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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Yeah. For a rough idea of what to run to sort of get a feel for what it can do, check out the sets on smogon here. It's definitely MUCH more offensive.
  2. I mean with the pokemon restrictions, I don't see much of anything you could do to improve it. Maybe run a Mega Sceptile set?
  3. KingTay welcome to the forums. In addition to what Etesian said, I recommend you read the rules.
  4. Deltron 3030 (Russel from The Gorillaz) - Mastermind
  5. I won't ask any Admins to come in here if you promise me one thing. This thread goes on Hiatus for a week if you make it to 1000? Deal? Deal.
  6. She doesn't kill people. She gets fun out of tormenting them, can't do that if they're dead now.
  7. I dunno, I could probably ask Kiozo to come in here and spoil the fun
  8. [img=http://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/x-y/normal/chespin.png] I'm sure you can find working animated ones somewhere.
  9. Guys Guys Guys... I'm not staff. Even though I do like seeing this thread meet it's demise. In fact neither is Maelstrom qualified to ruin the thread according to the original rules..
  10. JerichoxDinner Cow did you bring me the Chik-Fil-A????
  11. If the image button isn't working, manually type it in like so. Obviously without the quotations. [img='ImageURL']
  12. ROOM: Buffalo Wild Wings Long story short: It's for talking anything and everything sports from your local curling team, to the NBA and everything in between. Anyone is welcome in here at any time. I'd love to see some more faces here. Smack talk is encouraged so long as it stays civil.
  13. I've seen some silly things from Game freak before but this one might take the cake. 'Beat Up' does not make contact.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, kinda what I was saying above in a dumber...less concise way lol. and if the name in Japanese is Ambush it makes a bit more sense, since it would be a sneak attack. ((now for Flame Body...it is still stupid since pretty sure most mons with Flame Body have it because they are ON FIRE, and it isn;t like it goes away, but it has to be concise cause it is a game.))

    3. Shamitako


      Yeah, especially if it's ambush then it's not even really implied to be contact in the first place

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      @Zim yeah I've wondered that for years myself. Magnemite/ton/zone don't just roll around on the floor.

  14. Check out this wondering guide, brought to you by Etesian
  15. Assuming he has a focus sash, which is a single use item in game. Also that he actually gets down to 1 HP from normally being OHKOd
  16. G'day mate! No I'm not sheep. I guess Exlink
  17. Ummm I have had different experiences in different game regarding EV's effects, One time in HGSS I fully trained a Trapinch in attack from one level to the next and it gained 27 points in one level. But usually I think it's fair to assume you won't see the EV's full effects until level 100 either. I mean if you trained said pokemon at level 5 to max attack before level 6, it'd end up getting 63 more attack points, which we know doesn't happen. So yeah EV's can't realize pull potential before a certain point either. I don't know what point that is exactly, but it's fair to assume.
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