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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. There's a thread for this already a littler further down the page. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10649 You need to learn to use the search bar at the top of the Nav Panel to the left my friend.
  2. Soon you'll have a bakers dozen. Rose, and the Spanish Armada
  3. That's what I was getting at. The ALO stuff isn't entertaining because it's too cliche and corny. As well as the glaring fact that they aren't in any real danger. I stopped watching SAO2 as soon as they went back to ALO because hell to the no.
  4. Sword Art Online ALO is such garbage.
  5. Are in game trades ok in a Nuzlocke?

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Preference afaik. Personally I say they're okay as long as it's the only thing you do in that zone.

  6. The 'Don't Worry' was absolutely out of place, but Faust is also correct that the channels are supposed to inform their viewers of such.
  7. Yes as Covet is an attacking move it won't effect Shade, normal Status moves do effect ghost types though.
  8. Knock Off will probably be included as one of the last move tutor moves available if not post game.
  9. It's roughly 1/101 in pokemon reborn.
  10. If you want deep, I recommend the album 'The Family Sign' and 'When Life Give you Lemons, you Paint that S*** Gold' His older albums are quite a bit different, not as deep messaged but many folks prefer them. If you're gonna go through those, look at 'Lucy Ford' first.
  11. He has a tribute song to Eyedea here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFXJN3oWlBk
  12. We, are going to get along just fine my friend. The only other one I want to get your opinion on is, Atmosphere.
  13. Well then, all she needs to do is NOT hit me OK Goddess Minerva?
  14. Dang it, I said I wasn't gonna and I've cracked. ^'ONE OF US'
  15. Let me also suggest the Gym Leader Help Thread if you can't currently beat Charlotte. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10709
  16. It's not that I'm submissive per se. I just could never bring myself to hit a woman. I don't care if was a total stranger if I saw someone about to hit a woman, I'd sucker punch the shit out of them, no questions asked. The only defense I'd have against her would be a Bear hug. Anywho, I guess Zeph again.
  17. Well you certainly gave us a lot to go on! Welcome to the Reborn community bro. Be sure to read the rules to the left and I'd recommend also taking a look at the FAQ if you have some spare time. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10638 If you have any questions, you can ask the Admins and Global Mods, or myself and whoever it is will be happy to help. What are some other possibly somewhat more known artists you are into? There are plenty of people who play LoL quite a bit, so check out the Gaming General forum too.
  18. It's not supposed to? It never was able to learn Leaf Blade.
  19. Oh you want a Regigigas? Better bring some Ice Cream... XD

    1. Cepheus


      This is the stupidest thing anyone could imagine...

      WHY does Regice need to be nicknamed? I like my Pokemon un-nicknamed...

  20. It depends what you're looking for and what the rest of your team looks like. Mind posting what you have now?
  21. He's not at Tanzan Cove where the Luvdiscs are yet. He's still looking to battle Shade, so that's not an option.
  22. arison, it's my recommendation that you familiarize yourself with the search bar in the top left corner ABOVE your avatar. You'd probably be able to find various posts about this already. Anyways. You can get heart scales by mining (I'd recommend saving and soft resetting at a rock if you really want one) Additionally click around everywhere, you might not have the item finder yet, but there are all sorts of goodies hidden all over the place in Reborn.
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