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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Correct. Say a pokemon, at level 100, would have all of it's stats at 200 with 0 IVs, The same pokemon with stats with 31 IVs, would be at all 231 at level 100. IV's full effects aren't realized until level 100.
  2. On the left you have your EVs, each can be between 0-255, and with a total of 510 combined. The right is your IV's or genetics basically. That are between 0-31, higher is better. These will never change.
  3. I kind of think this would be a cool scheme for Seviper. But if Ame wants the Zangoose theme that'd be cool aw well.
  4. GT: FAC3oftheD3AD, I've been playing Xbox less and less, I even got an Xbox One for Halo, that's been sitting next to my 360 not doing much.
  5. So my little bro and my niece are a thing now....? .....
  6. Come to think of it, this thread should probably be in Jubilife Network.
  7. Does anyone know if ORAS yielded new Egg moves for pokemon? If so can you find me an accurate list?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Simon



      Not sure if it has them all, but I guess that's some.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      That's XY. Which is already dealt with. I understand the move tutors are new and improved.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I haven;t been able to find anything so far Jerry, but that deosn't mean it hasn't happened. GOing to keep an eye out. ((but I not sure any egg moves changed, a few level-up sets for mons have, but not sure about any egg moves.))

  8. Correct, the points do go away after sometime, however It varies. As said in the original post minor offenses such as double posting, could go away after a couple weeks, more serious ones could potentially remain for quite some time.
  9. That was well over a month ago now. It's worth reading, but it'd be a necropost at this point, so its' better this way.
  10. I'd like to start a petition to ban these 'dongers' on the Reborn Server.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Hold on, permabanning all those who raised their dongers. BRB.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      least mael's got my back

  11. So does that mean it's working again? Have you restarted your computer? If yes, then the next step I'd recommend is finding that plug in and uninstalling then reinstalling it.
  12. First try clearing your system cache. Additionally what plug-ins does it say you're missing?
  13. Chris I understand you're new, but it's against the rules to double post, please use the edit post button down at the bottom right corner of the post if you were the last post in a respective topic unless much time has passed and you have something significant to add.
  14. I like a bit of everything honestly, but definitely prefer nature and the wilderness with the ability to sleep somewhere cozy. As for the last part i --> I (when by itself) I'm a bit of a grammar nazi, but some are worse than me haha.
  15. Yeah that'd be me. Not feeling creative right now. Um. Zeph?
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