I'm sure at one point or another we've all had that one Pokemon which came into battle against us and just couldn't find an answer for it. Each and every year there are new threats in the game that we must adapt to, and in turn adapt to the new emerging counters to said threats. In this thread, each week we will collectively pick and discuss some threats and how to effectively check and counter them. How it will work: 1. Each week from Monday through Thursday, you will be asked to nominate one OU Pokemon and one Pokemon from one of the lower tiers on rotation (UU/RU/NU), which will be indicated at the beginning of each week. If greater interest in the lower tiers picks up, we can do each of them weekly. 2. After Pokemon have been nominated, from Friday through Sunday there will be a poll to pick from the nominations for both the OU and lower rotated tiers. 3. While this is happening throughout the week, the Pokemon selected from the previous week's vote will have their common sets posted and your fellow battlers will be listing potential checks and counters to the selected Pokemon. 4. At the end of each week, the Pokemon selected to be discussed for that week will be archived here in the first page along with their potential checks and counters contained within a spoiler. Please keep the following in mind.
The Pokemon should be viable to use in the tier outside of just checking/countering the Pokemon being discussed. For example, please don't list Bastiodon as a counter Sylveon just because it has a type advantage and high Special Defense. It wouldn't be effective much at all in the OU tier.
The difference between a Check, and a Counter
via Smogon and MattL
Archive of Inmates
Week 1 - (OU: Heatran, UU: Florges)
Week 2 - (OU: Mega Lopunny, RU: Alomomola)
Week 3 - (OU: Mega Metagross, NU: Mega Steelix)
Week 4 - (OU: Sableye (+Mega), UU: Snorlax)
Week 5 - (OU: Landorus-T, RU: Delphox)
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--WEEK 6--
For week three we will be discussing Mega Venusaur from OU, and Feraligatr from NU
Additionally, please nominate one Pokemon in OU and one Pokemon from UU to potentially discuss next week.
OU: Mega Venusaur
And this weeks Lower Tier Rotation NU: Feraligatr