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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. If you want a Meme off, bring it. It's good to have you man, if you have questions you can ask the Admins/Global Mods, or myself. I'd recommend reading the rules here and noting the FAQ here. Also please come join us on the server on PO entitled 'Pokemon Reborn' and come chat with us. We anticipate a move to showdown sometime in the near future so if you don't want to download Pokemon Online you can wait until then.
  2. Deleted User


    Well if this thread had to do with ORAS, it should be in the Jubilife Forum, in the #Hoenn Confirmed thread. So I'm assuming that isn't the case here.
  3. TIL the squiggly is actually called a 'Tilde'
  4. Deleted User


    Because Mega's won't be a thing in Reborn for quite a while yet.
  5. Purgatory Field Effect coming to you in Episode 15

    1. Arkhi


      And then field effects within field effects.

  6. Rielly they are all well done, but please make all sprites 160x160 pixels.
  7. Deleted User


    Currently, it's anticipated to be implemented for E15, but don't count on it. Shouldn't be TOO difficult. The basework from XY is already there within the coding, it should just be expanding and editing.
  8. We won't be getting any megas until at least the Elite 4 if not post game.
  9. Because Gen 6 introduced new breeding mechanics which Amethyst wanted implemented into her game as well. TM's are no longer available as Egg Moves. That's all there is to it. No need to harass Amethyst over something so simple as this. She just wanted some consistency with the main series games.
  10. If you're ever trying to find the likelihood of pokemon encounters. Check out the EV Training guide. Courtesy of Notus. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866
  11. sgthank, you've been told before to NOT double post. Please use the edit button in the bottom right of the post.
  12. 1. Vero 2. Lucia 3. Alice 4. Ari 5. Kuro 6. Decibel (Sorry not on the Decibel Hype Train)
  13. The Enigma TNG - Unofficial SS3 Broly Theme
  14. Do you know how to get to Tanzan Mountain? Go as for north as you can and there will be an exit on the left path.
  15. I only have 4 badges so far, but I'll list mine here tomorrow, and update it as I progress through the game. DexNav - This is by far my favorite thing so far, you can encounter pokemon with Hidden abilities, Egg Moves and see their potential much of time. Additionally you can spot pokemon with abnormally high levels for the area. Makes continuing to search for pokemon in a given area much more enjoyable than in games past as it feels like there is much more variety to it. It also has helped me being on a nuzlocke as I'm not completely blind as to which pokemon I get. It may be kind of cheating to do this in a Nuzlocke, but it's new so it can't be all that bad in that regard right? The Match Call System - Making a return from the original R/S/E, this feature is the second best rematch system to only the Vs Seeker in my opinion. But it's FAR more realistic. I can't remember if rematched trainers in other games continue to scale based on how many badges you have, but I also love that. The format of the Match Call is much more easy to read and navigate through in this iteration of the game as well. You can also see what pokemon the opponent had the last time you battled them so you can tell if they're trainers you'd even want to rematch in the fist place. This, as a whole, is great for in game grinding and not forcing you to battle wild pokemon for hours on end. Revamped Movesets - Some pokemon got access to moves they should have had for a LONG time coming. Others simply learned better moves at more reasonable levels. Either way it's a change I welcome with open arms. It also means less training for pokemon who want to breed for competitive battling. I'm shocked it took gamefreak so long to give Gyarados Crunch for example, especially with it's Mega Evolution being part Dark type. That's fixed now along with many others. Secret Bases - I have not yet made my own secret base, but I have seen what can be done with them in this game and it is really exciting. Essentially being able to be your own Gym Leader? Sign me up right now! Now I can recognize my dreams of being a Ground Type Gym Leader and pound some scrubs into the dirt. Storyline Fast Travel - This is so convenient, May or Brendan often times ask you if you would like to travel to X and it saves so much time especially considering all the HM's that have to be used in this game to navigate through the world. 'inb4 TooMuchWater/10'
  16. Seaweed Relicanth, I thought it'd be fitting to keep it's red spot. more contrast? Less contrast? brighter? Darker? Olive/Blue Tropius Mr Potatopass (Nosepass) I for the life of me couldn't get this one to turn out exactly how I wanted. For reference.
  17. Trust me, she'll one up this. Or maybe even two up it.
  18. Can I get further clarification on Relicanth and Nosepass Relicanth - Seaweedy- Like covered in seaweeds, or seaweed looking color wise? Nosepass - Match Probopass - what was decided on for Probopass, Mr. Potatopass?
  19. Alright I'll see about doing Tropius, Relicanth, Nosepass tonight.
  20. Anyone know what's left to be done? I'd be happy to do a couple of 3rd gen ones.
  21. A bit late, I folded a couple days ago lol.
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