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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. If the DNC primary process is anything to gauge off of, I wouldn't be in the slightest bit surprised if it did hold to be true.
  2. What would be more honest? "I'm a progressive who gets results and I will be a progressive president who gets results" - Hillary Clinton, 2016.
  3. Voting 3rd party is less 'throwing your vote away.' and more protesting that the current system is broken and neither candidate is suited for the job. The two party system has led this country to be more and more corrupt and big business oriented behind the scenes no matter how much they'll preach and lie through their teeth that they're fighting for the little guy. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/338058/being-socially-liberal-not-being-libertarian-jonah-goldberg
  4. And this is where I'd have to disagree. Hillary Clinton is a clinical liar and has a laundry list of things she should have been incarcerated for. Many things on the list are overlooked or 'unproven'. I'd rather have someone give me their opinion on something straightforward like Trump than someone who is going to cheat, lie, extort, and act like a mafia crime leader behind my back using myself and all of the others of this country as pawns in her game. I'm not voting, I never legitimately wanted to vote for Trump so don't take me as being a supporter. If Hillary was anyone other than the Democratic nominee to continue the big businesses corruption, she'd be in jail right now. Oh and also lets just toss this in, Hillary's health is a HUGE question mark right now, heck at times she looks like she belongs on a death bed having coughing fits for minutes at a time even during speaking at her rallies.
  5. If you really think that then you're buying way too much into what the left media is spoonfeeding you. Trump is an asshole. Trump is a nationalist, but he's not going to cause mass murder. Use your head. Trump talks a big game (not killing scores of people though) just to rally his voter base. By that logic, you could say that. Hillary Clinton will sell all of our classified files to the Chinese for a personal fortune. But, by all means let your mind run wild. Trump's biggest flaw is he doesn't actually know what he stands for. He says something but is unsure as to why he's saying it. The majority of the time, it's to try and drum up interest from those who are unhappy with the way things are. Funny thing about Clinton. Her Husband took many similar stances on immigration in the state of the union address in 1996. But because it was a democrat saying these things the media stood behind it at the time and doesn't really bother to bring it up now. Looking back on it, I actually like Bill. Why? Because he proposed actually cutting wasteful spending, whereas the modern day Dem just spends til we have no more left to spend. And then spends some more... and more and more. He acknowledged the key issue that all politicians today like to hide. Small businesses are burdened so much more than big businesses. Small businesses account for a large portion of the jobs market and the owners are still in the top 1%. What constitutes as the top 1%, less than you'd think actually. Income (before taxes) of $400,000 will land you a spot there. 34:32 "Employer based private insurance for every american was proposed by Nixon 20 years ago to the united states congress, it was a good idea then and it's a better idea today." >Private insurance All of this was from a democrat, can we see how quickly the entire spectrum has raced far to the left? If I'm being honest, looking back at it all, I consider Bill to be one of the best Presidents this country has had. Thing is, Hillary is nothing like Bill. She's just a mad echoing chamber of the modern DC madhouse who wants to control as many aspects of every american's life as possible. I could break this whole thing down for you, but I'd rather not bore you all to death. tl;dr Bill was good for this country, whole spectrum has shifted far to the left. Hillary is corruption incarnate, Trump isn't the big bad wolf you all make him out to be, just ignorant.
  6. So does a Z Crystal take up the pokemon's item slot? If so that's rather meh for a one time thing.
  7. 6/10 - I think I've rated this one before. Don't like Pikachu or Captain America
  8. Is English your second language? Are you willing to help someone with an assignment? Talk with Miss Kitty - http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22090

    1. Shamitako


      I don't even speak English, I speak redneck and interwebz

    2. Miss Kitty

      Miss Kitty

      Thank you for helping like this, Jeri! :D

    3. Felicity


      the only criteria i dont meet is the english as a second language part which is prolly the most important ripperoni

  9. Where do you work? Do you like it? What's your favorite thing to do around your hometown? If you could move to any place in the US? The world? A fictional world of your choosing? where would it be in each case. You can spend the night with any one celebrity, who's it gonna be?
  10. Ok so I totally forgot to do this, but hey better late than never right? Erick when I first saw you a couple years ago, I never pictured you being one of my best friends here at Reborn. I'm glad we can both be fellow black sheep here at Reborn (No Pun intended) Thank you Cool Girl. You're sense of optimism never ceases to amaze me. For a Birthday present, I want to ride a kangaroo!!!!!1! Thanks Sheep ol buddy ol chap ol pal. Sometimes it seems as if you're me in a past incarnation man. I know we don't talk very often and that's pretty much my bad. That said, new york still is bootycakes. Thank you DW HaxlordJr. Thanks! Goomy sux tho. Yer god damn right I smell the worst! Thanks Hushie Yeah you're good at finding weird shit like this. I #BlameTempest for this, and for once I'd actually be right. Thanks Shia. I love your avatars they're always very aesthetically pleasing. I dig this gif. Thanks Simon. You're definitely one of the hardest working mods that never gets appreciation from the general public and it makes me sad. Happy Birthday to the eddboy yes? 10 auth tips the admins dont want you to know: 1. I ain't telling y'all here. I appreciate it mde, even if you can be sarcastically cold to me at times I appreciate your effort a lot. Thanks Lostelle, you make good Reborn YouTube content. Thanks Jacob, #PRAISETHESUN Thanks pbood. Thank you kindly, may you graduate to full Absol in style. Thanks ye silly nanny elf. Weenie?! ME?! YOU BINCH. Thanks :] Me, put up with you? HA. HAHAHAHHA. Good one Rose! Thanks. I'll be sure to throw you the biggest birthday bash imaginable later this year. CONFETTI. Thanks chap. And don't you forget it m8. Jeriberry! Thanks a heap Colin. Thanks Chemia! Thanks RudeStyle, nations to your liking? What, where are my 50 more new questions to answer :C ? Thanks Alicirno I will happily eat this. Thanks NiceDreamHandSmith Azery is teh nerd. But tank yew nerd. Thanks Lil Buddy. You're such a kind person and I enjoy talking with you more than most for whatever reason. Oink Oink Oink Oinky oinkers oinkity oink. Thats Pig for thank Thanks Chubb. Thanks! Ark, my best friend here at Reborn and basically younger brother. Thank you for being there for me man. OH SHIT. HERE COME DAT DOOF. Thanks Bibsy Thank you kindly Jake. It's ok, John tries. Sometimes.
  11. Who wins a Reborn battle royal? No rules, just kill or be killed, 24 hours to prepare.
  12. Can I be extreme up, as in Anarchy? I guess when I think about extreme left and right you have communism and Facism. Communism at least gives the people a chance in theory, so despite the fact that I'm a Libertarian leaning slightly to the right. I'd probably choose extreme left. I'd feel sorry for the people who used them as insults because they're rather ignorant to the truth going on around them. Disclaimer: I am not actually a trump supporter, but my point still stands.
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