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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. The hats will rise up! Down with the Dongers! #TheHattening

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Raise your hats! Raise your dongers!

      Raise your everything!


    2. Tacos



  2. M Night Shyamalan presents: The Hattening

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nova


      With another guest Appearance of Shade, your frienly Christmas entity.

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      Should probably draw a hat on Zephyr lol

    4. Mikzal


      Oh no! Not another Shyamalan movie

  3. It's outshined by Greninja now. And with the 2nd gym being Florinia, Marshtomp gets wrecked by her.
  4. Yes, this game has made it's name on being harder, darker, and deeper than your typical Game Freak Pokemon game. Being a lurker here is all too common. I can't say regarding Shelly and Aya since they've both had overhauls since I last battled them, but keep at it, you'll get through it eventually. If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Get yourself an avatar and stick around a while.
  5. I kinda feel like this belongs in Team Showcase. Pick Decibel, Lucia, or Vero IMO. Starter, well all that matters is success so I'd go Torchic.
  6. From what I've heard, Ame has the capability to remove your individual trainer card, but many people would like to keep theirs to show off their past accomplishments, so removing them from everyone, while being quicker, isn't the best solution. It'd be a long and tedious process to get rid of them for everyone who doesn't want them. As for the Alliances. She's been rather busy with Episode 14 being released and getting it fixed so give her however much time she needs. I mean it's not like she'd forget about something like that.
  7. It's a program similar to RPGMaker from what I've heard.
  8. Theoretically seeing as that's how it works in the main games, but we'll have to wait and see, (or try it if that's been implemented in 14, and not 14.1?)
  9. No, it's just that the level cap still has to be spread out over the remaining at least 6 episodes still, and you can't rally raise it each time since 100 is 'theoretically' the highest we can go.
  10. Hey there bbgun, there's already a thread for asking for help with Gym Leaders here. Also remember the more info you give us about your pokemon the better. (I can't see your sig, so perhaps there's more there)
  11. Sorry but the Reborn league is no more, and there is no evidence that it will be returning at any point in the future.
  12. Actually it is, pokemon with 3 abilities currently do not have access to the 3rd without the use of ability capsules. This has already been fixed by Blind Guardian for the 14.1 patch.
  13. Well, it's a spoiler kind of since you haven't battled her yet, but watch out for Quagsire with Leavanny, it knows a particular move that will almost guaranteed OHKO Leavanny. Until you battler her at least once, I won't say much else specific.
  14. Well since you're not actually offering anything as a risk, it's not really gambling per se.
  15. Please make a thread in the Bug Reporting forum, and post your save file. To post your save file: (via Forum FAQ)
  16. You know the the one Crazy Lady with the Hydreigon? I hope you're not serious.
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