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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I'm sure at one point or another we've all had that one Pokemon which came into battle against us and just couldn't find an answer for it. Each and every year there are new threats in the game that we must adapt to, and in turn adapt to the new emerging counters to said threats. In this thread, each week we will collectively pick and discuss some threats and how to effectively check and counter them. How it will work: 1. Each week from Monday through Thursday, you will be asked to nominate one OU Pokemon and one Pokemon from one of the lower tiers on rotation (UU/RU/NU), which will be indicated at the beginning of each week. If greater interest in the lower tiers picks up, we can do each of them weekly. 2. After Pokemon have been nominated, from Friday through Sunday there will be a poll to pick from the nominations for both the OU and lower rotated tiers. 3. While this is happening throughout the week, the Pokemon selected from the previous week's vote will have their common sets posted and your fellow battlers will be listing potential checks and counters to the selected Pokemon. 4. At the end of each week, the Pokemon selected to be discussed for that week will be archived here in the first page along with their potential checks and counters contained within a spoiler. Please keep the following in mind. The Pokemon should be viable to use in the tier outside of just checking/countering the Pokemon being discussed. For example, please don't list Bastiodon as a counter Sylveon just because it has a type advantage and high Special Defense. It wouldn't be effective much at all in the OU tier. The difference between a Check, and a Counter via Smogon and MattL Archive of Inmates Week 1 - (OU: Heatran, UU: Florges) Week 2 - (OU: Mega Lopunny, RU: Alomomola) Week 3 - (OU: Mega Metagross, NU: Mega Steelix) Week 4 - (OU: Sableye (+Mega), UU: Snorlax) Week 5 - (OU: Landorus-T, RU: Delphox) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --WEEK 6-- For week three we will be discussing Mega Venusaur from OU, and Feraligatr from NU Additionally, please nominate one Pokemon in OU and one Pokemon from UU to potentially discuss next week. OU: Mega Venusaur And this weeks Lower Tier Rotation NU: Feraligatr
  2. Can you teach me how to Dougie?
  3. Gyro Ball does top out at 150 BP, but it requires you to minimize Steelix's speed, has less PP, and with Steelix's weight, Heavy Slam is almost always 120 BP
  4. Meaning they're killing themselves. Go Pack!
  5. Is will be working again in the, likely soon I believe, release of 14.5 thanks to Kurotsune
  6. Sup Guz? You should come around here more often. and now for the obligatory thing here anyways If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are all sorts of people here, so there are sure to be some you'll find you can call your friends sooner or later if you stick around.
  7. OK, I gots a question. What's the deal with 'Almost as bad as 70'?
  8. Swag Swag Like Caillou.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Are the words of false prophets

  9. Considering the story pertains to the real events of the Reborn League (discontinued) and xe was the only leader to be introduced as a Fairy Trainer, it has to xyr.
  10. Alright that makes way more sense. I wouldn't have understood leaving the most perennial power house, especially defensive, for a lateral move to a rival.
  11. Boomburst doesn't seem terribly fitting to me, I could see Hyper Voice though.
  12. Hey there drummer. Being in that situation of teaching vs (engineering) one thing I can tell you to consider is, do you get satisfaction from directly helping others, and if so to what level? If it makes you happy to help others, then I'd recommend teaching, research if you'd rather leave a legacy of sorts and have great self fulfillment. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are all sorts of people here, so there are sure to be some you'll find you can call your friends sooner or later.
  13. The thing is, we don't want the flow of the conversation at hand even more so interrupted by one or sometimes more people pointing out small things that others have done wrong, the Moderators can deal with it and speak to the individual much more effectively and under wraps. Also there's no need to publicly chastise someone for something like this.
  14. Hey there infel. I like Honey Badgers and Bears, so you should keep the snakes away. You're definitely talented at drawing. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are all sorts of people here, so there are sure to be some you'll find you can call your friends sooner or later.
  15. Dan has threatened to remove 'Max' text speed option.
  16. This is Ame you're talking about here. I wouldn't count on it.
  17. [22:11] • ~AmethystBlack breathes out [22:11] • Shadow Tack breathes in [22:18] +JERlCHO: What are we doing Yoga now? [22:21] %HildaWeiss: "Alright everyone, ease into the mantis position and hold it for 50 seconds..." [22:23] ~AmethystBlack: ..is the mantis position where the girl turns to the nearest boy and devours his flesh?
  18. If you truly think something is against the rules, then there's no harm in reporting it. If it's actually within the bounds of the rules, one of the moderators will reply to you via PM saying as such. It goes without saying, just don't abuse it if you know there's clearly nothing wrong.
  19. Hello and welcome Winged, want to share this fan art of yours? I know there is a thread for it somewhere, or you could put it here. You should tell us a bit about yourself so we can help you have the best experience you can while you're here. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are all sorts of people here, so there are sure to be some you'll find you can call your friends sooner or later.
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