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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. How feasible is a surgical mask?
  2. Not really, the number is just more apparent now as the most recent version of essentials is now pointing out a lot of the errors rather than just continuing on and letting things happen without saying anything. This, the link stone, definitely was screwy though.
  3. You'll find that the rate of which you encounter shiny pokemon in Reborn is much higher than in normal pokemon games. It's (700/65536) or about 1.07% as opposed to (8/65536)
  4. I'm not going to ask you to apologize, just simmer down, you can be more pleasant than this and not lead to something that really gets out of hand.
  5. dondon, I'm not going to ask you again, feel free to voice your opinion, but please do so more respectfully. If you continue to act so condescending you won't like the outcome.
  6. Moved to the Team Showcase forum where it's more fitting.
  7. If Talonflame is going to be added at all, it can be no earlier than after beating Samson. Talonflame laughs at everything Samson has.
  8. "Why the hell did I come to this wretched city in the first place?"
  9. It's been noted by Dan, me, as well as others. It's definitely on the To-Do list to look into.
  10. Why'd you make your thread in the Grand Hall when it would be better off in the Trainer's Journal. S'all good though, I got you bruh.
  11. Crobat is gamebreaking early game, all you need to do is look at why it was scrapped from early game a while ago. Talonflame gets healing while Crobat doesn't.
  12. Except the fact that Ice Cream and Potions y'know... cost money. It can outspeed almost anything without ANY speed investment normally so that further goes to show why it shouldn't be early game available. That lack of investment can be placed into attack and any of it's other stats and make it overall a better poke. Crobat was removed early game for the very reason that it manhandled Florinia and Kiki, much in thanks to Acrobatics. Flame Charge is a valid point. But going back to Talonflame it can be given full attack investment and can be breeded for an attack positive nature. With the cap being I believe 50 at Serra Talonflame's max attack at level 50 is 146, which is nothing to scoff at. And it still manhandled half of Kiki's and Serra's teams.
  13. dondon, while your points are valid and actually somewhat convincing, I need to ask that you make them in a more polite manner and try not to belittle your fellow Reborn community members for having opinions that differ from yours. Talonflame, while it doesn't work well early in the game, once it gets access to the move tutor would be kind of overpowered in the mid section of the game. It'd wipe the floor with Serra as it stands now. You can't consider just the early game when thinking of Pokemon to put in the early game.
  14. If we're looking for pokemon to replace Electrike, then I'd suggest Helioptile that thing isn't good without TM's.
  15. Check out this weeks theme tour and tell me a time on Saturday that would work best for you if you're interested. The winner will Receive 1000 rupees. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12809

  16. Alright welcome everyone, for the time being I will be running the Theme tours and I'd like to do things slightly differently. The first thing I'd like to do is have sign ups begin earlier in the week. The tour itself will run for a longer duration window as to accommodate as many people as possible. So I'd like all of your input on working out what time of the day on Saturday works best for you (please include timezones). Secondly, and somewhat unfortunately, I don't plan on giving out nearly as large of prizes as have been given out in the past and the typical prize can be expected to be 1000 rupees. As for this weeks tournament, it will be Theme Tour LXIV: Out of the nest in which your team must contain Pokemon that all have an egg group in common. For example if I were to do a team in the Field Egg Group. Ninetales (Field) Nidoking (Monster || Field) Granbull (Field || Fairy) Vaporeon (Field) Shiftry (Field || Grass) Espeon (Field) So think of it like a monotype, if either of their groups is of that type you can use it. Here are a couple of useful links to look at when constructing your teams for this weeks tournament. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Egg_Group#Egg_Groups http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_Egg_Group This will be done in the OU format on Saturday March 7th with the Time Duration TBA depending on feedback. The prize will be 1000 rupees and I hope to as many of you there as possible. If you see any potential unfair loopholes please state so below.
  17. Here's a thought, give each starter a held item perhaps? Or an Egg move if they're lacking like Chikorita
  18. Fire Moves are 1.5x effective in the sun while water moves are 0.5x effective.
  19. What... is this.... From the deepest depths of the internet Mael has rerturned alive.
  20. Wingull earlier couldn't hurt if you think it'd be plausible for the area around Opal or anywhere else near the sludged water. Perhaps make Gulpin a wild pokemon encounter somewhere? One that stands out though I'd say is perhaps make Rufflet a very rare encounter on the rooftop garden? It won't OP Florinia because of how late it evolves.
  21. Yo Jan, I'll give this game a look see next week while I'm on break.
  22. No, trust me. That ain't shofu LOL. Because he'd get flooded here.
  23. http://stats.pokemon-online.eu/ORAS%20OU/index.html Just the most convenient list I've come across. Mega Pinsir - 58th Manaphy - 86th I've used both of them on multiple occasions and they've often been the team MVP. I feel like they should be higher up than they are. Understand if you don't feel the same way. Didn't necessarily mean they were 'disrespected'.
  24. Just a few that come to mind.
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