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Deleted User

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Deleted User last won the day on April 8 2017

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  1. This is a PSA. Please stop the Hukuna Hugs joke. He doesn't find it funny, quite the opposite actually. We've always lived by the rule here at Reborn, If someone asks you to stop doing something regarding them, to stop.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Oh and if I see it anymore, I won't hesitate to hand out warnings. Have a nice day.


    2. Commander


      ...normally I'd make a witty comment but...yeah that joke should've died a long time ago. I didn't even realize it was still going on.

    3. SnowGlaceon


      ...? I think this is one of those things I'm better off not knowing, but I'm curious as to what's going on

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