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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. You're awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jelly


      glad to see someone else acknowledge it :>

    3. Shing


      Meh maybe.

    4. Sutoratosu


      If you say so...

  2. -Bad -Great, they need a Defensive Coach -Who?
  3. I can't imagine it being worse than the base Essentials 14 AI. But Dan had made serious tweeks to it I believe.
  4. Forum Name: Jericho Experience with RPing: I like Pirates? Preferred Reroll: Mentheim Least preferred Reroll: Roose Brightborn Cool Thing about you: I can cook an amazing omelette. Your favorite Fantasy setting: Barren desert? (Not sure If I'm doing this right)
  5. Joe Paterno's vacated wins have been restored. He now is once again accredited with 409. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/12179571/joe-paterno-112-wins-were-vacated-restored
  6. See the problem with all of those, as effective and amusing as they are. It just ain't professional.
  7. Hey Wallace, those sure sound like some credentials you got there. Government hmm? Are you trying to become a politician? I like Ultimate Frisbee okay, even though I'm awful at it LOL. What.. what is that Pikachu though? 0_0 If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info No matter what your into, there's bound to be people here with similar interests, so stick around.
  8. Most of the pokemon in Reborn have custom shiny sprites, and those that don't have them coming in the next couple releases.
  9. I agree so much. The models thing looks awful in my opinion.
  10. Hey there Floyd. That has to be one of the worst feelings. I've done it as well. Reborn works a little different. To promote diversity in your team there is a gym leader for each type and the level caps. This means you probably won't be able to just use 6 pokemon to plow through the entire game. You can check the level cap on your trainer card in game. If your pokemon ever go above the level cap. You can use Common Candies to lower them back below it. As others have said, that will not show as shiny, however, I'd recommend skipping the the nicknaming to save yourself some time because the Name Rater is available almost immediately, just north of the exploded train station. Also the chances of a pokemon being shiny in this game are roughly 1/100 much higher than in the main series games. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info No matter what your into, there's bound to be people here with similar interests, so stick around.
  11. Great news. Because that means Penn State Defensive Coordinator Bob Shoop won't be leaving for LSU. Also Alabama loses something I guess? Why would he leave Alabama for LSU? Did he get a pay raise at least?
  12. Well I like how in 2.5 they had an even harder difficulty, but I think they need to expand on that in gameplay mechanics as well.
  13. Yeah that'd be my guess as well. Miller should have his degree so there probably won't be a need to wait.
  14. I think if reaction commands make a comeback, they need to be not so easy, like shorter time to do it, or a penalty for doing it a the wrong time, or both.
  15. If Superman was introduced in this day and age, he wouldn't last because of how boring and indestructible he really is as a character. Completely and 100% unrelatable.
  16. As much as I hate smosh, that was funny. And Utilized great here
  17. Skarmory is probably the best Physical Wall IMO. Incredibly Bulky, Healing, Hazard (Or clearing), great typing.
  18. If Combusken not learning Double Kick is a problem go ahead and do it and when it becomes combusken send me your save file and I'll teach it Double Kick. It's my fault it's not learning it right now.
  19. Should probably be in Team Showcase. Answer is Blaziken. Monotype you don't need to restrict yourself IMO
  20. Amethyst already knows what she wants to do more or less. This is too cliche has been done many times in Pokemon games before IMO. You should probably elaborate more though.
  21. It helps if you train a wide array of pokemon in this game. You'll likely need to since there's a gym leader (often multiple) of each type in this game. That should solve your overleveling problem.
  22. Hey there SpiderBabe, the creator of this game, Amethyst, loves spiders. Especially tarantulas. Gyarados is broken in Reborn though If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info No matter what your into, there's bound to be people here with similar interests, so stick around.
  23. Hey there Faultline, Puns are huge around here so the more the merrier! Yeah dudes who play games while a girl is around need (and not playing with them) need to get their dang priorities straight. AND I LIKE LONG WALKS ON THE BEACH, (but yeah still the wrong place ) If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info There are many different kinds of people around here, so stay around for a while and you'll be sure to find some that you really get along with.
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