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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. I figured as much, but this joke has been beaten into the ground though. Don't sweat it.
  2. Don't even get me started about how much time they want you to spend in that damned Mako.
  3. Dan Ark Skitty Mikzal Hilda Cowtao Amethyst Rosesong ZepherEnyalios TheScarletSword Will add more later. Some More: Silver/Kanaya Inuki
  4. Check out Notus' EV Training Guide, you'll be able to figure out what pokemon are where.
  5. At this time I think Venoshock may be obtained from Aya, but I'm fairly certain the other two are not available.
  6. Cornerman, try not to use the same hat for every picture.
  7. Episode 7 - Poison in Vain Episode 8 - Of Fathers Forgotten
  8. Hey Motorteo, welcome to the forums. This question would be better suited for the On the Hunt forum. Also, please come tell us about yourself in the Grand Hall with an introduction! I'm assuming you don't speak English very well? Otherwise we have to ask you to not use chatspeak. As for your question. You can go to the Agate Circus, where you fought Samson, and if you go south from the main tent, you can talk to a clown at a stand who will tell you to solve a puzzle. The Froakie one. If you can do it correctly, you will be given Dive as a reward. A tip for the future. You can also use the search bar above your 'Member Info:' to the left to search the forum for specific things.
  9. Shout out to the Penn State Women's volleyball team on winning the NCAA championship. Their 6th in the last 8 years.

    1. ej190


      Does your face look like your profile pic whenever someone breaks the rules unintentionally? Merry Christmas!

  10. The Great Muhammed Ali is in the hospital with Pneumonia.
  11. No we won't be able to access either floor in all likelihood since two stickers were obtained after being 'trapped' in Agate. When the entire game is finished and released as a whole, we wouldn't be able to go back to Reborn City and the Onyx Department Store at all. Hence why we can't access those floors right now. She doesn't. Can you honestly say you'd enjoy this game as much if it were easy? She set out to make a game that challenges it's players and she's done quite a fine job at it.
  12. What am I gonna do? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO.........?
  13. I'd be down to it myself, but I know for a fact my sense of music that I'd put on doesn't necessarily mesh well with others'.
  14. I would certainly like to do this again sometime when I don't have to turn it off and have a million things to do at once. It was cool when I occasionally got a minute to stop and appreciate the music.
  15. Yeah, it was certainly different with Godot, I don't recall seeing you up on stage, but I'll take your word for it. I enjoyed it. It was once things were winding down and there was less of a party atmosphere involved.
  16. No, the Mega evolution is currently not possible for the player to utilize in the game. The Mega bracelet likely will not be something obtained until the Elite 4 or perhaps even after.
  17. It didn't offend me personally, but I know for a fact that there were multiple people last night that thought you were out of line constantly negatively criticizing what was there. If you don't like it, it's as simple as temporarily muting it and/or giving it a 'meh'. As I said the default music was selected to try to appeal to as many people as possible. The whole reason requests were taken was to try to throw in some variety at times and appeal to those who thought they may have been overshadowed. I understand you picked SOAD Chop Suey on Cello, which is okay to listen to once, things likely that too often will kill the vibe at a party if overplayed. Just stay in contact with Ark and company and try to find some mutual ground to work with. Side note: Skrillex is anything but techno, and hardly anything from last night was similar to his music. I don't much care for him, but that's not what his music is like mostly.
  18. If you didn't like it, then you didn't have to stay there. I understand it may have not been to your taste but there's not need to bash what others like. Additionally as near as I could tell there was only one Skrillex song, skrillex does dubstep, not techno. It's fine if you'd like to ask for something else, but do so more respectfully, or you could ask to become one of the DJ's yourself and at certain times play things more to your liking. Music at a party is usually selected to appeal to the masses, there's no pleasing everyone's palette.
  19. I'm sure that's just one small mistake. For the most part it is pretty accurate and reliable. If you have questions, it's best to ask there first. You can also use the 'Search bar' above your member info to the left hand side to search for Chinchou.
  20. Bowl season is officially underway, kicking it off is the R+L Carriers bowl pitting Nevada against UL Lafayette against Nevada
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