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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Well I'm glad you have such high praises for what Amethyst and company have put together here. Better than Alpha Sapphire? I think you'll find many here may just agree with you on that. Yes the Florinia rage is quite common (along with Aya). If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Glad you decided to join us, welcome to the community!
  2. Yeah Julia does tend to be somewhat of a warm up so to speak. The game most certainly gets harder in hurry. Florinia is no laughing matter. Cradily still gives me nightmares from the first time I faced it, 'Oh you have a fire type? That's cute.' If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Looking forward to having you around here man.
  3. It feels so much better when you have everything in moderation as opposed to overloading on any one thing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ^ that isn't horrifying in any way what so ever.

    3. Mikzal


      Evacuate now

    4. JapaneseWallpaper


      Anarchy will befall you yet, my dear boy

  4. Breloom, but it'd be easier if we knew the rest of your team though.
  5. Without access to Mega, I'd go Whimsicott or Ampharos depending on whether you want more stally or more tanky.
  6. I can tell you, yes you SHOULD be able to get a DeepSeaTooth from Carvahna, all be it, very rare.
  7. I personally have no interest in bringing back Genesect, let it stay in that pit of hell.
  8. This should be in the Team Showcase forum. But yeah outside of Magnemite I don't see what additions could be made at this point. Maybe grind your Prinplup to 36 then use a common candy so you have an Empoleon for the battle?
  9. Yeah, but only once as an in game event through half of the Magma/Aqua saga. Good chance that won't be an option.
  10. Huntail is said to be obtainable according to the list, probably though the Department store or an item found in the overworld.
  11. Ah yes that post. I'd suggest just waiting for 14.1 to come out. It shouldn't be too long now.
  12. How about you post your issue in the troubleshooting forum and the wide range of people will do what they can to help you with your problem instead of you potentially making things worse off? I did not see that there was already a comment in a separate thread already. Either way, it's not recommended to revert back to older episodes, it leads to corruption of a save file far too often.
  13. To clarify, this does not mean that abilities will magically go back to how they were previously, all it meant was that newly obtained pokemon at this point would never have their 3rd ability. Espurr, for example, when obtained would never be found with Own Tempo, you had to use an ability capsule to get it.
  14. Banned because the truth comes out..
  15. Banned because I sucked at mafia tonight.
  16. Except Multiscale being broken + Ice Beam = GG
  17. Ame didn't shuffle your abilities, believe it or not, she's not just trying to make your life miserable I'm not sure there are many available. I can't think of any off the top of my head after the Agate Circus. I doubt there will be enough for your needs.
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