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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. The first question is more suited for the Troubleshooting forum, but I think it's okay for the time being seeing as you had multiple questions. Please don't double post, just use the 'edit' button to the bottom right of the post thanks. I don't know the specifics of your downloading issues and without more information I don't know how much I can help you. Perhaps Amethyst or Dan can help though. EDIT: To update you can simply delete your old Pokemon Reborn Folder as the save file isn't actually stored there. Alternatively you can rename that current folder to something like 'Reborn 11' and then keep the newer one as well. The Save file is kept somewhere else completely different so deleting the old one is irrelevant.
  2. Disclaimer: We do NOT recommend reverting to old episodes it increases the chances of your save file corrupting. If you do, please be sure to back up your save file first and keep it in another location. Just copy and paste it elsewhere.
  3. I think xellion basically meant a TV Guide of sorts, which, as Amethyst said, should be easy enough to implement.
  4. If anything pro choice is more logical? Don't want to have bad things happen? Take the steps to assure it's not an issue in the first place? How ISN'T that logical? If the 1/1000 odds that a pregnancy will occur over the course of a given year for any couple while on the pill aren't good enough for you, then be abstinent. But if you're taking the risk, be prepared to deal with the consequences and not force the child to pay for YOUR mistake. But nah, that's not logical at all. Keep mud slinging bro. If someones house gets robbed AT ALL the Government DOES NOT help them, if they have insurance the insurance might help, Are you from the United States? If you are, this clearly goes to show me you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. There are 'pockets' of the world that COULD support human life right now, that we choose not to. Los Angeles for example, was actually a baron desert. Plenty of other places COULD adapt, but that's not my argument to defend. FWIW, the estimates are that the world COULD sustain up to 10 Billion people. (There are currently 7 Billion). Although the growing number of people, the intro to idiocracy explains it all pretty well. Back to the main debate. Children aren't 'punishment' as you keep saying, they're the consequences of your actions. The old expression 'you reap what you sew.' IN WHAT WAY DOES THAT SUGGEST THAT PRO LIFE PEOPLE DON'T CARE ABOUT CHILDREN ONCE THEY'RE BORN? THAT IS NOT LOGIC AT ALL. Did you even read what I posted bro? Infants are almost always adopted. Yes it's sad that there are kids who live in orphanages, but that's hardly ever the case since infancy. Once again, you're showing just how ignorant you are and you clearly didn't read what I said. Brainwashing? Trust me, I'm more of a skeptic than anyone you know, sorry if I feel like the human a couple is responsible for brining into existence should get a chance instead of just being tossed in a garbage can. Yes, men, women each provide %50 of the action and %50 of the DNA, hence they should be held equally accountable.
  5. This thread would be better off in the 'On The Hunt' forum.
  6. To put it in more simple terms. The left/right dictates your economical outlook on things. (Liberal/Conservative) The up/down dictates your social outlook on things. (Authoritarian/Libertarian) There are differences but Libertarian means more personal freedoms, Authoritarian means more control of the government over the lives of the people it's supposed to serve.
  7. If the woman at least suggests rape, then that immediately causes more trouble for both of them involved,most people would think twice about getting an Abortion rather than going through traumatic experiences with someone they probably love. If the woman suggests rape it would be permitted, it must be testified and officially on record. If it's with someone they love, is it worth all that trouble? It's not a fool proof system, but it's far better than just saying that an unborn child who did not ask to be brought into existence be put down without a say. Your ignorance is showing. Newborn infants hardly ever have a difficult time finding homes. It may sound like a barbaric analogy, but aren't kittens and puppies more sought after than their grown counterparts? Maybe the woman should have given a darn about her body and considered the potential consequences of her actions in the first place. Or would you rather put down a child who had no say in the matter in the first place. Brain waves start on average at 6 weeks. You can't say at that point that it's not a living being. I'm Agnostic. I'm pro-life. Go figure. Yeah she pretty much agreed that men should be held more accountable. That's why it's called a commitment or a relationship. If a woman can't trust a man to be there for her if things go wrong, should she trust him in bed? Should a man get into bed if he's not willing to be there for her if things go wrong? BOTH SIDES ARE EQUALLY AT FAULT. It takes two to tango as they say. Once again, newborn infants are almost always adopted and there are alternatives. How does one determine if whether or not a females body is in fact capable of handling pregnancy?
  8. Karpy, I don't know how you managed that, but... more power to you.
  9. Will post my iSideWith Results tomorrow.
  10. For US purposes, I think this website is much more informative and accurate. http://www.isidewith.com/
  11. Just keep looking in the area you found man. That's all that you can do.
  12. I don't know about you all, but Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball sounds like an awesome world to me.
  13. Updated the Forum FAQ, if you have any additional suggestions, please PM me. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10638

  14. No, that's the end of 13. Episode 14 will be around soon, so don't get too comfortable.
  15. Murdoc, you worded your previous post pretty poorly. Perhaps re-read through what you've posted next time. I can't blame him here.
  16. Because I can't let all of my childhood go. That's the short version of it. Also cus people I know play it.
  17. There's a whole laundry list of things that are likely to be implemented before Secret bases and connectivity such as this occur. I don't think it's entirely practical. I know the code for the Game is made using Ruby, but it's really a luxury at this point and many more things that should absolutely take precedence.
  18. Today I learned a couple of things about computers. I feel slightly less n00bish on the matter now.
  19. 'Thunderbolts and Ice Beams! VERY VERY FRIGHTNING!' I you want to breed Thunderbolt onto Magnezone or Ice Beam onto King, you'll have to revert to an Episode of Episode 12 or earlier. Episode 13+ has Gen VI breeding Mechanics and TM moves can not be passed down. We do not recommend reverting episodes as it is very much more likely to cause a corrupt save file.
  20. It's the same in both cases that we don't really know what happened. There weren't really any witnesses in the Trayvon Martin case, but the witness(es) very well may be lying in this case. The autopsy and crime scene suggest as much. The case should not have yet come to a close in my opinion. There was still too much that we didn't look into. I also would have liked to have heard more from officer Wilson himself. The fact remains, the media got what they want. Another story for click bait, controversy, and further driving a wedge between the people of this nation.
  21. Believe me, if that were an option, she would have done that by now. My guess is it would severely limit her capabilities to work with the rest of the site based on the host that is being used, which is currently the best she can get.
  22. Yes, Amethyst had already more or less suggested this with her Status update and topic on the server. 1-2 weeks most likely.
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