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Deleted User

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Deleted User last won the day on April 8 2017

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  1. How long can one continue to preach joy and happiness, while not really living it?

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    2. Sheep


      Almost the plot of Fate/Stay Night. That is exactly the sort of thing it focuses on. After playing 2/3rds of the game I'm of the opinion that a moderate amount of caring for others is good, but it should never be your whole life.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I believe that you cannot properly teach others to be happy if you yourself cannot be. You can steer them in the right direction and you can help them yes, but you yourself cannot teach them to be happy. I very much thought being selfless would make make me happier once, but it solely cannot at least for me. It can help you find that path for yourself, because people you help can become very good friends. My philosophies on this may be a bit weird

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      but I firmly believe them. Because in my state of Depression I couldn't help anyone, because I couldn't help me. Battling through that, well it took some stregth and it took the help of some important people. Now, I beileve I can truly help others and helop them along, now that I can take time for myself, and believe in my self and can be a happy person.

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