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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by FeatherDuster

  1. When are we getting Gigantamax mons in Reborn tho

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Uh, seeing as we aren't even getting Gen. 8 'mons in base Reborn, the answer's "whenever modders get around to coding it." Sorry.

  2. If a bunch of musicians get aids, do they have band-aids?

  3. Bernie Sanders Just Pledged To Buy And Publish Donald Trump's Browsing History.

  4. BREAKING NEWS: Trump to Congress: "I did not have financial relations with that Putin".

  5. Islamic clerics worldwide condemn ISIS's gorilla warfare, calling it "Absolutely Harambe".

  6. "La La Land" reaches the "magic number" of delegates to clinch democratic nomination for president.

  7. Donald Trump has stated that he is "open to the idea" of allowing burrito and taco shaped holes in the Mexican border wall to allow Mexican food to pass through, the New York Times reports.

    1. Peanuts


      Tfw you aren't sure if this is true...

  8. CIA confirms hardware issues with Nintendo Switch as employees report buggy microphone.

    1. Animefan666


      CIA is listening to you play LoZ: Breath of The Wild and they demand better microphones cuz they're stuck :P

    2. HongaarseBeer


      @Animefan666 that's what the media doesn't tell you!!

  9. This describes my life right now:


  10. BREAKING NEWS: President Donald J. Trump signs executive order to reduce minority voting power to two-fifths, says "the Three-Fifths Compromise was a bad business deal".

    1. Maelstrom
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      what the fuck did I just read

  11. I once got into so much debt that I couldn't even afford my electricity bills, they were the darkest times of my life.

  12. Fun Fact: I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.

    1. Wolfox


      I used to be a doctor, but I didn't have the patients

  13. Britain is officially leaving Europe. Where are they going to go/how hard is it to move an island?

  14. My car's engine can do 2000 revolutions per minute with 100 joules of energy. All matter has energy. If Bernie Sanders can't do one revolution does that mean he doesn't matter?

    1. Ironbound


      That engine has Berned out.

  15. I just found out my blood type is A-. How do I get a higher grade, and what kind of things can I do for extra credit?

    1. Ironbound


      Dracula calls you.

    2. Maelstrom


      I only found out what my blood type was when I joined the army. How did you find out?

    3. FeatherDuster


      Through donating blood. ㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ

  16. Why do aliens only abduct people with no credibility?

    1. starkidcosmo


      why would they want people to know they're abducting people?

    2. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      Maybe the situation by itself is so ridiculous that no one will believe you anyway?

  17. How far do you have to dig before reaching ground beef?

    1. Ironbound


      You have to dig through a lot of bull.

  18. If Pi is never ending, why is there still world hunger?

    1. Felicity


      numbers don't exist

  19. Didn't think I'd see Smite on Reborn, but its great to see it. I like putting Soul Reaver on Athena with Poly because it works great with her combos. I'll always stick with Ymir even though I've been seeing less of him. He has a great kit, and can do a lot of damage. I personally hate Bell though because she is everywhere and she does so much damage even as a tank. Can't go a game anymore, even in assault, without seeing an enemy Bell pop up and completely run through our team :/
  20. Donald Trump wants to stop all the "terrorists" from coming into the country, Hilary Clinton wants to get rid of all the "gun culture" that's already in the country, but why won't anyone talk about what's really wrong with the country? Comcast

  21. How can mirrors see us if they don't have eyes?

  22. What's a good Pokemon to use in Reborn that counters fairy types?

    1. Solarance
    2. Lamona


      Durant is great with Hustle, accuracy matters.

    3. Nanami's-Egg
  23. When you find a shiny Murkrow, and then it proceeds to Brave Bird itself to death :[

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TRHStatement


      That shiny rate though!

    3. Nanami's-Egg


      They can also have Perish Song. -_-

    4. Bearadactyl


      Reminds me of the shiny Electrode I found in Gen II. Selfdestructed immediately and took my dreams with it.

  24. Pretty damn cool that there is now marriage equality

  25. Gotta love how impossible it is to beat Aya

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Should've chose Fennekin as starter. Becomes Psychic type.

      Also, Magneton and Onix (may be able to be Steelix, not sure if it's available then) are around for steel and ground. And going in with some Poison types may not be a bad idea either. If you use the right moves, you can win.

    3. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      Unless you're avoiding it, Meowstic is OP

    4. FeatherDuster


      I'm good now. I decided to train the Elgyem up to a Beheeyem, and used para from Ampharos to get through her.

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