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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by RazeArmada

  1. im not really good with puzzles right now so ill make this a point: help with strength puzzle in tanzan mountain? does anyone have a sort of way or guide to like get through the puzzle game?
  2. it doesnt steal the trainer's pokemon's item permanently.
  3. maaaaaan mega manectric still looks like a trapezoid...
  4. well i have done a lot of recolors. but right now, im trying to stay away from my laptop til im done with exams this week, posting from my phone. so far the images i have actually worked on are some x and y pokemon sprites, recolors with some spooky scary pokemon like medicham, and some effect/attack move sprites (since i got tired at looking the Tackle move animation being that it is the animation for almost all the known moves in the game). i had always wanted to make medicham transparent but apparently the game doesn't want me to. that goes with specter!Kiki.
  5. So while everyone was busy with the coming of the X and Y versions, i was busy with making huge sprites edits in the game. Like adding the x and y pokemon and some re-edits on several aspects of the game, either for the game or for my own personal taste. [ This is an old pic with the default protag sprite vs. Spectral Kiki ] I'll be doing a lot of adding sprites soon when im done with my exams.
  6. its sad that you have to go Nick~. I hope the best of luck in your time in mexico. we will miss you and your videos. Also, its hard to pass on the torch especially with a person like you to take the torch from. I dont have the editing skills in terms of video editing. lets just hope that someone can replace you and at least do well equally as you can.
  7. i was also thinking of a suggestion that adding a new pokemon but i forgot that it would reflect on the dex entries. unless coding-coding happens that it doesnt appear in the pokedex or gen 6 comes in and everything else should go. but scare factor is hard to resist.
  8. read the creepypasta... i guess everyone wanted to be a hypno. the little bugger was just chasing his dreams.
  9. [ Only young boys throw stones at fruit-bearing trees. ]

  10. thanks! i was really thinking of making scarier sprites because creepypastas. then i got a little bit bored so i made these. given that Reborn is a more mature-sort-of game version of pokemon. so why not? and it would be nice if Ame made Medicham's voice/sound either reversed or slowed to a specific pitch or tone.
  11. Added this one. But it was a quickie so if anyone would be cool enough, if they have better ideas. Also, I always thought that Garchomp slashed her neck so meeeh. If anyone has feels right now please step away from sprites.
  12. So like i was reading the creepypasta about the Lavender Town Syndrome and the town's theme song. then it reminded me of this: Done a lot of recolors and added the bloody empty pitch black eyes since i was bored and i got hyped about creepypasta and was playing reborn for a while. Im not sure really it just hit me. I might do a recolor of Kiki's sprite but go figure. Also: couldn't get the spirit smoke effect like kiki's sprite so anyone can help me, that would be great. I also hope Ame can see this, i was thinking about Dead!Kiki and Dead!Medicham special sprites and that Medicham had ghost moves and change its typing to Ghost/Fighting... but that might cause game-breaking so its just a suggestion.
  13. Welcome to the realm of "forget your sanity behind because you wont need that." hohoho but anywho, welcome to Reborn. Have fun, no hate, and lets all play nice. Also, im surprised that there are still people who like Fern. Personally, I'm not a fan of him because story reasons. But we cant really hate on just because of that. everyone has preferences so lets all peace.
  14. Well i might suggest either Chrysolia Forest or Hidden Cove, hunt for Glooms, Weepinbells, Ariados, Deerling, and all the grass types you can find. Given if your Staraptor has raw damage and adamant, then you should go for either place. and level 41 is the way to go.
  15. 87 hours of game play. thats because i always go around town doing level grinds with necessary pokemanz.
  16. I kinda did a good number on Shade's team when i got Houndoom+Flashfire. If you were able to get a good strategy, i was using Gigalith to smack down levitating pokemon on his team, assuming Sturdy is able to block Energy Ball on the first hit. Then i used Houndoom to put a heavy on them using Foul Play a lot.
  17. Leviathe: because Leviathan. Randgreis: Valkyrie boss from Ragnarok, but added the "e" to make it badd-ass and manry. Atroce: Dark Beast boss from Ragnarok Diamara: corrupted species name of a zebra Eostraea: derived from the two names, Eos, goddess of the dawn, and Aster, latin from "star" (also my resident trick roomer~) Hecate: Athenian goddess of prosperity and protection.
  18. Also, Petilil event restarted. and i tell you i already have a Lilligant that i caught from my previous Petilil yey Episode 8 ago. Is the game not recognizing previous already captured events?
  19. Exploitable Parkour Bug near the Sewage Plant in Peridot. "Hah! Spiderman? Get real!" "Climb this." "Spidey ain't got nothing on me. How do you get down again?"
  20. RazeArmada


    I know that Vespiquen isn't really that much of a pokemon, although she has her strong points and stuff, but i really want to catch her and its to catch a single combee and breed them at them same time just to get at least either of the 4 natures: Timid, Adamant, Quirky, Serious. I already widen my preferences for this pokemon but just one single female combee is all i ask. Is it possible to catch one in the game? looked at the gender rate and its like 1/8 chance of finding a female.
  21. but Ame wouldnt it be nice to at least that you can access just like some floors in the apartment? but i wouldnt force that because yeah.
  22. hms you need in episode 8 and 9 after Aya are Rock Smash and Strength
  23. maybe she might go with the idea. but yeah, i'm assuming Ame isn't really funded so the whole thing might not come true about the linking thing, but the apartment idea, i hope that happens. think about the possibilities???
  24. So when can we use the apartments? It's like been 9 episodes and yet we couldn't use the apartments. It'd be awesome to have a place of my own there. And probably if like the game would go far, you could like make them like secret bases in Gen III and there would be trainers that would be found there if say *you linked one game to another* and something like that. you get the whole idea about secret bases.
  25. i still couldnt understand how the game works really. is it really like minesweeper?
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