. Why? Just why? Just comes out of thin air she's a robot. Then Erick and Saki bot show up and beat it up and it dies revealing something about controlling the league or something. I'd need to be drunk to be willing to go over that and I'm realizing my mind deleted most of that from my head. It was a cool fight mechanic at least. No idea how it works but I won which is all that matters. Also a bit of Madelis backstory which kind of also ties in the whole you lose your soul if you betray Madame X stuff. Which is kind of important since Narcy is kind of doing stuff behind her back. Did I mention Geara is here with an unkown other capsule? Geara really fell apart since we last saw him. Honestly would've been fine with him staying dead. Ze less Geara lines ze better. Pyramid is pretty simple as the well is dried up because Flora took the stone (Bladestar was rather quiet the entire plot). We have to run up to the Skyview but we are stopped by strange machines which first fight owns me and I'm saved by Allen who is in one of the pods. Just throw all logic out the window for right now. Alice also appears and apparently made a puzzle just to play with us and then Aelita gives her a knock of the head of reality because she wanted to kill us all. They get sent back to the Zero Realm and fight the Unknown to get back. It sounds nonsensical but it works. Huey and Reina join the main 3 (well Ren and the player right now) and then a gauntlet fight happens which I lose in spectacular fashion and then a glitch happens and I have to reset instead of taking the L. So I'm guessing Jan tried something new and forgot about the whole transperancy thing causing players to be invisible. I don't know if exit event process fixes it but I did that and set transparency off to fix a couple fight glitches I took the L on. Surprised a game breaking glitch like that wasn't found and fixed much earlier. A rayquayza bot appears and just kills all the grunts (we get a lot of team up fights in this episode and play as like 6 characters counting sidequests). Flora be mad. Now to speed this up to the gym. Aelita joins, Surfer back, Nastasia takes (I just realized Narcy is a different character. Not gonna fix it) control of Ren and weird stuff is happening. We get to the top and Flora is controlling Ryland in which the player beats them, Aelita nabs the Jewel and the spring doesn't come back. You need a descendant of the royal family to activate it which Ryland is the only one who can. Flora threatens to kill him if they don't comply to their demands which you get some interesting choices before being interrupted by a phone call before you can honestly pick one (I love that troll move). Ren broadcasts Cassandra is alive causing Flora to smash her computer freeing Rylan and he passes out. So we aren't even close to being done yet. Madame X decides to randomly show up and Melia also shows up for an epic battle that causes Madame X's mask to crack which seeing that bit of her face kind of makes me think I know who it is (or honestly should be given how odd of a character she is). Surfer and Red haired girl from WLL show up and she uses her illusion magic which thanks to my sucking seemed for me to make the right choice. Hooray for being the weakest member in the group. We all get beat up then Braixen with her moral compass on whether to evolve or not during this whole episode evolves to kick butt we play as Adam to finish her off. The three of them flee and Adam (now back to being his old self) saves the day by turning the spring back on. He's Rylan's bro. I actually really liked this whole segment as well. Oh yeah, Florin escaped and came back to arrest Flora. So Bladestar is done. Great way to end the chapter...except we're not near the end yet. So I really dislike the whole running out of time dilemma which I kind of would have preferred it if Narcissa lied about the time knowing they wouldn't make it just to give them hope. Oh well it was nice seeing Damien and Alexandra help out keeping them powered on. So the three people in the pods were Alice, Allen, and what was thought to be Melia was...Erin which now we get back to the hair pulling. So Erin has blonde hair and is actually Melia's sister as told by a voice in the sky that was their mother. Alice and Allen are also their siblings and when they all touch hands they form the symbol of Arceus. Melia is basically Arceus so she's basically God. And I was just starting to like her after she apologized to Ren and the two made up. Cassandra pulling an Osborne (guys should really play Cold Steel) I'm okay with, but I kind of wish Erin died. Would've been better than whatever I just witnessed. Nastasia boots everyone out while she works on pod 4. Also Damien and Adam have a broment and Alexandra wants to talk to the player and the 4 blondies (and Ren iirc) but they need to go rescue Lavender putting that meeting on hold. Hospital of Hope is pretty short put very jammed. Basically the heroes storm the place, Learn Isha is also half his father and is dying from the disease he somehow inherited from the mind transfer thingy. He's crazy and wants to be inside Lavender. Player battles and defeats him and then Ren and Venam come to the