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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Froiky, please don't bring back old threads. If you had questions on the matter you could have asked in the Ask your Questions: thread, or started a new one. Please read the rules. As for your question. There is nothing that bars a player from getting all of the starter event pokemon.
  2. Is it spring yet?? o_o

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nope, it isn;t even actually winter yet. Only is truly Winter on the 21st of December lol.

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Me, every spring

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      XD, I would probably be that way too if it weren't for allergies lol.

  3. But does that make it reasonable for one of them to be handed the earnings and then divide it up as they see fit? Not at all if you ask me. You may or may not receive something for your victory, but for now my recommendation would be just to enjoy the fact that you triumphed.
  4. There are no leaders though. That's the thing many people never seemed to understand about this.
  5. Don't get your hopes up. Dban hasn't been around for quite some time. Additionally, Fletchling was never obtainable, so that's a definite no, sorry.
  6. today -I- learned thats not a nose, it's its mouth. An eyeball though?????
  7. Don't count on it. Nothing ever came from Pokenations
  8. Congratulations to Vermillion. Can't say I'm thrilled with the way things went down but none the less, I look forward to future PZA events!
  9. Don't you need to go to 7th street first? Look around Lapis Ward for that.
  10. I see you realized your double post mistake, so you should be good. I'd also like to note that Bronzong learns Rain Dance through level up so against Charlotte that'd be another good move to have for sure.
  11. You have a very narrow range of coverage. 4 Pokemon with Ground moves? Heatran with multiple Fire Moves? Were you running HP Ice on it before?
  12. No it's not in the game, and almost certainly never will be. It would take away from the individuality and uniqueness of pokemon as well as make things easier.
  13. I can definitely appreciate someone as yourself. Anyone who is open to looking at both sides of things is OK in my book. I'm not a bookworm myself but you like to Roleplay huh? Speak to either Hukuna or King Murdoc the leaders of the roleplaying forum and they'll get you started! It's good to have you man. If you have questions ask any of the global mods or even myself and we'll be happy to do everything we can to help. Oh and be sure to read the rules.
  14. That's ok. If you double post and realize your mistake, just PM one of the Global Mods and ask them to fix it and note you did as much in the 2nd post via edit.
  15. Sometimes passive aggressiveness hurts people more than just being straight forward with them.

    1. GotWala


      Exactly, haha. It tends to make them feel like your trying to be superior by not deigning to give them a piece of your mind.

  16. Hows it going Damian? You're certainly quite amusing, that's for sure. Pretty sure I'm the worst at fighting games in the history of..... forever? As Minerva said, since you like writing and art, roleplaying very well may be your thing so check out the forum for it. I may not be a Global Mod, but I'm more than willing to try to help you with any issues you might have. Welcome to Reborn!
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