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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. TIL if you google {Artist}'s most popular songs, Google has a really cool list based on most mentioned on the internet.
  2. [12:05] #Kurotsune: ...In fact I tend to think people who are pleasant all the time are rather false.
  3. I actually saw it recently, it's within the Meteor Base in the Caves of Route 3, whatever it's called. Saw it on shofu's resumed playthrough.
  4. Yes this thread might be considered a 'necro' but the nature of the thread is not specific towards any sort of timeframe. Also since there've so many replies to it, I'll leave it open.
  5. Gonna have to drop, not going to have time for it today.
  6. Zoroark2k14.5

    1. Damiano


      All I'm thinking of is NBA 2K game were Zoroark was LeBron James all along...

  7. How to tame your Budew, A guide written by Amethyst.
  8. Mentheim turned to Oohagen "The old man said we'd meet someone at the edge of the village, smokey chimney and what not. Trust me I'd rather not be doing this any longer than I have to, but he who makes haste makes waste. For the love of Aelia, do NOT rush things or someone is likely to pay the price with their life. Should that happen, you'd better hope it's me or I'll take you down myself.... and Slairk, what's the deal with talking in third person all the time...? Jeez....." Metheim starts walking down towards the edge of town. "C'mon you said you wanted to get this show on the road, you gonna walk the walk, or just talk the talk?"
  9. TIL the word Slaughter is just laughter with an S in front of it.
  10. Yes but at this point the most recent post in that thread was 4-5 months ago. There's nothing wrong with this thread. All be it, given the nature of the topic you brought up, were it brought back, I'd see no reason to warn the person who did so, but there's this thread now so.... just use this.
  11. In case you didn't already assume as much. Week 5 will be delayed until next week. Please continue to nominate or post checks/counters for Sableye and Snorlax.
  12. I just hate how every dunk gets a 10 like easy though. Needs to be original. Sorry.
  13. About dame time... or it would be if the Phillies weren't going to be terrible this year. u_u
  14. It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

  15. RAYMAN!!! I'm actually interested in this one. awww it's fake. I'm sad now.
  16. Or, you could just read on the website or the Field Effects manual in the Reborn folder.... Putting all that text will get old really fast. What do you mean by '4th gen battle mechanics'
  17. Presumably one of the earlier episodes and it was removed for being too powerful. I don't recall it though myself, may have been very early, like Episode 6-7 or earlier.
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