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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. You were aware when you made this thread that Garchomp is currently unavailable in Reborn correct?
  2. Yeah that's something that Ame's been meaning to do for a while IIRC. Definitely on her never ending list.
  3. Oh I completely understand that. I'm just looking through all these things and think 'damn that'd be cool'
  4. Looking through the help files. I realize just how many things you guys decided not to include.
  5. Bottom Right above 'Community Rules' You really didn't know this?
  6. Well if we're asking users to report this sort of thing, I'd recommend advising them to click the infractor's Profile and report it from there.
  7. Because many of the maps are actually new different identical maps combined and so the events for initiating trainer battles are new events that haven't been triggered before.
  8. I also want the alternate timeline version with Trunks to go and do the Buu Saga. It was briefly addressed in some stupid game, but I want like a season on it. Give this the funimation treatment and get rid of the stupid little kid character.
  9. Tentacreul is actually a good pokemon though.... Didn't say it needed to be THAT early. Just earlier.
  10. Illusion.... (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
  11. We'll see her again. Eventually.
  12. Pokemon that could definitely be available earlier: Weedle Sandshrew Psyduck Geodude Farfetch'd Krabby Drowzee Exeggcute Wingull Spinda Kecleon Wynaut Mantyke Blitzle Deerling Tynamo Rufflet Skiddo Helioptile Dedenne
  13. For one Mankey doesn't evolve until level 28, so if you want to train it that hard before Florinia, then you've earned it. And it's only decent fighting moves are Karate Chop (BP 50) and Low Kick (BP 80). Even as a Primape it's not NEARLY as bulky with Hariyama at Base 144 HP and Primape at base 65.
  14. I've seen, -A- warning for it. But I don't know how strictly that's followed. I haven't had sigs on for over a year.
  15. I'm a supporter of moving Hariyama back to beyond Serra. Pancham would be the most logical replacement.
  16. Don't bump this thread here, but it's been done before, I'll just quote mine from there.
  17. Tentatively we'll do the usual 8 PM eastern tonight as it seems some people would prefer before, and other would prefer after.
  18. X2 & Y2 / XZ & YZ I guarantee it. Nintendo saw that fans prefer the sequel and it also allows them to put out two new games for the price of one.
  19. When did I become a Ghost?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tempest


      When you got muted

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      I'd have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you kids and your stupid Breloom.

    4. Chevaleresse


      Probably when you got sniped.

  20. Pretty much. Just make the tail of that gold.
  21. Least she don't talk shit about your whole favorite type......... >.>
  22. Can you tell me more specifically? Which pokemon/moves he's hitting you with that is getting a critical hit on you? None of Shades pokemon have a critical hit modifying item. Nor does his field effect change critical hit chance. So the likelihood of you being hit by critical hits 25 times in a row are 1 in 1.2676506e+30 Also could you post your save file? If you're truly having this many problems please try redownloading the game. Don't worry you're save file will be fine. I've never heard of anyone else having this issue. via the forum FAQ Q: How do I attach my save file?
  23. The only Egg Group that isn't allowed is the Ditto Egg Group due to lack of enough pokemon to create a team.
  24. Rejuvenation as near as I can tell is a one man project and hence Jan doesn't have the time to do things like a Wiki.
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