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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I wouldn't mind if the Eagles took him the 2nd at this point as a year or two project. He'd do great with Chip Kelly.
  2. As a whole it just seems like it's too... faded, lifeless. Even for Purugly. Just my opinion.
  3. That Pachirisu works IMO. Purugly needs a bit more saturation somewhere, just not sure where. I think we may have opted for Grumpy Cat Purugly though.
  4. NO. We already have enough black shiny pokemon. I like the first one there.
  5. 1. Platinum 2. Silver/SoulSilver 3. White 2
  6. I understand that, but I just want confirmation that we can do that on our server as opposed to be limited to complex bans by smogon.
  7. Welcome to the forums Pandelle, please if you have a moment to introduce yourself at the Grand Hall. We already have a thread for this pinned to the top of THIS forum. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4143
  8. Well then you'll need to wait until another day where there is a thunderstorm. When there is a storm, it's fairly apparent.
  9. Entering the season, I had him rated as the highest QB in the draft. Now? He should probably stay. Does he have his degree at least?
  10. I don't know if we have control over the tiers until Smogon allows Amethyst to re register Reborn's Showdown server. Either way, that is correct Tacos. I do have one more question. Do we have free reign to ban certain items for particular Mega's to different tiers? There is certainly quite a few pokemon that depending on the use of Mega Stone, are in completely different tiers.
  11. It's already been in development for 2+ years (E3 2013 they had said it was already in development for almost a year) I just don't understand it. I feel like Nomura and Square are just freaking trolling us. Half Life 3 will come out before KH3.
  12. Hi trajon, you're a football fan!? I already like you, come chill with us in the Athletics forum! Who do you think the Titans should take in the draft? I'd want Mariota in your shoes. I also like the fact that you try to keep an open mind. We need more people like that in the world. But yeah, you'd also probably appreciate the Gaming forum as well. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info Stick around, you'll surely be able to fit right in around here!
  13. Yes the base sprites are coming from the in game folder. In your Reborn folder, go to Graphics, then Battlers, then pick the respective pokemon's number. For the recoloring purposes start with the NORMAL sprite, not the shiny one and make alterations from there. Also be sure to save them as .png files and 160x160 pixels. Amethyst is a very busy woman, and has a lot on her plate, so I can't blame her for not having time for each and every thing. If you do have questions, as I said there are plenty of people you can ask, but for the more generic ones, I try to keep that FAQ I linked to relatively up to date.
  14. Now I'm hearing that KH3 won't even be a thing in 2015 and it's not because they want to add more content or anything like that. It's been 10 DAMN YEARS SQUARE. YOU GUYS NEED TO GET YOUR DAMN PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. WE'RE TIRED OF YOUR LAME SIDE GAMES AND PORT REMAKES. MEANWHILE FINAL FANTASY HAS HAD HOW MANY MAIN SERIES GAMES RELEASE?
  15. Um, never has Chatot ever learned Chatter at level 35. It's learned it at 21 since it's introduction in Gen 4.
  16. There is plenty that can completely wall Glalie forever. Glalie while it can do what it does well, that's all it does. It's a one trick pony.
  17. Hi Catti. If you're into graphics/art, maybe check out the custom shiny recoloring thread. What is Awesomenauts about? If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info Stick around, you'll surely be able to find something and someone with whom you can be yourself and relate to here!
  18. Hey there heiwajima, Izaya made you join?? You should tell us a little bit about yourself so that we can point you in the best direction to enjoy your experience here to the fullest. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info No matter what your into, there's bound to be people here with similar interests, so stick around.
  19. You know, I actually like that idea, kind of like one of those post game super battles Gamefreak does. Like the Red battle in Gold and Silver.
  20. [00:09] ~AmethystBlack: If separating people from each other isn't enough I am not afraid to separate people from their heads.
  21. Not that it makes it any bit OK, but to play devils advocate here, he's most likely drunk.
  22. 252+ Atk Life Orb Talonflame Flare Blitz vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Metagross: 289-343 (96 - 113.9%) -- 75% chance to OHKO This set with 252 in attack and speed gives Talonflame 351 speed, just enough to outspeed Metagross, if you count the 6% health loss from potential stealth rocks, it becomes a guaranteed OHKO.
  23. Deleted User


    Hey RG, tell us a bit about yourself so that we can point you in the direction that you'll enjoy this community the most! If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info No matter what your into, there's bound to be people here with similar interests, so stick around.
  24. I hope you're just joking here.
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