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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. [16:39:44] %RBRN Azery: stfu you stink of weed [16:39:53] #Quіnn: SILENCE RBRN Azery was muted by Quіnn for 7 minutes. Quіnn was muted by Jеriсhо for 7 minutes. [16:40:02] &Jеriсhо: Shhhh RBRN Azery was unmuted by Jеriсhо. Quіnn was unmuted by Jеriсhо. [16:40:09] %RBRN Azery: lmfao RBRN Azery was muted by entreflores for 1 hour. [16:40:25] &Jеriсhо: lmao [16:41:03] #Quіnn: cant even ban him [16:41:09] #Quіnn: broken tbh RBRN Azery was unmuted by Quіnn. [16:41:19] #Quіnn: There you go bud [16:41:23] &Jеriсhо: It's because & is technically ranked higher than # [16:41:27] &Jеriсhо: but it's not shown as such RBRN Azery was muted by Quіnn for 1 hour. [16:41:49] &Jеriсhо: Now you're just being mean RBRN Azery was unmuted by Quіnn. [16:42:15] #Quіnn: he asked a dumb question [16:42:25] #Quіnn: and then got sassy when i answered [16:42:29] #Quіnn: it was deserved [16:42:45] &Jеriсhо: You know what else was deserved? [16:42:51] #Quіnn: deez nuts [16:42:54] &Jеriсhо: Deez nuts [16:42:55] &Jеriсhо: Yes [16:42:57] &Jеriсhо: indeed [16:42:58] %RBRN Azery: wow [16:43:11] %RBRN Azery: just [16:43:11] %RBRN Azery: wo [16:43:12] %RBRN Azery: w [16:43:13] &Jеriсhо: I waited to see if he'd say that [16:43:15] &Jеriсhо: and he did RBRN Azery was warned by Quіnn. (DEEZ NUTS) [16:43:26] &Jеriсhо: LMFAO
  2. Thanks to all of you guys who stopped in and watched my stream even briefly, it makes playing games that much more fun when there's others to talk to about it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flux


      I watched for a while, but didn't say anything.


      It was a pretty fun stream for the time I was there though.

    3. Sheep


      Same as Flux, I watched you get blown up by teammates grenades for about 10 minutes but didn't say anything 'cause I don't have an account. I enjoyed it though.

    4. Tempest


      It was fun, even if you're a scrub and die a lot.

  3. Didn't say anything earlier because I was frustrated for reason outside of PokeNations, but it was fun! Made some good predictions and some stupid plays as well. I very much enjoy battling someone with fairly similar skill or y'know perhaps somewhat better.
  4. Do you believe in the me that believes in the you???
  5. I should warn you for unnecessary posting, this is an AMA thread where you are supposed to ask the person questions. This isn't even a question. #humblebrag
  6. I'll answer the second question if I happen to end up making an AMA of my own since I specifically asked for one question~ Just because it's "Stagnant"?
  7. What's your favorite television series in recent years?
  8. I'd like a team with both Slowking* and Haxorus.
  9. A bit biased, but this image I believe with the pictures within aside, describes it the best.
  10. Alice, did you mean "Liberal or conservative?" Because Libertarian is like half of each.
  11. It's pretty overrated to be honest. With that said though, everywhere that you go that says they have Philly cheesesteaks that's outside of Philly has always done it not the same way and it's not the real deal.
  12. Mega Xatu 65 75 -> 65 (-10) 70 -> 95 (+25) 95 -> 125 (+20) 70 -> 115 (+45) 95 -> 115 (+20) Nothing Super Special I could do with this one, I did decide that I'd like to make it more defensive than it was though. Xatu @ Xatite Ability: Magic Bounce EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Roost - Calm Mind - Air Slash - Psyshock
  13. That was entertaining at least, this week should show a lot of creativity.
  14. Nothing else will be banned, as it was already agreed to by the leaders.
  15. Alright, going off that last one, If you could own any 'exotic pet' what would it be? (Not Cats/Dogs/Birds/Fish/TypicallyFounAtPetStore or.... squirrels, *glares at Ame's mom*)
  16. Top 10 birds you would f- Top 10 cutest critters? With pictures.
  17. Finally used the first of my lucky eggs today, took me from just over 13, to just shy of 17.
  18. Starting to look like the "coup" in Turkey was staged, and only served to give Erdogan more control and power.

    1. Cepheus


      was there any doubt, to begin with?

      a REAL coup would be much more effective, with far more participants and not only like 100 soldiers...

    2. pyrromanis


      I'm not an expert about coups, but a coup at 9 pm, without controling and cutting phone and tv communications imideatly, with only a few millitary bases participating and with UNARMED people stoping the FULLY ARMED soldiers seems very scetchy to me!

      And I'm not counting a million other things like the already made lists with names that are going be hunt down...

  19. We may be small in number, but we control everything from the shadows.
  20. Flying Press is listed as fighting and will count as fighting. We decided Hidden Power this week can be the type that you make it. We'll be playing under standard STABmons tier. http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/stabmons.3547279/ Relevant bans from the tier itself for this week: (Note, these moves that are not permitted can still be used by Pokemon who learn them naturally and they are still allowed in such cases.) See answer(s) above. These will be limited to being normal moves as they're essentially much stronger versions of Hidden Power. Not permitted. Oh as for the Mega Pokemon, they can use STAB moves of their original typings.
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