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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Mentheim steps forward, "We can worry about the pay later, I trust you wouldn't try to skip out on a deal against a wide group of individuals who COULD likely end your life at any given time. I need info on this creature, the Bandits themselves are of no real concern, they're just petty obstacles. When did this creature first appear? Has it taken any lives yet? Do you know anything of what it is capable of? Anything and everything you know of it, you need to tell us now. It'll help ensure that one, we don't die trying to take down this.... thing, and more importantly to you, two, that you get the results you're actually looking for here. I don't suppose the rest of you would have any idea of what this is, or what it can do? If you do, speak your damn mind, now." Mentheim looks around the room for anyone to speak up.
  2. Get medical attention and/or don't sleep for extended periods of time (preferably the former). Strangely enough your not the only one around here who has recently got a concussion. As for sleeping, there's a debate on whether or going into long periods of sleep with a concussion without seeking medical attention can lead to slipping into a coma.
  3. I think maybe some of these topics should perhaps be consolidated. Status immunities + Buffed WoW = Changes with Status moves and effects Sticky Web + Defog = Changes to the hazards game These are a few that come to mind. It's going to be difficult to create quality posts for every little nuance that has changed between gen 5 and gen 6.
  4. The Pro Bowl is really boring, especially now that it's not even AFC vs NFC. Also it's hilarious that the Patriots want an apology for being caught cheating. Is it a big deal? No, but c'mon son.
  5. Lets not open that can of worms please. They both look pretty balanced, but the Zeta one has a bit better coverage due to the access to more TM's. I think they're both very respectable teams, but if I have to pick which team would win more often, I'm gonna go with that one.
  6. Just going to pitch a few ideas. Some might fit into one together perhaps? -Intro of Fairies -Steel type Nerf -Status effect immunities for certain types (Grass: Powders, Electric: Paralysis, Etc.) -Sound moves against substitutes
  7. Grits - My Life be Like Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools (Trap Remix)
  8. Hey there Blake! Pretty sure most college students procrastinate far more than they should. I do I'll say this though, ya gotta lighten up a little buddy , no one here thinks you're boring. No one is boring, they just need to open up with what interests them is all. For some it takes longer than for others. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are all sorts of people here, so stick around, you'll enjoy it here getting to know those who have similar interests to you.
  9. That is because that calculator doesn't have Mega Lopunny and used regular Lopunny. This one is more up to date. http://gamut-was-taken.github.io/ (Credit to Blind Guardian for finding this)
  10. If you're going to throw around numbers, please make sure they're accurate. -1 252 Atk Mega Lopunny Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Landorus-T: 176-208 (46 - 54.4%) If Landorus is at anything but essentially full health, it's not killing Lopunny. It will get 2HKO'd by Ice Punch and can't even hope to kill with one EQ. Also if Landorus were to switch in, it's not outspeeding Lopunny and isn't going to do anything to it before getting 2HKO'd by Ice Punch.
  11. Kam, that's not considering the +1 speedboost from the base ability of Steadfast. But it is dependent on it switching in as normal Gallade.
  12. Hey there Crash! That's very.... interesting art you do there. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are all sorts of people here, so I'm sure you can find some people you will be able to call your friends.
  13. Competitive Convicts week 2 is up. Help us take them down! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12011

  14. Hey there Zosi! Around Reborn we've taken to referring to Non-binary individuals via the pronouns (xe/xem/xyr). Would that be acceptable? Being a Chem major sounds like a lot of fun... and just as much hard work, good luck! If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are all sorts of people here, so I'm sure you can find some people you will be able to call your friends.
  15. It'd be best to use this one, just change the title to Gym Leader Puzzle Walkthroughs, or something like.
  16. The Evo, looks like a Hyena to me, maybe you can think of something that plays on that, or jackal IDK Fossil Mons com in pairs. So hm..... How about something Electric Rock based off a sabretooth or something?
  17. Except the huge shiny eyes on the first one it looks great in my opinion. You got names for them yet?
  18. Trust me you'll find a way Dan's Guardianite is reacting to Reborn's Mega Bracelet! This... feels weird.... But thanks all.
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