rescue. Yes, Venam was the 4th pod and the spring freed her from being a statue. Isha is arrested and Melia and Venam hug in happiness. I can't believe it but I actually like Venam in this one as she actually learned her goddamn lesson. Either Jan is a brilliant writer with 5d foresight or he saw complaints possibly my run and made notes revising the later parts. Do I care which one? No. Am I happy with it? Yes. Melia is surprised by Venam's change (well loss of the bratty teen) and then Kannon shows up saying Alexandra wants to meet ending the episode. My god was this a rollercoaster plot. Sidequests are all good...even the weird Goomink one. There felt like far less from the massive dump V12 offered but there's a good selection considering how massive the plot is. That is the heavily condensed version of a 3 chapter's worth plot. I don't even think my brain processed and remembered everything it all just flew by. I'm going to keep this brief because I'm tired and I'm not sure if Jan reads these. First and foremost, that was way too much to take in but if it means shoving all of this stuff that needed resolution out of the way quickly, this was the only option. It's better to jam stuff in a middle segment then to clog up the more climatic plot. If this is what the next few versions are looking like, I'd consider doing a little bit of revision to see what can be pulled out of the main story into a possible sidequest or side content. It was also a tad disappointing we weren't the ones to defeat Flora but I have a feeling she'll be back for the finale. Anyways, I don't like when Rejuv goes into the too far out there like the Amanda thing, but if the fans love it, keep on doing it. I do bring up a breath of caution when using Arceus. The "God" archtype in RPGs has been exhausted to the point it doesn't feel climatic anymore and can end up boring or tiresome for players. Rapter did it first and what made it special is that no Pokemon game has done anything like it before or after so far. That bar is set very high and even Reborn could end up being disappointing. You're way too deep to change it, I know. Just don't be careless or it will brutally bite you in the butt. More than Melia or the Ren fence thing. Now you're probably wondering "Why on earth is Comm still playing Rejuv if he complains so much?" I'll admit it the plot is usually a turn off for me. Sometimes it has good moments but that plot really isn't for me and it's often why I go on long rants. It's the little details the game throws in that keep me playing. I mean in this one we have little text bubbles from people which made me glee a little bit inside. For every moment I whine about something, I go "that's so cool" for like 5 other things and it's just hard to really list them since it's in the back of my mind. I was absolutely losing it getting to play as my favorite who was himself again near the end. I couldn't ask for a better cast of character to be around for the majority of the chapter. And no Erin for most of it. It's almost as if Jan tailored it to be something I actually would freaking love to death. Not my favorite chapter (thanks to a certain scene) but certainly a candidate. I tend to focus more on my complaints since I know a good 100 people would echo praises I would say anyways. And remember, why on Earth would I dedicate 100s of hours to a game if I thought it was boring? I may not like Rejuv at points, but I can certainly say it's anything but not memorable both in a good and a bad way. I actually feel so bad I won't be able to get to this part in well over a year because there's so much to talk about which is why I made this condensed version so people and see and read this as a sneak peak. ...I also forgot that the player actually talks in this one. THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THAT! Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be doing what Big Betty did after meeting Goomink. Also chapter 14 is 6.1k pics. That's going to take FOREVER to get through.
  24. THANK YOU! I'm probably the only person happy about this but you know what, there will always be that one rule you dislike. I'm just going to tell you people that. I'll make life simple for people on discord: Don't bring it up at all in anything but Mod Market unless a newbie brings it up first. And just call it hacking because it's basically the same principle. Debug is a hacking tool which is fine. Instead of trying to justify it this just makes it easier for new players to understand without forcing it on then. I use debug mode as it has uses. The other issue with cheating is that it freezes a game's ability to improve so maybe instead of hacking to do stuff you could file a legit complaint. Half the reason Rejuv is as good as it is was due to listening and fixing stuff. Just saying.
  25. I'm really disappointed nobody got to answer this sooner as I don't use 7zip (WinRAR is my go to) but I think if you right click and go to 7zip and set it to extract a RAR file it'll do that. I know Redux is a RAR but worst case scenario just download WinRAR and ignore the "You cannot use this software" message. It's just there to scare you off
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